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研究生: 楊育嘉
Yu-Chia Yang
論文名稱: 以科技接受模式探討傳統人類理專與理財機器人協作的接受因素
The Determinants of Acceptance for Robot-Advisor in Collaboration with Human Financial consultants: An Application of TAM
指導教授: 曾盛恕
Seng-Su Tsang
Yi-Ying Chang
口試委員: 曾盛恕
Seng-Su Tsang
Yi-Ying Chang
Ching-Ren Chiu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 49
中文關鍵詞: 機器人理財理財專員金融科技科技接受模式
外文關鍵詞: Robo-Advisor, Financial consultants, Financial Technology, TAM
相關次數: 點閱:846下載:6
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金融科技所引發的破壞式創新,挑戰既有金融服務方式和消費行為。傳統人類理專不禁開始擔心,原本專屬於人類的財富管理工作,未來是否將逐漸被理財機器人取代!本研究主要以科技接受模式(Technology Acceptance Model,TAM) 另加入個人創新性、競爭者使用度及知覺互補性的外部變數探討傳統人類理財專員對理財機器人協同工作的接受因素以及影響理財機器人使用態度之關鍵因素。


Disruptive innovation triggered by financial technology is challenging the existing financial service providers and consumer behaviors. Financial consultants cannot help but worrying about being replaced by robo-advisor on wealth management which is a business used to be served by human beings. This study investigated the factors influencing the collaboration between financial consultants and robo-advisor with a TAM perspective which includes external variables of personal innovation, competitors' use, and perceptual complementarity.

The results show that, the use by competitors has a significant impact on perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use; perceived complementarity has a significant impact on perceived usefulness, but it has no significant effect on perceived ease of use; personal innovation has no significant impact on perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. To sum up, financial consultants and robo-advisor have a great willingness to use in collaborative work. Factors that affect their willingness are perceptual usefulness, perceptual ease of use, competitor use, and perceptual complementarity. Traditional financial consultants and robo-advisor may not be simply competing, but they can also complement each other to create greater value.

摘要 1 ABSTRACT 2 誌謝 3 目錄 4 圖目錄 6 表目錄 7 1 緒論 8 1.1研究背景與動機 8 1.2研究目的 10 1.3研究流程 11 1.4研究限制 13 2 文獻回顧 14 2.1理財機器人之介紹 14 2.1.1 理財機器人定義 14 2.1.2理財機器人發展現況 16 2.2傳統人類理財專員之介紹 18 2.3金融科技趨勢 21 2.4科技接受模式(Technology Acceptance Model,TAM) 24 2.5外在變數(External Variable) 26 3 研究設計與方法 30 3.1研究架構與假說 30 3.2. 問卷內容設計 32 3.4. 統計分析方法 35 4 研究分析與結果 39 4.1. 樣本特性說明與資料分析結果 39 4.2. 敘述性統計及測量模式分析 41 4.2.1. 信度及效度分析 43 4.2.2. 區別效度分析 45 4.3. 結構模式分析 46 5 結論 50 5.1結論 50 5.2管理意涵與學術貢獻 51 5.3未來研究方向 52 參考文獻 56

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