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研究生: 吳國金
Ignatius - Kevin Wibowoputra
指導教授: 呂守陞
Sou-Sen Leu
口試委員: 陳鴻銘
Hung-Ming Chen
Min-Yuan Cheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 113
中文關鍵詞: green building rating systemassessment toolsenergy efficiencyindoor environment qualitytropical area
外文關鍵詞: green building rating system, assessment tools, energy efficiency, indoor environment quality, tropical area
相關次數: 點閱:441下載:2
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    Designers and clients alike are now emphasizing on how to make their buildings green. Construction sector is one of the largest end users of environmental resources. Moreover, it is also one of the largest polluters of manmade and natural environment around the world. During the past years, green building has rapidly growth. Several rating systems developed as assessment tools to measure the sustainability level of green buildings. Currently, they are dealing with innovative ways to implement energy efficient in new buildings. From past researches, building energy efficiency is become more important as it is highly contributed in global warming. Furthermore, in green building rating system, energy and indoor environmental quality are the top two category that contributed into the credit points. This is express how important these two categories in overall rating system. In this research, the main concern is in the tropical area office buildings, especially in Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam.
    The objective in this study is to compare different rating systems used in tropical area in terms of energy and indoor environmental quality. The differences and similarities will be presented to give better understanding about rating systems in tropical area based on their credit points, requirement and material or facilities to be used.

    Designers and clients alike are now emphasizing on how to make their buildings green. Construction sector is one of the largest end users of environmental resources. Moreover, it is also one of the largest polluters of manmade and natural environment around the world. During the past years, green building has rapidly growth. Several rating systems developed as assessment tools to measure the sustainability level of green buildings. Currently, they are dealing with innovative ways to implement energy efficient in new buildings. From past researches, building energy efficiency is become more important as it is highly contributed in global warming. Furthermore, in green building rating system, energy and indoor environmental quality are the top two category that contributed into the credit points. This is express how important these two categories in overall rating system. In this research, the main concern is in the tropical area office buildings, especially in Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam.
    The objective in this study is to compare different rating systems used in tropical area in terms of energy and indoor environmental quality. The differences and similarities will be presented to give better understanding about rating systems in tropical area based on their credit points, requirement and material or facilities to be used.

    TABLES OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS i ABSTRACT ii TABLES OF CONTENTS iii LIST OF FIGURES vii LIST OF TABLES viii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Research Background 1 1.2 Research Scope, Motivations and Objectives, and Assumptions 2 1.2.1 Research Scope 2 1.2.2 Research Motivation and Objectives 8 1.3 Research Outline 9 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 11 2.1 Green Building Rating Systems 12 2.2 Importance of Energy Category in Green Building 14 2.3 Importance of Indoor Environmental Quality Category in Green Building 16 2.4 Past Studies 20 2.5 Conclusion 22 CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 23 3.1 Green Building Rating System in United States – LEED 26 3.2 Green Building Rating System in Indonesia – Greenship 27 3.3 Green Building Rating System in Vietnam – LOTUS 28 3.4 Green Building Rating System in Malaysia – GBI 29 3.5 Tropical Area Climate 30 3.6 Bottom-Up Method 32 3.7 Conclusion 33 CHAPTER 4 COMPARISON OF ENERGY CATEGORY IN TROPICAL AREA 34 4.1 Green Building Assessment Comparison 34 4.2 Energy Metering 41 4.2.1 Low Level Comparison 41 4.2.2 Top Level Comparison 42 4.3 Energy Performance 46 4.3.1 Low Level Comparison 46 4.3.2 Top Level Comparison 49 4.4 Renewable Energy 54 4.4.1 Low Level Comparison 55 4.4.2 Top Level Comparison 56 4.5 Conclusion 60 CHAPTER 5 COMPARISON OF IEQ CATEGORY IN TROPICAL AREA 61 5.1 Indoor Environmental Quality 61 5.2 Indoor Air Quality 65 5.2.1 Low Level Comparison 65 5.2.2 Top Level Comparison 67 5.3 Tobacco Smoke Control 69 5.3.1 Low Level Comparison 70 5.3.2 Top Level Comparison 71 5.4 External Views 73 5.4.1 Low Level Comparison 74 5.4.2 Top Level Comparison 76 5.5 Hazardous Materials 77 5.5.1 Low Level Comparison 78 5.5.2 Low Level Comparison 78 5.6 Thermal Comfort 81 5.6.1 Low Level Comparison 81 5.6.2 Top Level Comparison 83 5.7 Daylight 86 5.7.1 Low Level Comparison 86 5.7.2 Top Level Comparison 88 5.8 Acoustic Performance 90 5.8.1 Low Level Comparison 90 5.8.2 Top Level Comparison 91 5.9 Conclusion 94 CHAPTER 6 EVALUATION AND CONCLUSION 95 6.1 Conclusion 95 6.2 Future Research 96 REFERENCES 97


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