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研究生: 藍仁謙
Jen-Chien Lan
論文名稱: 應用LES紊流模型探討大氣邊界層中地面型太陽能板受風特性
Study of Wind-Resistant Characteristics of Ground-Mounted Solar Panels in Atmospheric Boundary Layer by LES Turbulence Model
指導教授: 陳瑞華
Rwey-Hua Cherng
Yi-Chao Li
口試委員: 陳瑞華
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 121
中文關鍵詞: LESSST k-ω風壓係數太陽能板
外文關鍵詞: LES, SST k-ω, Wind Pressure Coefficient, Solar panel
相關次數: 點閱:305下載:0
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本研究結果發現,LES相較於SST k-ω紊流模型,整體結果較為準確。雖然模擬之太陽能板模型未考慮面板下支撐柱,而風洞實驗模型於面板下方有密集的風壓測管分布,使得在來風方向0度或180度時,模擬結果之淨風壓係數普遍略高於實驗值,但機率分布與頻譜之結果大致與實驗值相符,因此預期未來利用LES模擬結果進行極值分析後應可得到合理的極值。此外,本研究發現CFD在模擬分析上的幾項優勢:1.能展現較為完整的流場資訊及面板上之風壓分布;2.可依據實場建立無縮尺模型,並進行與真實情況較為相符之模擬分析;3.模擬結果可避免實驗儀器精度不足或實驗儀器配置之限制。

In recent years, as the government has actively promoted solar power generation, more solar photovoltaic systems are installed on the ground or building roofs. In order to ensure that the solar photovoltaic systems are safe under wind, many scholars have begun to use wind tunnel experiments or Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD) to study their wind characteristics and formulate relevant specifications.
In this study, ground-mounted solar panels are simulated by Large Eddy Simulation(LES) model, and the unsteady solutions are obtained. The CFD models with panel inclination angles of 10° and 25° are established, and wind directions of the incoming flow are 0° and 180°. The simulation results are compared with the experimental data, including wind pressure coefficients and net wind pressure coefficients, to verify the accuracy of the simulation results. However, the simulation duration in this study is not sufficient for extreme value analysis. Therefore, this study only verifies the probability distributions and spectra of net wind pressure coefficients and wind force coefficients. In addition, LES results are also compared with those of SST k-ω model.
In general, LES yields more accurate results than SST k-ω turbulence model. Although this study uses a simplified solar panel model, and the wind tunnel experimental model has many measuring tubes under the panel, it is found that the simulated net wind pressure coefficients are generally larger than the experimental values whether the wind direction is 0° or 180°. The simulation based probability distributions and frequency spectra are roughly in line with the experimental results, and it is expected that reasonable extreme values would be obtained when the simulation time is sufficient. In addition, this study finds several advantages in CFD:1.It can display more complete flow field information and wind pressure distribution on the panel. 2. A scale-free model simulation can be carried out in CFD. 3. The limitation of the experimental instrument configuration can be released in CFD.

摘要 I Abstract III 誌謝 V 目錄 VII 表目錄 X 圖目錄 XII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機與目的 1 1.2 論文架構 2 第二章 文獻回顧 3 2.1 風洞實驗之相關文獻 3 2.2 太陽能板之CFD模擬相關研究 4 第三章 計算流體力學之介紹 7 3.1 CFD軟體介紹 7 3.2 基本控制方程式 8 3.3 PISO演算法 9 3.4 紊流模型 10 3.5 隨機紊流產生法 12 第四章 大氣邊界層 15 4.1 平均風速剖面 15 4.1.1 指數律平均風速剖面 15 4.1.2 對數律平均風速剖面 16 4.2 紊流強度 17 4.3 紊流積分長度尺度 18 4.4 紊流頻譜 19 第五章 CFD模型建構與設定 21 5.1 模擬案例介紹 21 5.2 計算域規劃 22 5.3 參數設定 22 5.3.1 入流條件 22 5.3.2 邊界條件 23 5.3.3 網格離散 24 5.3.4 時間步長設定 24 5.3.5 收斂條件 25 第六章 結果與討論 27 6.1 誤差分析 27 6.2 CaseA之CFD結果與驗證 27 6.3 CaseB之CFD結果與驗證 29 6.3.1 風壓係數 30 6.3.2 淨風壓係數 32 6.4 CaseB之CFD結果與討論 34 6.4.1 淨風壓係數歷時之機率分布及頻譜分析 35 6.4.2 整體風力係數歷時之機率及頻譜分析 37 第七章 結論與建議 43 7.1 結論 43 7.2 建議 44 參考文獻 99

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