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研究生: 陳靖禾
Jing-Ho Chen
論文名稱: 動態功率調整於低功耗藍芽系統
Online Power Management with Quality-of-Service Consideration for Bluetooth Low Energy
指導教授: 陳雅淑
Ya-Shu Chen
口試委員: 謝仁偉
Jen-Wei Hsieh
Pi-Cheng Hsiu
Chin-Hsien Wu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 27
中文關鍵詞: 藍芽低功耗即時性功耗規劃無線感測網路
外文關鍵詞: Bluetooth Low Energy, Real-time, Power Management, Wireless Sensor Network
相關次數: 點閱:309下載:2
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無線感測網路應用隨著物聯網的需求日益受到重視,分布於各處的無線感測器需要即時回傳感測資訊以便中控端即時回應。然而,由於感測器大多是由電池供電,對於提升整體網路運作壽命將成為感測網路一大問題。此研究針對藍芽低功耗裝置的傳輸耗能進行電源管理並考慮封包即時需求。我們提出在多藍芽節點連接的情況下,於不同負載量做無線感測器上的設定連接係數並提出具品質保證的節點排程演算法,以延長感測網路的工作壽命並滿足封包即時性需求。藉由我們提出的方法將大大改善對於藍低功耗裝置上的傳輸耗能,相較於現今智慧型裝置的參數設定,本方法提升將近1.7 倍的蓄電力。

Bluetooth Low Energy, a wireless protocol tends to provide low power communication for battery-driven devices. A connection parameter is used by such protocol to extend the sleep time of BLE nodes. To provide the latency guarantee for sensing applications, the parameter is set in pessimistic and leads high energy consumption. In this paper, we present a power management framework for multiple BLE nodes having multiple applications with varied data rate and latency constraints. A connection parameter determination and a blocking-aware scheduler are proposed to enable the consideration of energy consumption and blocking. The proposed methodology is evaluated by extensive experiments and a real-life case study. The results indicate that the proposed algorithms registered 170% prolong in a lifetime performance compared with a simple pessimistic setting.

1 Introduction 2 Background and Related Work 2.1 The Connection Event in BLE Protocol 2.2 Multiple Slave Nodes with Star topology 2.3 Related Work 3 System Model and Problem Formulation 4 An Energy-efficient Scheduling Framework for Multiple BLE nodes 4.1 Multiple Event Energy Efficiency Interval 4.2 Energy Efficiency Interval Multiple Access 4.3 Shortest Interval First Scheduler 4.4 Example 5 Performance Evaluation 5.1 Experiment Setting 5.2 Connection interval setting with multiple packets 5.3 Connection interval setting with multiple nodes 5.4 Runtime scheduler 5.5 Varied number of node 6 Case Study 7 Conclusion

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