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研究生: 孫宥慈
You-Tzu Sun
論文名稱: 台灣軍職人員在翻譯之困難點研究
A Study of the Translation Difficulties Encountered by Military Officers in Taiwan
指導教授: 陳聖傑
Sheng-Jie Chen
口試委員: 周若漢
Robert Johanson
I-Ping Ho
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人文社會學院 - 應用外語系
Department of Applied Foreign Languages
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 132
中文關鍵詞: 翻譯困難點軍職人員專業領域
外文關鍵詞: professional terminology, military officers, translation difficulties
相關次數: 點閱:638下載:0
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  • 本研究目的在探討軍職人員之翻譯困難點,研究對象為台灣陸軍司令部之軍職人員。研究方式以問卷調查法,針對陸軍司令部各階軍職人員進行抽樣調查。本研究是以問卷方式,探究105位軍職人員在中翻英和英翻中所遇到的困難點,即在學習翻譯、理解原文及表達譯文上的困難點,另擇10位軍職人員針對背景因素(如:年齡、階級、是否至國外受訓等)影響翻譯的困難點實施訪談。經分析結果發現,軍職人員在英翻中時,對於學習、理解及表達等特殊專業軍事英文領域感到遭遇較多的困難,但在中翻英時,軍職人員因中文能力的不足、對中文的句法、語義、修飾及文字順序與英語不同等的不瞭解而遭遇翻譯的困難。研究結果顯示母語修辭的表達流暢與否更是影響翻譯結果的關鍵因素。受訪的軍職人員同時認為至國外受訓可增進英語翻譯能力的培養,並可由國防部等相關單位每季或每年開班,邀請相關翻譯係所講師教授軍職人員翻譯的方法及技巧,未來翻譯訓練課程可依本研究結果及建議,調整軍職人員之翻譯教學方法與技巧。其研究結果不僅富含教學意義,更可作為翻譯指導者的參考。

    The purpose of this study is to explore the difficulties military officers have when they are making English-to-Chinese translations, and vice versa, so as to find effective ways to enhance officers’ translation competence. There were 105 participants involved in this study in which both qualitative and quantitative methods were employed. All 105 participants responded to a questionnaire making up the quantitative portion of this study while 10 participants were interviewed making up the qualitative portion of the study. Officers encountered more difficulties in professional fields when translating military terms from English to Chinese. Regarding Chinese-to-English translation, they had difficulty comprehending Chinese syntax, semantics, rhetoric and adjusting the Chinese word order of modifiers. Officers believed that training abroad or inviting instructors quarterly or annually to teach translation technique might be a good way to improve their translation capability. The results of this study could have pedagogical implications in regard to reference for military translation instruction by endeavoring to provide a better understanding of the difficulties officers encounter when undertaking Chinese-to-English or English-to-Chinese translations.

    中文摘要IV ABSTRACTV ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSVI CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION1 1.1 Background and Motivation1 1.2 Problem Statement2 1.3 Purpose of the Study4 1.4 Research Questions4 1.5 Scope of the Study5 1.6 Definition of Special Terms5 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW7 2.1 Translation Theories8 2.1.1 Three-stage Translation8 2.1.2 Three Norms of Translation9 2.2 Learning Difficulties11 2.2.1 Listening Difficulties12 2.2.2 Reading Comprehension Difficulties15 2.2.3 Writing Difficulties19 2.2.4 Translation Difficulties21 2.3 Research Methods24 2.3.1 Qualitative Research25 2.3.2 Quantitative Research26 CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY28 3.1 Participants28 3.2 Instruments29 3.2.1 The Instrument Employed in the First Pilot Study30 3.2.2 The Instrument Employed in the Second Pilot Study32 3.2.3 The Instrument Employed in the Current Study33 3.3 Procedure35 3.4 Data Analysis35 CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS37 4.1 Exploratory Analysis37 4.1.1 Difficulties in Translating from English to Chinese37 4.1.2 Difficulties in Translating from Chinese to English45 4.2 Pair T Test53 4.2.1 Difficulties in Learning English-to-Chinese and Chinese-to-English Translation53 4.2.2 Difficulties in Comprehending Original English and Chinese Texts.56 4.2.3 Difficulties in Expressing Chinese and English Renderings.58 4.3 Interview61 4.3.1. Officers’ Opinions Concerning Translation Difficulty61 4.3.2 Whether Personal Background Factors Influence Translation Difficulty62 4.3.3 Which Background Factors Result in Translation Difficulty63 4.3.4 Suggestion for Military Officers to Conquer Translation Difficulty64 CHAPTER FIVE: CONCLUSION65 5.1 Major Findings65 5.2 Discussion69 5.3 Pedagogical Implications74 5.4 Suggestions75 REFERENCES76 Appendices91 Appendix A91 A Survey of Difficulties in Translating from English to Chinese and from Chinese to English (English Version)91 Appendix B102 The Survey of Difficulties in Translation in translation from English to Chinese and Chinese to English (Chinese version)102 Appendix C111 Interview Guide (English version)111 Appendix D112 Interview Guide (Chinese Version)112 Appendix E113 Interview Transcription113

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