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研究生: 黃雨柔
Yu-Jou - Huang
論文名稱: 台灣之創造力研究回顧:以1998-2015臺灣博碩士論文為例
The Review of Creativity Study in Taiwan: Theses and Dissertation in Taiwan from 1998-2015
指導教授: 劉顯仲
John S. Liu
口試委員: 吳靜吉
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 科技管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Technology Management
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 77
中文關鍵詞: 創造力創造思考創意主路徑分析引證網路
外文關鍵詞: creativity, main path analysis, citation network
相關次數: 點閱:566下載:17
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文獻來源為臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統以及Web of Science (WOS)資料庫,透過關鍵字檢索蒐集創造力相關論文,共得台灣文獻樣本1900筆,國外文獻樣本3091筆。以此兩樣本利用主路徑分析與集群分析,探討兩者創造力研究發展演變,以及聚焦議題。

With the rapid changes in technology, creativity is the motivation of the social progress. The core of this study is to compare the creativity research of Taiwan with creativity research of foreign country. Through understanding the differences between the two creative researches will contribute to Taiwan's future research and development. We were to explore the past creativity literature, then try to find the development and critical topics of creativity.
This study searches past literature with keyword in National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertation in Taiwan and Web of Science database. After removing the unrelated papers, the total number of papers are 1900 from Taiwan and 3091 from foreign country.
Using main path analysis discover the core knowledge flow trajectory. The creativity development of Taiwan divided into two stages. The topic of two stages are almost the same, but the testing samples are different. In the first stage, the studies focused on high vocational students, however, the second stages focused on schoolchildren and gifted students. The creativity development of foreign country also divided into two stages.
The first stage studies are absorbed in clarifying the concept of creativity, and the second stage studies changed the topic to the creativity in work field. Besides main path analysis , we also use Edge-betweenness clustering classifies a large number of data into several groups. There are two main clusters in Taiwan, they focused on “creative thinking” and “ factors of creativity teaching” . In foreign country, there are three clusters, they focus on “creativity of educational psychology”, “creativity in work field” and “creativity of psychology and psychopathology”.
In conclusion, we compare the results of Taiwan and foreign country, and the study limitation and the direction for future research are discussed.

摘要I 表目錄VI 壹、緒論7 1.1研究背景7 1.2研究目的與問題8 貳、相關研究10 2.1文獻回顧10 2.1.1創造力的涵義10 2.1.2創造力理論14 參、研究方法19 3.1研究架構19 3.1.1資料來源20 3.1.2資料蒐集與關鍵字檢索21 3.2主路徑分析22 3.2.1資訊流量22 3.2.2路徑追蹤25 3.3集群分析32 肆、研究結果35 4.1資料統計35 4.2台灣創造力研究結果36 4.2.1台灣創造力論文之關鍵延伸主路徑36 4.2.2台灣創造力論文之集群分析41 4.3國外創造力研究結果49 4.3.1國外創造力論文之關鍵延伸主路徑49 4.3.2國外創造力論文之集群分析54 伍、研究結論65 5.1台灣與國外發展主路徑探討65 5.2台灣與國外聚焦議題探討67 5.3研究限制與未來研究69

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