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研究生: 鄭展發
論文名稱: 以創新、卓越之精神,領航臺灣文化飛揚國際
Innovative and Extraordinary Spirit Steers Taiwanese Culture Spread Globally
指導教授: 梁瓊如
Chiung-Ju Liang
口試委員: 梁瓊如
Chiung-Ju Liang
Kung-Jeng Wang
Shih-Hao Lu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 61
中文關鍵詞: 熱氣球嘉年華資源拼湊理論社會影響力藝文社會企業
外文關鍵詞: Taiwan International Balloon Festival, Resource Bricolage, Social Influence, Culture and Arts Social Enterprises
相關次數: 點閱:499下載:0
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  • 台東鹿野高台是台灣暑假觀光的熱門景點,在高台俯瞰整個卑南溪谷的田野風光,往往令人意猶未盡。台東的「熱氣球嘉年華暨城市高峰會」,就是透過運用鹿野獨特的天然、地理條件,推出更多元的休閒活動來吸引更多人潮。平實思路行銷股份有限公司透過舉辦藝文、文化活動的厚實經驗,在 2011 年取得該案的招標。雖然在 2011 年第一次的「熱氣球嘉年華活動」沒有取得大量的預算,卻透過創意結合藝文的行銷活動,結合花東縱谷周圍國小的學生,一同參與彩繪熱氣球的活動,不僅有效減少聘請設計師的成本,更吸引了不少觀光客前來。接下來幾年,平實思路辦理的熱氣球嘉年華活動越來越成功,不僅吸引大量人潮,更在 2015 年邀請世界各地的熱氣球飛行員展現飛行技術,將台東熱氣球發揚到國際上。在 2020 年新冠肺炎爆發後,報復性旅遊導致開幕日人潮大量湧入,因而造成交通擁擠,觀光客體驗感不佳等問題,平實思路透過社群媒體進行與旅客進行有效的溝通並強調會積極規劃解決方針,並且在接下來的日子裡,舉辦了 8 場熱氣球光雕音樂會,在 51 天內吸引 121 萬人次,共創造 28 億元以上的觀光產值。因此,本研究將以平實思路在台灣舉辦大型活動之實例,了解公關產業之發展,並提出相關議題與理論,讓讀者可以有效處理危機與發想更佳的應對方式,透過討論從中獲得學習效益。

    Luye Highlands is a popular tourist attraction, especially during summer vacation in
    Taiwan. In Luye Highlands, people could overlook the entire Beinan Valley from Luye
    Highlands, due to its unique natural and geographical conditions, Taiwan International Balloon Festival could hold and also successfully attracted a lot of tourists every year. Peace S-route, an advertising company, devote to organizing arts and cultural activities, it cumulates related experiences to overcome other advertising companies, obtain the right to operate Taiwan International Balloon Festival in return. In 2011, the Taitung government did not donate enough financial resources for Peace S-route to operate the festival, but Peace S-route through created innovative marketing activities which combining art and cultural issue to control the budget, such as inviting students from elementary schools to draw the balloons and cooperating designers, then attract many tourists to participant Taiwan International Balloon Festival. In the next few years, Peace S-route created various activities to improve travelers' experiences. For example, in 2015, Peace S-route invited balloon pilots from all around the world to show their flying skills and held the toast competition to gather more people to come, these activities prove the aims of the Peace S-route and revitalize the economy in Taitung, also, the culture is spared globally. However, in 2020, people suffering from COVID19, which result in people restricted to travel abroad. The situation in Taiwan is lucky because nationals can go outside and cities without any lockdown. Therefore, cowards went to Taiwan International Balloon Festival in 2020. On the contrary, cowards caused traffic congestion, unclean environment, poor tourist experience, and other problems.
    The solutions of the Peace S-route are to calm people down by public media advocation. And to carry out the strategies to improve the surrounding. In the following days, eight light shows and concerts are held, which attracted 1.21 million visitors in 51 days and created a total tourism output value of more than 2.8 billion NTD. This case discusses how Peace S-route develops Taiwan International Balloon Festival. Furthermore, this research is based on academic theories to analyze the strategies of the Peace S-route. Try to encourage readers to think about innovative business models then gain some learning benefits through discussions.

    摘要...................................................................I ABSTRACT..............................................................II 致謝.................................................................III 目錄..................................................................IV 圖目錄.................................................................V 表目錄................................................................VI 壹、 個案本文...........................................................1 一、 序場-在想飛的季節盡情地遨遊天際.....................................1 二、 企業輔助以美化社會..................................................2 台灣社會企業的發展與趨勢.................................................2 藝文社會企業的誕生......................................................5 三、 平實思路股份有限公司概述............................................6 四、 平實思路的延伸:台東後山的天選之人..................................10 翻轉台東後山,照亮大地..................................................10 民航法的危機...........................................................13 撥雲見日遨遊天際.......................................................14 被揀選的領導者.........................................................15 高手齊聚,一戰高下.....................................................16 耀眼國際,擴展台灣天空.................................................17 2020 報復性旅遊的應對進退..............................................20 延續文化、再創價值.....................................................23 平實思路的下一步:從維持到創新,從場地規劃到環境保護......................25 2021 夢想起飛,希望升空................................................26 貳、 個案討論.........................................................27 一、 個案總覽.........................................................27 二、 教學目標與適用課程................................................28 三、 學生課前討論問題..................................................31 四、 個案分析.........................................................31 課程目標一:社會企業商業模式之探討......................................31 課程目標二:資源拼湊之探討.............................................39 課程目標三:左右開弓之探討.............................................42 課程目標四:社會影響力之探討...........................................45 五、 課程結論.........................................................48 六、 教學建議(TEACHING SUGGESTIONS).................................48 七、 板書規劃.........................................................52 參考文獻..............................................................53

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