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研究生: 邱懿安
Yi-An Chiu
論文名稱: 使用金屬矽化物共晶合金與石墨之共蒸鍍合成碳化矽之研究
Formation of silicon carbide by co-evaporation of silicide alloy and graphite
指導教授: 洪儒生
Lu-Sheng Hong
口試委員: 顏怡文
Yee-wen Yen
Jhewn-Kuang Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 113
中文關鍵詞: 碳化矽矽化物合金石墨共蒸鍍
外文關鍵詞: Silicon Carbide, silicide alloy, Graphite, Co-Evaporation
相關次數: 點閱:480下載:2
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實驗上採用電子束與熱蒸鍍法共蒸鍍石墨與合金,在合金的共晶溫度附近使矽源蒸發,使合金分子在基板表面與電子束蒸發之碳源結合而成長出碳化矽薄膜。首先,在以共晶溫度為363 ℃的金矽合金沉積實驗發現,在280 ℃的基板上沉積物中的矽原子構成即有31%呈現碳化矽鍵結,且當基板溫度升至480℃時碳化矽鍵結可達到54%。將沉積物中碳化矽鍵結轉化率對基板溫度的變化求得約2.2 kcal/mol的活化能,可據以推測金矽合金蒸發物吸附到基板後的表面擴散為沉積物得以轉化成碳化矽鍵結的速率決定步驟。
其次在使用共晶溫度為835 ℃的銀矽合金的沉積實驗發現,基板溫度在300 ~ 600℃範圍內沉積物的碳化矽鍵結轉化活化能約為1.8 kcal/mol,,惟Si-C鍵結含量在基板可調的最高溫度600℃時僅達7.8 at%,顯示提升基板溫度至合金共晶溫度以上使得吸附物種擁有較高的表面移動度為碳化矽鍵結生成的必要條件。

In this study, silicon carbide was synthesized, for the first time, utilizing metal silicide alloys with low eutectic point as the silicon resource to react with activated carbon at low temperatures. First of all, co-deposition of gold silicide and graphite was performed using thermal evaporation and electron-beam deposition techniques, respectively. The deposition results showed that 31% of the silicon in the original alloy is converted to Si-C bonding at 280 °C substrate temperature which is even lower that the eutectic point of gold silicide (363 °C). An energy barrier of 2.2 kcal/mol was obtained from the variation of Si-C bonding conversion ratio with respect to substrate temperature, suggesting that surface diffusion of the absorbed Au-Si alloy species controls the Si-C bonding conversion process.
Secondly, in the deposition experiment of Ag-Si alloy system that has a much higher eutectic point of 835 °C, the activation energy for the Si-C bonding transformation when the substrate temperatures was in the range of 300-600 °C was about 1.8 kcal/mol. However, Si-C bonding conversion was as low as 7.8 atomic percentage. This result indicated that high substrate temperature is necessary to provide enough surface energy for the adsorbed silicide species to convert to SiC bonding.

中文摘要 i Abstract ii 致謝 iii 目錄 iv 圖目錄 vii 表目錄 xii 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 研究動機和方向 3 第二章 文獻回顧 5 2.1 碳化矽結構 5 2.2 碳化矽材料特性 10 2.2.1 寬能隙、低載子濃度和高崩潰電場 10 2.2.2 電子飽和速度 15 2.2.3 熱傳導率 17 2.2.4 機械性質、化學性質 18 2.3 碳化矽塊材製備方式 20 2.3.1 高溫昇華法(sublimation method) 21 2.3.2 高溫化學氣相沉積法(HTCVD) 23 2.3.3 溶液生長法(solution growth) 24 2.4 磊晶技術 26 2.4.1 磊晶方法 26 2.4.2 異質/同質磊晶 30 2.5 碳化矽的應用 33 第三章 實驗設備材料相關 34 3.1 實驗流程 34 3.2 矽基板清洗流程 35 3.3 實驗材料與氣體矽基板(silicon wafer) 37 3.4 實驗設備 39 3.5 分析儀器 41 3.5.1 橢圓偏光儀(Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, SE) 41 3.5.2 傅立葉紅外線光譜儀(Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, FTIR) 43 3.5.3 X射線光電子能譜儀(X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, XPS) 44 3.5.4 拉曼散射光譜儀(Raman Scattering Spectroscope, Raman) 45 3.5.5 場效高解析掃描式電子顯微鏡(Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope, SEM) 47 第四章 結果與討論 48 4.1 回顧金矽合金與石墨共蒸鍍製備碳化矽薄膜之實驗 50 4.1.1 推測金矽合金與石墨共蒸鍍製備碳化矽薄膜之反應途徑 57 4.2 以銀矽合金與石墨共蒸鍍製備碳化矽薄膜 62 4.2.1不同基板溫度對碳化矽薄膜的影響 63 4.2.2不同鍍率對碳化矽薄膜的影響 73 4.3 以銅矽合金與石墨共蒸鍍製備碳化矽薄膜 80 4.3.1 不同基板溫度對碳化矽薄膜的影響 81 第五章 總結論 90 第六章 參考文獻 91

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