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研究生: 林志明
論文名稱: 以設計科學角度探索知識管理系統開發:以MIC為例
指導教授: 周子銓
Tzu-Chuan Chou
口試委員: 羅乃維
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 63
中文關鍵詞: 知識管理系統開發策略意涵IT artifacts個案研討
外文關鍵詞: Knowledge Management (KM), System Development Strategic imlications, Information Technology (IT) artifacts, Case Study.
相關次數: 點閱:509下載:12
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有別於運用傳統系統開發方法,探討知識管理系統開發過程及關鍵成功因素等標的,本研究希望能利用設計科學的IT Artifacts概念,透過一個台灣的知名產業研究公司的深度個案研討,分析知識管理系統的開發設計過程,並試圖瞭解知識管理系統的策略意涵、提出知識管理系統的設計如何來支援組織策略的模型,將每個模型的IT Artifact關鍵機制定義出來。

Nowadays, Knowledge Management (KM) is a must-have helping organizations operate more productively. In this knowledge-based era, knowledge has become the most important resource for organizations to compete better. With better Knowledge Management, organizations are able to develop competitiveness and acquire the ability to survive in the marketplace. Therefore, how to leverage information technology (IT) to mange knowledge has become a key factor of entrepreneurial success. A Knowledge Management System (KMS) refers to an IT-based system designed to help manage knowledge in organizations, supporting the creation, storage and retrieval, transfer, and application of knowledge. The KMS designed to provide what organizations need to run their businesses is a core system for organization and is one of key factors helping organizations outperform others in the marketplace.
Previous studies suggest that the strategic implications are invaluable to gain an understanding of how information technology (IT) supports the business strategies and enhances organizational performance. However, still under-researched is how to manage organizational strategies with the support of KMS, which is of critical importance to understand the strategic implications of KMS.
Although this paper does not make the attempt to discuss the KMS design and key success factors using the traditional system development methods, instead of employing the concept of information technology(IT) artifacts in the design sciences as a lens for analyzing KMS design processes in order to understand the research issues. Through an in-depth case study of a famous Taiwanese consultant company, this study proposes a model of how KM system design supports business strategies. For each KMS artifact of the model, key mechanisms are identified.
Based on the four IT artifacts of the model, the findings suggest that through the context of system design linking KMSs and strategic implications of organizations, KMS constructs can make strategic direction more communicable and explicit explicit, and shape the new management philosophy. KMS model proposes the explicit problem and solution domains for the new strategy, it can also depict new KM model. In addition, the methods of KMS can facilitate systematic-based managerial culture. Finally, KMS as a system can act as an enabler and facilitator to fulfill the organizational strategy. This study represents a contribution to knowledge in this subject area.

摘 要I ABSTRACTII 第1章 緒論1 1.1研究背景與動機1 1.2研究目的3 1.3研究內容及範圍5 1.4論文架構5 第2章 文獻探討7 2.1知識管理7 2.2知識型組織9 2.3知識管理系統11 2.4設計科學的IT ARTIFACTS模式14 第3章 研究方法17 3.1研究策略17 3.2個案研究設計20 3.3資料蒐集方法21 第4章 個案研究24 4.1個案背景說明24 4.2CRP的概念階段如何支援組織策略目標26 4.3CRP的模型階段如何來支援組織的策略目標?30 4.4CRP的方法階段如何來支援組織的策略目標?33 4.5CRP的實體呈現階段如何來支援組織的策略目標?37 第5章 結論與未來研究方向47 5.1研究結論47 5.2研究限制與未來研究方向49 參考文獻51

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