研究生: |
陳靜慧 Ching-Hui Chen |
論文名稱: |
運用精實六標準差以提升專案管理資訊系統之效益 Applying Lean Six Sigma to Improve Effectiveness of Project Management Information System |
指導教授: |
Sun-Jen Huang |
口試委員: |
Gwo-Guang Lee 賴源正 Yuan-Cheng Lai |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
管理學院 - 資訊管理系 Department of Information Management |
論文出版年: | 2013 |
畢業學年度: | 101 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 75 |
中文關鍵詞: | 專案管理 、專案管理資訊系統 、新產品開發 、精實六標準差 |
外文關鍵詞: | Project Management, Project Management Information System, New Product Development, Lean Six Sigma |
相關次數: | 點閱:678 下載:4 |
分享至: |
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在國際分工的趨勢及全球化競爭的壓力下,台灣的筆記型電腦代工業者在不斷縮短研發時程與加速新產品上市時間的需求下,如何透過專案管理資訊系統(Project Management Information System, PMIS)工具來輔助專案經理人來有效管理新產品專案,將是台灣的筆記型電腦代工廠商目前重要的課題。
本研究旨在個案 C 公司筆記型電腦新產品開發專案運用精實六標準差DMADV(界定 Define、測量 Measure、分析 Analysis、設計 Design、驗證 Verify)階段手法提升 PMIS 效益為探討,找出專案管理系統執行成效不彰之問題真因,並加以進行改善。研究過程由專案成立開始,進行專案目標界定、資料收集與量測、流程分析、新流程設計、將流程標準化及監控,改善後的新 PMIS 來協助新產品開發專案並進行驗證成效。
1.個案 C 公司運用精實六標準差重新設計一套適合 ODM/OEM 新產品開發PMIS;並發展出符合各客戶特性的新產品開發之專案計畫範本,並提供給其他企業在導入新產品開發專案管理系統的參考。
In the trend of the international division of labor, the pressure of global competition, the requirements of continuously shortening development time, and accelerating new product time-to-market, how Taiwan's notebook ODM/OEM manufacturers apply project management information system (PMIS) to assist project managers in effectively managing the new projects becomes an important issue for them.
This thesis aimed to study how C company applied Lean Six Sigma approach to improve the effectiveness of notebook PMIS. The reasons of ineffectiveness of PMIS were first identified and the improvement approaches were conducted. The improvement processes comprised of project team building, goal setting, data collection, process analysis, new process design, and process standardization and monitoring. Finally, the effectiveness of new PMIS to assist new product development project was verified in this study.
The conclusions of this study are as following:
1. C company successfully applies Lean Six Sigma approach to redesign a new PMIS which is suitable for ODM/OEM manufacturers, and also develops a project plan template of new product development which is accordance with customer characteristics. The results of this study can serve as reference for other enterprises which plan to employ new product development PMIS.
2. After the deployment of applying Lean Six Sigma approach to new product development PMIS, verification and audit are continuously implemented to improve PMIS for ensuring the effectiveness of project management of new product development.
一、 中文部分
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二、 英文部分
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