簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 邢子若
Hsing - Tzu Juo
論文名稱: 以團隊整合方式提高顧客滿意度以提高個人型專業服務的價值—以個人彩妝造型師為例
Integrated approach to improve customer satisfaction as a team to improve the value of personal type of professional services - for example a personal makeup stylists
指導教授: 吳克振
Cou-Chen Wu
口試委員: 張琬喻
Jang, Woan-Yuh
Wei-Ning Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 75
中文關鍵詞: 服務期望認知服務品質顧客滿意度
外文關鍵詞: service expectations, cognitive service quality, customer satisfaction
相關次數: 點閱:326下載:6
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1.個人彩妝造型師與消費者對服務品質期望的差異,影響顧客滿意度 。
4. 以案件分類的方式,並配合合適的團隊成員,為消費者提供服務,能夠確實有效建立品牌忠誠度。

In this study, personal makeup stylist services, to study the correlation between ethnic marketing, service quality, consumer expectations of service in advance, after service performance, cognitive service quality, customer satisfaction, loyalty, repurchase rate, recommended rate to use as a domestic personal makeup stylists integration services company reference.

Questionnaire 1: The consumers in Taipei area had received personal makeup stylist services , filled in the work teams scene way, total of 22 complete copies, to obtain 12 parts deduct 2 invalid questionnaires, a total of 10 valid questionnaires.
Questionnaire 2: Personal makeup stylist in Taipei area , filled in the work teams scene way , total of 50 complete copies, to obtain 28 parts deduct 8 invalid questionnaires, a total of 20 valid questionnaires.

Using EXCEL computer software packages, analyzed and discussed the consumer and personal makeup stylist education, work experience, make-up experience, living and working environment, to know the initial cognitive , cognitive service quality, service satisfaction and loyalty correlation between.

The findings are as follows:
1 The differences of Personal makeup stylist and consumer expectations of service quality affect customer satisfaction.
2. Personal makeup stylist is more difficult to build brand loyalty.
3. way through the team integration and sharing experience and makeup tool can effectively integrate its resources; also in case of any kind, cooperate with each other and complementary experience to really effectively increase customer satisfaction.
4. In case of classification methods, and with the right team members, to provide consumers with services that really works to establish brand loyalty.

壹、研究背景、目標、範圍與對象5 貳、文獻探討及目標領域簡介7 一、服務的定義 二、顧客滿意度的定義 三、客戶忠誠度的定義 四、個人彩妝造型師領域簡介 參、本研究的邏輯框圖15 肆、研究結果20 一、研究數據歸納與整理 二、研究數據結果分析 伍、改善建議實際驗證與個案說明35 一、改善建議 二、實際驗證 三、個案說明 陸、結論55 柒、備註56 參考文獻75

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