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研究生: 陳昭斌
Chao-Pin Chen
論文名稱: 整合軟體驗證與確認流程與產出之品質評估模式
A Quality Assessment Model That Integrates The Processes And Outputs Of Software Verification And Validation
指導教授: 黃世禎
Sun-Jen Huang
口試委員: 李漢銘
Hahn-Ming Lee
Jenn-Nan Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 125
中文關鍵詞: 度量與分析流程與產品品質保證軟體品質保證確認能力成熟度整合模式驗證
外文關鍵詞: Process and Product Quality Assurance, PPQA, SQA, Software Quality Assurance, Verification, Capability Maturity Model Integrated
相關次數: 點閱:588下載:1
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軟體驗證(Verification)和確認(Validation)的目標是要找出軟體產品中的缺失並移除缺失,以期軟體產品能夠符合顧客品質的要求,因此有效的驗證與確認工作,對軟體產品品質的確保有莫大的助益。在衡量驗證與確認的效能時,多數的研究採用缺失移除效能(Defect Removal Effectiveness, DRE)做為度量指標,蒐集軟體開發階段與產品上市之後所發現的缺失數目,以評估開發階段所執行之驗證與確認的有效性。然而,缺失移除效能很明顯地是個落後指標(lagging indicator),必須等待產品交付給客戶一段時間後,才能夠反應出驗證與確認工作執行的品質。因此若僅僅仰賴落後指標,將會產生無法即時反應缺失的風險,疏漏了潛在的產品缺失至顧客使用者的手中,而造成巨額的不良品質成本。
平衡計分卡認為,績效的衡量必須適當地整合落後指標與領先指標,而領先指標衡量的對象為當下的行動與績效的驅動因子。能力成熟度整合模式 (Capability Maturity Model Integration, CMMI) 的「流程與產品品質保證」流程領域強調必須同時客觀地評估流程與產品的品質。基於以上的想法,本研究提出除了評估軟體產品缺失外,也必須同時評估偵測移除軟體缺失的流程-也就是「驗證」與「確認」。因此為了客觀地評估驗證與確認的作業流程,本研究設計了驗證與確認活動的查核表、回饋量表與一系列的度量指標集 (Software Metrics),支援驗證與確認活動的執行,蒐集驗證與確認活動的度量值資料,與評估驗證與確認活動的完整性與適切性;再配合分析工作產品在驗證與確認活動時所發現的缺失,軟體開發專案得以在工作產品交付給客戶之前,有系統地評估工作產品的品質,從而擬定合適的品質改善策略與協助專案做合適的決策。

The aim of Verification and Validation is to detect software defects and remove them, and further ensure that the delivered software product meets users' quality requirements and operation expectation. Thus, effective verification and validation processes can benefit a lot to the quality of software products. When measuring the effectiveness of verification and validation activities, most existing researches used the defect removal effectiveness (DRE) as an indicator. Such an indicator needs the defect data removed within the development phases and after the delivery. However, it is obvious that DRE is a legging indicator and its value can only be computed a certain time period after the software delivers to users. If this is the only indicator to rely on, there would be risky that the project team is unable to reflect the real effectiveness of verification and validation processes in time. The project team might leak potential software defects to customers and thereby cause a huge amount of cost of poor quality.
One of key concepts of Balanced Scorecard is to balance lagging indicators with leading indicators, which attempt to quantify future results based on current actions and performance drivers. The “Process and Product Quality Assurance” process area in CMMI model emphasizes that both processes and work products should be objectively evaluated. Based on the above thought, this thesis proposes that besides evaluating software defects, we must also evaluate the defect detection and removal processes, which are Verification and Validation. Therefore, in order to objectively evaluate the verification and validation activities, the thesis presents the observation checklists for evaluating verification and validation activities, scoring questionnaires for getting the feedbacks on performing verification and validation activities, and a set of software metrics for measuring verification and validation activities. The proposed checklists, questionnaires and software metrics can help to collect the measurement data, and analyze the completeness and adequacy of the verification and validation activities. Together with the defect data found and fixed in the verification and validation processes, software project is able to systematically analyze the quality of work products before they are delivered to customers. And project managers can accordingly develop appropriate quality improvement strategy and also make adequate decisions in the improvement of the verification and validation processes.

摘 要 I ABSTRACT III 誌 謝 V 目 錄 VII 表 目 錄 IX 圖 目 錄 XI 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究背景 1 1.2研究動機 2 1.3研究目的 5 1.4研究架構及步驟 6 1.5研究範圍與前提 9 1.6本文架構 9 第二章 文獻探討 11 2.1軟體驗證與確認流程相關文獻探討 11 2.1.1 軟體驗證與確認的定義 11 2.1.2 軟體驗證與確認的活動 12 2.1.3 常見的品質度量指標 19 2.1.4 軟體驗證與確認活動效能的度量 21 2.2軟體品質保證相關文獻探討 25 2.3流程效能的相關文獻探討 27 2.4心得討論 28 第三章 研究方法及研究工具 29 3.1研究步驟 29 3.1.1 準備階段 29 3.1.2 資料蒐集階段 30 3.1.3 資料分析階段 32 3.2軟體檢驗活動查核表 33 3.3軟體測試活動查核表 40 3.4軟體驗證與確認活動回饋量表 44 3.4.1 收集回饋資料的目的 44 3.4.2 蒐集回饋的時機 45 3.4.3 回饋蒐集方式與回饋量表 47 3.4.4 分析方式 54 3.5度量指標集 55 3.5.1 驗證與確認活動的完整性相關度量指標 57 3.5.2 驗證與確認活動的工作量及相關度量指標 67 3.6整合驗證與確認的流程與產出之品質評估模式 91 第四章 研究結果與分析 95 4.1 個案公司與專案的介紹 95 4.2 A專案-需求的驗證與確認 96 4.2.1 A專案需求檢驗研究結果 96 4.2.2 A專案的分析與評估 99 4.3.1 B專案Alpha測試研究結果 102 4.3.2 B專案的分析與評估 108 第五章 結論與建議 111 5.1研究貢獻 111 5.2研究困難與後續研究建議 112 參考文獻 115 I. 中文部分 115 II. 英文部分 115 附錄A、軟體檢驗活動查核表與CMMI的對照 119 附錄B、軟體測試活動查核表與CMMI的對照 121 附錄C、中英對照 123 作者簡介 125

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