簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 鄭文賢
Wen-Hsien Cheng
論文名稱: 績差到績優—創造高績效銀行分行
Poor Performance to Excellent Performance- Creating High-performance Bank Branches
指導教授: 鄭仁偉
Jen-Wei Cheng
口試委員: 陳俊男
Chun-Nan Chen
Chia-Fen Chi
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 66
中文關鍵詞: π 型人才關鍵績效指標績效薪酬敏捷型組織
外文關鍵詞: π Talents, Key Performance Indicators, Performance Compensation, Agile Organizations
相關次數: 點閱:255下載:0
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個案銀行分行面臨人才流失及績效不彰的困境,主管與行員面談了解原因後,首先訂定【盈餘倍增】戰略目標,積極採取人員轉型,將放款業務及櫃檯人員轉型為全方位業務及行銷人員,重新建立KPI 辦法並重視績效獎酬制度,讓員工更有動能及目標,並將分行業務銷售模式改變為以增加手續費為主的業務。變革過程中一度遭遇行員反抗,個案主角不斷地溝通協調及更改KPI 辦法,員工逐漸凝聚向心力,最終創造高績效分行。
本個案以哈佛式個案撰寫,論文包括個案內容和教師教學指引手冊兩部分,透過教師引導,以個案為實例探討,透過本論文可了解π 型人才的特質及員工專業能力的調整、關鍵性指標的特點及原則、績效薪酬的設計並如何與關鍵性指標連結、敏捷型組織的特徵及企業如應用敏捷管理四大原則與五大做法。期望本個案論文可提供給企業界高階管理者的經營參考。

The case bank in this thesis has been in the banking industry for more than 40 years. It is a leading domestic private bank and has a place in Taiwan's financial market. Under the wave of Fin-Tech and digital era, many banking services will be replaced by automation and mechanization, and the bank's type will be different from the past. The branch's business model has changed. It is no longer just product-oriented and passively waits for customers. Onsite visits, while branch staff will shift from working side to customer service and financial consulting.
The case bank branch faces the dilemma of talent loss and poor performance. After
the case supervisor interviews the branch member to understand the reasons, first set the strategic goal of “earnings doubling”, adopt a positive transformation of personnel, and transform the lending business staff and counter staff into a comprehensive Business personnel and marketing personnel, re-established KPI method and attached importance to performance reward system, so that employees have more momentum and goals, and changed the branch sales business model of the branch to increase the handling fee-based business, the branch staff once during the transformation process When confronted with resistance, the main characters of the case constantly communicated and coordinated and changed the KPI method, and the employees gradually concentrated their efforts to create high-performance branches.
This case is written in a Harvard-style case. The thesis has two parts, the case content and the teacher's teaching note. Through the guidance of the teacher, the case is used as an example and students can understand the characteristics of π-type talents and the adjustment and criticality of the professional ability of employees. The characteristics and principles of indicators, the design of performance compensation and how to link with key performance indicators, the characteristics of agile organizations, and the four principles and five practices of enterprises such as the application of agile management. It is expected that this case thesis can provide management reference for high-level managers.

目錄 中文摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 III 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 VIII 壹、個案本文 1 一、開場白 1 二、個案銀行背景與分行組織圖 1 (一)、個案銀行背景 1 (二)、個案分行組織圖 2 三、面對亂局,遭遇的挑戰 3 (一)、嘗試發掘問題 4 (二)、了解原因 5 (三)、找出問題所在 5 四、創造高績效-如何創造盈餘倍增及人員轉型 6 (一)、分行盈餘 6 (二)、人員的轉型 8 五、重新建立KPI 辦法及重視績效獎酬制度 11 (一)、分行人員KPI(Key Performance Indicator)引入 11 (二)、績效獎酬 12 六、分行業務銷售結構的改變(非利息收入增加) 14 (一)、加重財管業務比重,增加手續費收入 14 (二)、櫃台人員全員行銷,跨界銷售 15 七、分行績效排名 16 八、問題討論 17 附錄 18 附錄表1 台灣銀行業發展 18 附錄表 2 銀行經營型態的進化情形 20 附錄表3 加速金融科技發展原因 20 附錄表4 本國銀行因應金融科技發展的策略 21 附錄5 分行型態調整 21 貳、教師教學指引手冊 22 一、個案總覽 22 二、個案人物背景 23 三、個案教學討論問題及學習效益 23 四、適用課程 24 五、學生課前準備 24 六、個案分析 25 課程目標一: π 型人才之探討 26 課程目標二: 關鍵績效指標KPI 探討 29 課程目標三: 績效薪酬制度之探討 36 課程目標四:敏捷型組織 38 六、課程結論 45 七、教學建議 45 VI 八、板書規劃 47 參、參考文獻 53 一、中文文獻 53 二、英文文獻 54 三、網站資源 54

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