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研究生: 馬祖瑞
Tsu-Jui Ma
論文名稱: 書目對與共被引文獻之知識擴散路徑:主路徑分析
Knowledge Diffusion Paths of Bibliographic Coupling and Co-citation Literature: The Main Path Analysis
指導教授: 李國光
Gwo-Guang Lee
口試委員: 周子銓
Tzu-Chuan Chou
Yuan-Ho Huang
Yean-Fu Wen
Hao-Ren Ke
Yu-Cheng Lu
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 96
中文關鍵詞: 書目對書目耦合共被引知識擴散路徑主路徑分析書目分析引文直接引文間接引文引文分析引文網路
外文關鍵詞: Bibliographic coupling, Bibliometric coupling, Co-citation, Cocitation, Knowledge diffusion path, Citation, Direct citation, Indirect citation
相關次數: 點閱:340下載:5
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  • 本論文係運用獨特的引文為基礎之方法—主路徑分析,分析書目對與


    研究方法係運用主路徑分析,從Web of Science 資料庫之科學引文索

    研究結果在書目對文獻中,由1,136 名作者在220 種期刊中,出版439
    篇論文合計13,128 次被引用,其主路徑由28 篇節點論文所組成,依出版
    年序分成:興起期(1963 年至1984 年)、開放期(1984 年至2010 年)與
    鞏固期(2010 年至2022 年)三時期;另在共被引文獻中,由5,028 名作者
    在770 種期刊中,出版2,265 篇論文合計84,968 次被引用,其主路徑由64
    篇節點論文所組成,依出版年序分成:興起期(1973 年至1982 年)、成長
    期(1982 年至2005 年)、開放期(2005 年至2016 年)與鞏固期(2010 年
    至2022 年)四時期。


    This study employed a unique citation-based method—main path
    analysis—to reveal the development trajectory of research on bibliographic
    coupling and co-citation since their introduction. Topics discussed in the two
    fields of research formed into two separate citation networks, which mapped the
    basic bibliometrics of key papers and the knowledge diffusion path in each field.

    A literature review was conducted to investigate and compare the
    concepts of bibliographic coupling and co-citation, examine their
    development, discuss the concept of main path analysis, and describe the
    development and knowledge diffusion path of the analysis.

    Through main path analysis, we retrieved papers on bibliographic coupling
    and co-citation from the Science Citation Index Expanded and the Social
    Sciences Citation Index of Web of Science. The bibliographic data of these
    papers were then used to analyze their respective citation networks with regards
    to the basic bibliometrics (e.g., publication trend, citation trend, high-impact
    authors, and publications in high-impact journals) and the main path in each

    The results showed that 439 papers on bibliographic coupling were
    published by a total of 1,136 authors in 220 journals and were cited 13,128 times
    collectively. The main path consisted of 28 nodes (i.e., papers), which were
    categorized into three periods by their publication years: the emergence (1963–
    1984), opening (1984–2010), and consolidation (2010–2022) periods. For the
    co-citation field of research, 2,265 papers were published by 5,028 authors in
    770 journals and were cited 84,968 times altogether. The main path comprised
    64 nodes (i.e., papers), which were categorized into four periods by their
    publication years: the emergence (1973–1982), growth (1982–2005), opening
    (2005–2016), and consolidation (2010–2022) periods.

    According to topics studied in the bibliographic coupling and co-citation
    fields of research, discussions were performed and conclusions drawn on the
    basic bibliometrics (publication trend, citation trend, high-impact authors, and
    publications in high-impact journals) and knowledge diffusion path in each field.
    Finally, we conducted a comprehensive discussion on the two fields of research
    and proposed suggestions for future research.

    中文摘要 ....................................................................i Abstract ...................................................................ii 誌謝 ......................................................................iii 目錄 ...................................................................... iv 表索引 .................................................................... vi 圖索引 ................................................................... vii 第一章 緒論 ................................................................ 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 ....................................................... 1 第二節 研究問題與目的 ....................................................... 3 第三節 研究流程 ............................................................ 4 第四節 研究範圍、限制與架構 ................................................. 6 第五節 名詞釋義 ............................................................ 8 第二章 文獻回顧 ........................................................... 10 第一節 書目對與共被引 ...................................................... 10 一、書目對與共被引之概念與比較............................................... 10 二、書目對與共被引之發展 ................................................... 15 第二節 主路徑分析與知識擴散路徑 ............................................. 20 一、主路徑分析之概念 ....................................................... 20 二、主路徑分析發展與知識擴散路徑 ............................................ 20 第三章 研究方法 ............................................................ 24 第一節 樣本資料來源與分析項目 ............................................... 24 一、書目對文獻之資料與基本書目計量 ........................................... 24 二、共被引文獻之資料與基本書目計量 ........................................... 25 第二節 主路徑分析 .......................................................... 26 一、主路徑分析之程序 ........................................................ 26 二、運用三軟體於主路徑分析之參數設定與執行 .................................... 28 第四章 結果 ................................................................ 34 第二節 書目對文獻 .......................................................... 34 一、書目對文獻之出版與引文趨勢................................................ 34 二、書目對文獻之高影響作者與期刊.............................................. 37 三、書目對文獻之知識擴散路徑.................................................. 39 第二節 共被引文獻 ........................................................... 47 一、共被引文獻之出版與引文趨勢................................................ 47 二、共被引文獻之高影響作者與期刊.............................................. 50 三、共被引文獻之知識擴散路徑.................................................. 52 第五章 討論與結論 ........................................................... 68 第一節 研究討論 ............................................................. 68 一、書目對文獻之研究討論 ..................................................... 68 二、共被引文獻之研究討論 ..................................................... 71 三、書目對與共被引文獻之綜合研究討論 .......................................... 74 第二節 研究結論 ............................................................. 76 一、書目對文獻之研究結論 ..................................................... 76 二、共被引文獻之研究結論 ..................................................... 77 三、書目對與共被引文獻之綜合研究結論 .......................................... 79 第三節 研究建議 ............................................................. 81 參考文獻 ................................................................... 82 中文部分 ................................................................... 82 西文部分 ................................................................... 83

    張郁蔚(2012a)。書目耦合∕書目對(Bibliographic coupling)。圖書館

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