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研究生: 林科吟
Ke-Yin Lin
論文名稱: 臺灣高薪100指數成分股增刪宣告效果之影響因素
The factors of the newly added and excluded constituent stocks announcement effects on the Taiwan High Compensation 100 Index
指導教授: 張琬喻
Woan-Yuh Jang
口試委員: 紀佳芬
Chia-Fen Chi
Wei-Chung Miao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 財務金融研究所
Graduate Institute of Finance
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 58
中文關鍵詞: 台灣高薪100指數異常報酬事件研究法季營收年增率員工平均福利費用
外文關鍵詞: Taiwan High Compensation 100 Index, Abnormal Return, Event Study Method, Quarterly Revenue Growth Rate, Average Employee Benefit Expense
相關次數: 點閱:667下載:0
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本研究採用2015年至2021年「臺灣高薪100指數」新增及剔除成分股之樣本資料,透過事件研究法及線性迴歸模型進行實證分析,探討「臺灣高薪100指數」新增及剔除成分股之宣告效果及此宣告效果的影響因素。細究之,即探索「臺灣高薪100指數」成分股新增及剔除之宣告是否具有資訊內涵(Information Content),並進一步驗證樣本公司之季營收年增率及員工平均福利費用兩變數是否影響事件宣告效果。

This study explored the impact of "Taiwan High Compensation 100 Index" when the newly added and excluded stocks announced, also the factors of this effect. We are doing empirical analysis through the event study method and the linear regression model, including the samples, which are the newly added and excluded constituent stocks price data of "Taiwan High Compensation 100 Index" during the periods from 2015 to 2021. Furthermore, we will explore whether the announcement of the newly added and excluded constituent stocks has information connotation, and find the impact of the two variables, “quarterly revenue growth rate” and “the average employee benefit expense”.
The empirical results of the event study method show that the newly added constituent stocks of "Taiwan High Compensation 100 Index" have positive announcement effect in short term, which is in line with the information connotation hypothesis, because of the stock price early reaction situation. However, a price reversal occurred 2 days after the event, possibly due to profit taking. In addition, after the effective date of the stock-excluded event, there is a significant negative average abnormal return with a persistent effect, which is consistent with the information connotation hypothesis.
The linear regression model was used to examine the factors of the newly added and excluded constituent stocks announcement effect in "Taiwan High Compensation 100 Index". For newly constituent stocks samples, there are a significant positive correlation, which is in line with the connotative information hypothesis. In terms of excluded constituent stocks, neither the quarterly revenue growth rate nor the average employee benefit expense is related to the stock cumulative abnormal return rate.
Overall, the results of this study found that the addition of constituent stocks in the "Taiwan High Compensation 100 Index" has a positive announcement effect, while the deletion of constituent stocks has a negative announcement effect. In addition, if the newly added constituent stocks can be divided into high-quarterly revenue growth rate group, an investment portfolio with higher abnormal returns can be formed. The empirical results obtained in this study not only provide the investors with investment strategies with positive and abnormal returns as a reference, but also the implication that sharing profits with employees can increase the value of enterprises. It can also be used by enterprises as a reference for the sustainable development.

摘要…………………………………………………………………………………….I Abstract II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 V 表目錄 VI 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 5 第三節 研究架構 6 第貳章 文獻探討與假說 7 第一節 利益關係人理論(Stakeholder Theory) 7 第二節 員工薪資對公司股價影響 8 第三節 價格壓力假說 9 第四節 資訊內涵假說 10 第五節 半強式效率市場假說 10 第參章 研究方法 12 第一節 臺灣高薪指數100介紹 12 第二節 樣本篩選 13 第三節 資料來源 16 第四節 事件研究法 21 第五節 線性迴歸模型 22 第肆章 實證結果與分析 24 第一節 臺灣高薪100指數新增股生效日之異常報酬率 24 第二節 臺灣高薪100指數剔除股生效日之異常報酬率 25 第三節 線性迴歸模型相關變數之敘述統計 27 第四節 平均累積異常報酬率與關鍵自變數之關係 33 第五節 累積異常報酬率線性迴歸模型之估計結果 36 第伍章 結論與建議 42 第一節 結論 42 第二節 未來研究方向建議 44 參考文獻 45 中文文獻 45 英文文獻 46 參考網站 47 附錄 新增及刪除成分股所有樣本薪資最高及最低10家公司 49

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