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研究生: 鄭昔福
論文名稱: 六標準差應用於工業產品銷售流程之改善-以個案公司為例
A Case Study Of Industrial Product Selling Process Improvement By Six Sigma Methodology
指導教授: 楊文鐸
Wen-Dwo Yang
口試委員: 周碩彥
Shuo-Yan Chou
Zhang, Sheng Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 76
中文關鍵詞: 六標準差
外文關鍵詞: Six Sigma
相關次數: 點閱:260下載:1
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  • 六標準差(Six Sigma)是零誤差品質的關鍵所在。六標準差不只是一個品質改進方案,要求有多少投資就要有明確多少獲利一連改革方案,更是一套管理系統,用以達成長期的企業領導風格和頂尖績效,並造成企業最高營業目標,客戶滿意度以及股東權益。

    Six Sigma represent zero defect approach is the key target of quality improvement. Six Sigma is not only the quality improvement project, but also the management system to achieve the business operational target, customer satisfaction & shareholder equity assurance under leadership style culture change and benchmark performance. This study adopted case-study methodology, and this study also focus on experience sharing and question probe in the practical Six Sigma practice deployment. The content of this study included the steps and methodology to deploy Six Sigma activity in case study and the analysis of how to apply Six Sigma methodology in practical Telecom Industrial product selling process improvement. Expect the reader can understand the basic Six Sigma deployment structure frame, critical steps, methodology and benefit of Six Sigma activity in product selling process improvement. To probe the selling process management improvement and the critical issue.
    This case study target on 3M Taiwan Ltd who promoted Six Sigma activity since 2001. 3M Taiwan tight the Six Sigma target with business operational goal, and deploy all Six Sigma in all business operation units. The basic deployment structure frame included Growth, Cost & Cash. The Growth super Y is typically applied in business unit for selling process improvement to achieve the business unit operational target as growth. This case study adopted D-M-A-I-C methodology. First all, to got the support and commitment from business group head, understand the background & team member to identified the scope as well as project target in Define phase. Identify the process, completed the Cause & Effect Matrix, standardized the measurement system and establish the initial capability in Measure phase. Find six important critical variables after FMEA, then identified 4 critical variables after Multi-vari study in Analyze phase. To improve and to fix these 4 critical variables in Improve phase, then we apply control plan to sustain the gain in the final stage of Control phase. Finally the successful project is 53% over the baseline to hit the target too.
    Finally the conclusion we pointed out the successful factors in case study included the top level support and commitments, step by step to apply D-M-A-I-C methodology, team work contributions, professional Six Sigma tool application and the leadership by Black Belt expertise. Meanwhile, the suggest for those companies who are preparing to promote Six Sigma activity in all operational departments should be understood the different business model should modify the project process to meet the difference, then identify the core selling process scope and project goal to achieve the best result.

    目錄 中文摘要 I 英文摘要 II 目錄 III 圖目錄 V 表目錄 VII 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機與目的 1 第三節 研究架構 2 第四節 研究方法與研究流程 3 第二章 文獻探討 4 第一節 六標準差 4 第二節 產品銷售流程管理 32 第三章 個案公司背景 45 第一節 3M公司歷史暨營運介紹 45 第二節 3M公司的變革 49 第三節 個案公司專案背景介紹及界定(Define) 52 第四章 個案分析與研究 55 第一節 衡量(Measure) 55 第二節 分析(Analyze) 60 第三節 改進(Improve) 64 第四節 控制(Control) 65 第五節 改善後的評估及追蹤 67 第五章 結論與建議 69 第一節 結論 69 第二節 建議 71 第三節 未來研究方向 72 參考文獻 73 附錄 76 圖目錄 頁次 圖1-1 研究流程--------------------------------------------------------------- 3 圖2-1 平衡計分卡之策略營運架構---------------------------------------11 圖2-2 平衡計分卡之運作方式---------------------------------------------12 圖2-3 企業內部流程與價值鏈---------------------------------------------15 圖2-4 衡量的類型和範例---------------------------------------------------19 圖2-5 六標準差基礎架構---------------------------------------------------24 圖2-6 DMAIC流程----------------------------------------------------------26 圖2-7 DMAIC濾網----------------------------------------------------------28 圖2-8 價值驅動樹狀圖-----------------------------------------------------32 圖2-9 銷售流程的定義及三個角色--------------------------------------33 圖3-1 3M的技術平台------------------------------------------------------49 圖3-2 3M 臺灣子公司總公司、連絡處及生產線及研發中心位置-49 圖3-3 3M的五個改革方案------------------------------------------------51 圖3-4 個案部門業務成長目標樹狀圖-----------------------------------53 圖3-5 個案時間進度管制圖-----------------------------------------------55 圖4-1 個案最高層銷售流程圖--------------------------------------------56 圖4-2 個案專案流程圖-----------------------------------------------------57 圖4-3 個案特性要因矩陣圖-----------------------------------------------58 圖4-4 個案初期銷售能力進行圖-----------------------------------------60 圖4-5 個案巴瑞圖-----------------------------------------------------------64 圖4-6 個案主效應分析圖--------------------------------------------------64 圖4-7 個案改善成效進行圖-----------------------------------------------68 圖4-8 個案輸入因子篩選漏斗圖-----------------------------------------69 表目錄 頁次 表2-1 各公司六標準差實施重點及成就---------------------------------- 8 表2-2 各學者對六標準差活動之定義及內涵---------------------------- 9 表2-3 六標準差之基本組織------------------------------------------------14 表2-4 六標準差步驟及工具------------------------------------------------22 表2-5 六標準差問題解決順序---------------------------------------------31 表3-1 3M全球營運概況----------------------------------------------------47 表4-1 個案失效模式效應分析表------------------------------------------63 表4-2 個案改善行動方案---------------------------------------------------66 表4-3 個案管控計劃表------------------------------------------------------67

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