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研究生: 吳淑樺
Shu-Hua Wu
論文名稱: 霸凌旁觀者的反應-台灣辦公室案例研究
Bullying bystander reactions—a case study
指導教授: 吳克振
Cou-Chen Wu
口試委員: 林我聰
woo-Tsong Lin
S-S Hsing
Shun-Chiao Chang
Jen-Wei Cheng
Cou-Chen Wu
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 67
中文關鍵詞: 旁觀者EVLN model;不公平離職辦公室霸凌
外文關鍵詞: Bystander, EVLN model, Injustice, Turnover, Workplace bullying
相關次數: 點閱:451下載:0
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  • 此篇單一個案研究的主角是辦公室霸凌事件旁觀者,透過深度訪談與語意分析,協助我們對霸凌旁觀者的行為有更深入的了解。多數職場霸凌研究從霸凌受害者的角度出發,但一如多數的研究所揭示,大多數的受害者選擇短時間內離開組織,但我們認為問題卻未必會隨著受害者的離開而獲得解決。甚至可能因為受害者的離開,反而後續引起組織內部成員的擾動。

    This study aimed to describe bystander interactions with targets, bullies, and organizational factors in a Taiwanese office context. Various factors shape bystanders’ perceptions of bullying; further, how those perceptions subsequently influence bystanders’ reactions.
    Data were collected through conversational interviews and selective thematic analyses were undertaken to explore participants’ lived experiences. The interview findings identified the main theme of “injustice” and revealed that bystanders’ reactions depend on how the organization handles bullying incidents. An experience of injustice typically had a considerable influence on participants’ work engagement and loyalty toward the organization. A lack of managerial involvement in preventing bullying behavior increased bystanders’ turnover intention and negatively affected the company’s bottom line.
    The results reveal the importance of including bystanders in future interventions against workplace bullying. This study contributes to the extant workplace bullying research by describing bystanders’ reactions and the consequences for organizations.

    Table of Contents 摘要 I Abstract II 誌 謝 III List of Tables V Chapter 1. Introduction 1 Chapter 2. Literature Review 5 2.1. Workplace bullying 5 2.2. Organizational trust and justice 7 2.3. Exit-Voice-Loyalty-Neglect Model 9 2.4. Culture in Conflict Management 11 2.5. Employer brand 12 Chapter 3. Research Problem 13 Chapter 4. Methods 14 4.1. Sampling 16 4.2. Data collection 16 4.3. Data analysis 17 Chapter 5. Findings 18 5.1. Overt bullying behavior 18 5.2. Attempts to change the situation 20 5.3. Voice—approaching human resources manager 21 5.4. Loyalty—seeking another internal solution 22 5.5. Neglect—indifference to the company’s well-being 23 5.6. Exit—giving up 26 5.7. Negative chain reaction 28 Chapter 6. Discussion of Results 29 Chapter 7. Conclusions 35 Chapter 8. Research limitations 37 References 38 Table 1 Characteristics of Interviewees 58 Table 2 Interview Guide 59 List of Tables Table 1 Characteristics of Interviewees 58 Table 2 Interview Guide 59

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