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研究生: 陳柏諱
論文名稱: 光譜可調之螢光轉換發光二極體光源
Emission Spectrum Tunable Phosphor-Converted Light Emitting Diode Light Sources
指導教授: 蘇忠傑
Jung-Chieh Su
口試委員: 葉秉慧
Pinghui Sophia Yeh
Pao-hung Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 161
中文關鍵詞: 螢光粉田口式實驗法植物燈
外文關鍵詞: Phosphors, Taguchi method, Plant light
相關次數: 點閱:597下載:1
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Since plants needed different spectrum in different growth stages, the light sources of plant factory are composed of various number of blue or red LED, therefore the light source of plant factory is unable to satisfy the spec¬trum needed of the plant growth. In this study, the use of multi-wavelength excited multi-phosphor for LED packaging structure to achieve the pur¬pose of changing the emission spectral characteristics of a single LED, this re-search is proposed to provide the spectrum corresponding to different stages for plants growth.
To find the best recipe of light source required, this study is divided into three parts, the first part is phosphor effi¬ciency analysis, calculating energy conversion efficiencies at the emission wave¬length of each LED die of dif-ferent phosphors and their combinations.
The en¬ergy conversion characteristics of phosphor is divided into the wavelength conversion efficiency and Stokes shift loss, in addition, the inter-action between phos¬phors which can provide a criterior for the optimized combina¬tion of efficiency need.
The second part is the Taguchi method analysis, this method acts a de-sign tools for choice of the combination of LED exciting wavelength and phosphors, the first purpose of Taguchi is to reduce varia¬tion, the second purpose is improve to target average, also use of Taguchi method can be used to find the optimal formula¬tions of phosphors concentration.
The third part is to discuss LED light characteristic of the optimized phosphors concentration formulations, which can be divided into three con-clusions, 1.Red and blue are the most effective wavelengths for plant photo-synthesis, according to the different periods for plant growth and the different plants, therefore, the ratio between red and blue will be also different; 2.The spectrum distribution of the relative strength enables plants different phyto-chemical to absorb; 3. The full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the LED emission spectrum changes the plant absorption spectrum result in different absorption ratio for various growth state, in addition to the illumination ap-plication, the FWHM of the emission spectrum also improved color rendering characteristics.

摘要 I Abstract III 致謝 V 目錄 VI 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 X 表目錄 X 第一章 導論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 文獻回顧 2 1.2.1 廠商植物燈 2 1.2.2 植物 4 1.2.3 色素 10 1.2.4 植物生長燈 17 1.2.5 螢光粉簡介 23 1.3 論文架構 35 第二章 研究目的與方法 37 2.1 研究目的 37 2.2 量測方法與儀器介紹 38 2.2.1 積分球與I-V電性量測 38 2.2.2 螢光光譜儀 40 2.2.3 晶粒與螢光粉之選擇 41 2.3 螢光粉材料成份與放射光譜 42 2.3.1 藍色螢光粉 43 2.3.2 綠色螢光粉 44 2.3.3 黃色螢光粉 45 2.3.4 紅色螢光粉 46 2.4 田口式實驗設計 48 2.4.1 田口式實驗法介紹 48 2.4.2 設計田口式實驗 48 2.4.3 計算因子效應 49 2.4.4 LED封裝製作 51 2.4.5 疊合率計算 54 第三章 螢光粉與晶粒分析 56 3.1 螢光粉激發放射光譜分析 56 3.2 螢光粉能量轉換率 60 3.3 螢光粉交互作用 67 3.4 螢光粉交互作用損失率 73 3.5 螢光粉交互作用放射強度的變化 74 3.6 挑選螢光粉及晶粒 79 第四章 田口式分析 80 4.1 田口式分析 80 4.1.1 第一次田口式實驗 80 4.1.2 第二次田口式實驗 90 第五章 光質分析 98 第六章 結論與建議 107 6.1 結論 107 6.2 未來發展方向 108 附錄A 112 附錄B 118 附錄D 139 附錄E 141 附錄F 142 附錄G 144

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