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研究生: 蔣守誠
Shou-Cheng Chiang
論文名稱: 資訊硬體商對大型組織客戶品牌延伸成功因素之研究 —台灣惠普科技網路整合服務部客戶觀點
指導教授: 吳克振
Couchen Wu
口試委員: 紀佳芬
Chia-Fen Chi
Wei-Ning Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 101
中文關鍵詞: 品牌延伸大型組織資訊硬體
外文關鍵詞: The brand extendtion, large-scale organization, information hardware
相關次數: 點閱:425下載:1
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近三十年來,隨著公司資訊環境的越來越複雜和Internet/Intranet 的興起,使得電腦的需求量大增,因此造就了不少電腦硬體廠商,例如像是IBM、HP、Compaq、Sun Microsystem、Gateway、Bull一直到最近興起的Dell,甚至因為台灣為全球電腦硬體代工的重鎮,因而也造就了像Acer 宏碁電腦和Asus華碩電腦的興起,僅是電腦硬體商就有這麼多的品牌,如果再把其它軟體和網路產品業者再算上的話,客戶很難去了解每一個產品的功能和特性,這個時候似乎只有品牌可以做為消費者去判斷產品的唯一指標,品牌延伸便成為最常用的策略。

In the past 30 years, with more and more complicated rise with Internet/Intranet of company's information environment, make the demand for the computer heighten, so has brought up much computer hardware manufacturer, for example as if Dell that IBM, HP, Compaq, Sun Microsystem, Gateway, Bull have risen until recently, even because Taiwan is the important strategic place where the global computer hardware takes the place of the worker, bring up the rise like the large computer of Acer great chess computer and Asus China, it is the computer hardware trader that has so many brands alone, if count other software and networking products industry person in again again, it is very difficult for customer not to go, find out about every product of functions and characteristics, seem brand can go only indicator to judge product as consumer only at this time, the brand becomes the most frequently used tactics when being extended.
This research offers through the domestic foreign language, collect relevant materials such as brand extending, pluses and minuses and benefit of the extended brand,etc., and through the large-scale customer of deep interview, synthesize customer extended consciousness intensity, brand Lenovo and cognition to brand and agree with the response of one degree of questions, to probe into the view of the extended brand and application situation.
Visited deeply and referred to analyzing, the resulting conclusion of this research is as follows:
First, HP has good advisor, special project file and ability of the technological service
Second, HP has advertising results to the customer
Third, HP has stronger mother's brand images in the large-scale organization
Fourth, technology and the service of HP but transfer is that the large-scale organization adopts the main thinking of extending the products
Fifth, HP raises the result of brand Lenovo by long-term cooperation
Sixth, HP has ability of the globle service

中文摘要.............................................................................................. II 英文摘要...............................................................................................III 目錄..................................................................................................... IV 表次...................................................................................................... VII 圖次...................................................................................................... VIII 第一章緒論.........................................................................................1 第一節研究背景與動機............................................................... 1 第二節研究目的.......................................................................... 3 第三節研究範圍.......................................................................... 4 第四節研究流程.......................................................................... 5 第二章文獻探討............................................................................... 6 第一節資訊硬體產業概況 ..............................................................6 第二節品牌延伸.............................................................................. 12 第三節影響品牌延伸成功因素...................................................... 17 第四節個案公司概況... .................................................................. 24 第三章研究設計與實施.................................................................... 27 第一節研究方法........................................................................ 27 第二節研究步驟 ................................................................. 28 第三節研究範圍與訪談對象選取............................................ 29 第四節訪談大綱與進行方式.................................................... 30 第四章個案分析與討論.................................................................... 31 第一節描述分析........................................................................ 31 第二節個案分析與討論............................................................. 44 第五章結論與建議..........................................................................61 第一節研究發現 ...............................................................61 第二節策略涵義.......................................................................65 第三節研究貢獻.......................................................................67 第四節研究限制 .....................................................................68 第五節 後續研究方向建議....................................................70 參考文獻............................................................................................71 一、中文部份...............................................................................71 二、外文部份...............................................................................71 三、參考網站...............................................................................74 附錄....................................................................................................76 附錄一訪談邀請函 ...................................................................76 附錄二訪談題目. ......................................................................77 附錄三逐字稿範例 ...................................................................78

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