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Author: 曾鈺惠
Yu-Hui Tseng
Thesis Title: 跨語言、多語者之語音合成技術及自動評估方法研究
Cross-lingual Multi-speaker Text-To-Speech Synthesis with Automatic Evaluation
Advisor: 林伯慎
Bor-Shen Lin
Committee: 楊傳凱
Chuan-Kai Yang
Yuan-Cheng Lai
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2023
Graduation Academic Year: 111
Language: 中文
Pages: 60
Keywords (in Chinese): 跨語言合成多語者文字轉語音國台語語音合成自動化評估
Keywords (in other languages): Cross lingual S ynthesis, Multi speaker Text To Speech, Speech Synthesis for Mandarin and Taiwanese, Automatic Evaluation
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  • 文字轉語音可以應用在很多領域,像是有聲書、語言教學、網路代言等。本研究中我們希望可以建立一個跨語言、多語者的文字轉語音系統,對只會說單一語言的語者能合成出似其口音的跨語言語句。我們使用的合成模型是以Transformer為基礎的多語者文字轉語音模型。首先,將國台語料庫中的聲調和音素轉換成統一聲調和國際音標,並加入詞相對位置的B、I、E、S標記。接著,我們使用預訓練的x向量模型出計算語者特徵,並訓練單語言和跨語言的合成模型。單語言模型是以國、台語料分別訓練,能合成出單語言的語句;跨語言模型則是國、台語料混合一起訓練,其能合成出兩種語言(包括雙語切換)的語句。我們使用三種自動化方法來評估合成語音品質,包括梅爾倒頻譜失真度、語音辨識的字錯誤率、以及語者辨識的正確率,並對單語言與跨語言模型的合成語音進行實驗比較。我們發現,兩種合成模型的梅爾倒頻譜失真度均低於8,其中單語言模型的值比跨語言模型為低,代表其合成音品質較佳。在語音辨識上,混合訓練的跨語言模型能得到與單語言訓練相近的辨識效能。雖然國語語者沒有台語的訓練語料,系統所合成出這些語者的台語句依然具有可理解性,字錯誤率甚至低於原台語語者所講的台語。在語者辨識上,我們發現台語的正確率遠高於國語,這可能是由於語言的差異和國語語者數較多。而跨語言模型所生成的跨語言語句因少了語言差異,其語者辨識正確率會比單語言模型低,但依然能夠保留部分語者口音相似性。

    Text-to-speech has been actively researched recently since it can be used in many fields, such as audio books, language tutors, and youtubers. The aim of this research is to build a cross-lingual multi-speaker text-to-speech system for Mandarin and Taiwanese, which can synthesize Mandarin or Taiwanese utterances for all training speakers, including Taiwanese utterances with the accents of the Mandarin speakers, and vice versa. The synthesis model used is the transformer-based text-to-speech model with speaker embeddings. First, the phonemes and tones in the Mandarin and Taiwanese databases are converted and represented with International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) and the Unified Tone, and B-I-E-S tags are added to indicate their relative positions on word level. Next, speaker embeddings are computed from a pretrained x-vector model, and used to train the monolingual and cross-lingual synthesis models respectively. The monolingual model is trained on Mandarin and Taiwanese databases separately and can synthesize monolingual utterances, while the cross-lingual model is trained on the Mandarin and Taiwanese databases altogether and can synthesize the utterances in either language or the code-switching utterances. Three metrics are used to evaluate automatically the quality of the synthesized speeches for the monolingual and the cross-language models, including the mel-cepstral distortion, the character error rate of speech recognition, and the accuracy of speaker identification. Experimental results show that the mel-cepstral distortions for both models are lower than 8, and that of the monolingual model is a little lower, which indicates a better sound quality. In terms of speech recognition, the cross-linguistic model can achieve the performance similar to that of the monolingual model. Though the Mandarin speakers do not provide any Taiwanese training utterance, the synthesized Taiwanese utterances for those speakers are still quite comprehensible, and the character error rate is even lower than that of the original Taiwanese speakers. In terms of speaker identification, it was found that the accuracy for the synthesized Taiwanese utterances is much higher than that for the Mandarin utterances, probably due to the language difference and the larger number of Mandarin speakers. Additionally, when the utterances are synthesized across languages, e.g. the Taiwanese utterances are synthesized for the Mandarin speakers, the accuracy is lower than those synthesized from the monolingual model, but the speaker accent can still be retained.

    第1章 序論 1.1 研究背景與動機 1.2 研究主要成果 1.3 論文組織與架構 第2章 文獻回顧 2.1 傳統語音合成 2.1.1 串接式合成 2.1.2 參數式合成 2.2 基於深度學習的文字轉語音方法 2.2.1 Tacotron 2 2.2.2 Transformer TTS 2.3 聲碼器 2.3.1 WaveNet Vocoder 2.3.2 HiFi-GAN 2.4 語者嵌入特徵 2.4.1 d-向量 2.4.2 x-向量 2.5 跨語言多語者文字轉語音 2.5.1 基於Tacotron 2的跨語言多語者文字轉語音 2.6 本章摘要 第3章 跨語言多語者之文字轉語音 3.1 文字轉語音模型 3.1.1 語料介紹 3.1.2 單語言多語者訓練方法 3.1.3 多語言多語者訓練方法 3.2 自動評估方法 3.2.1 語音辨識模型 3.2.2 語者辨識模型 3.3 合成系統與基礎評估 3.4 自動化評估實驗 3.4.1 單語言合成模型的效能評估 3.4.2 跨語言合成模型的效能評估 3.5 本章摘要 第4章 結論 參考文獻

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