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研究生: Valentin Jules DE BALTHASAR DE GACHEO
論文名稱: 透過趨勢和差異分析、目標市場和價值主張定義、風險管理、原型設計和驗證以及以資料為中心的人工智慧方法;以有效的端到端程序,在產品和服務開發中實施人工智慧。 案例研究:無人機產業。
Towards an efficient end-to-end procedure to develop products and services integrating AI - Via trends and gaps analysis, target market and value proposition definition, risk management, prototype design and validation, and data-centric AI approach. Case study: the drone industry.
指導教授: 鮑興國
Hsing-Kuo Pao
口試委員: 孫敏德
Min-Te Sun
Min-Fan Ricky Lee
Kai-Lung Hua
Chao-Lung Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 117
外文關鍵詞: Data-centric, Drone Industry Review
相關次數: 點閱:375下載:14
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  • Creating or enhancing products and services are one of the highest objectives and benefits of AI implementation in businesses, but this topic has not yet received much attention in the literature. This study presents a procedure to guide entrepreneurial, business, and research projects develop competitive solutions integrating AI, more specifically deep supervised learning algorithms using unstructured data. The drone industry is selected as a case study. A transversal method that builds on the main trends and gaps identified in the adoption of AI in businesses is presented and implemented. The contribution of this study is threefold: First, the results indicate that the method maximized the chance of commercial success by identifying viable use cases, prevented wasting time and funds, decreased the risks of project’s failure, designed functionalities based on needs and competition, optimized data storage, increased model transparency and performance, and guide data collection. The author suggests that the procedure could be applied to other industries. Second, an overview of the drone industry cumulating market, literature and regulation reviews is provided and can guide future projects. Third, the specifications of a drone design are provided and could help focus on the development of AI applications for drones.

    1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. Problem Investigated, Origin & Relevance 1 1.2. Solution & Scope 6 1.3. Contribution 9 2. KEY CONCEPTS & DEFINITIONS 11 2.1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) 11 2.2. Industry Chosen 12 2.3. Market 13 3. METHOD 15 3.1. Target Market Identification 15 3.2. Business Idea Design and Validation 18 3.3. Risks Management 20 3.4. Conversion into a Prototype Design 21 3.5. Design Validation & Representation 23 4. CASE STUDY & RESULTS 27 4.1. Target Market Identification 27 4.2. Business Idea Design & Validation 29 4.3. Risks Management 31 4.4. Conversion Into a Prototype Design 32 4.5. Design Validation & Representation 41 5. OVERALL RESULTS & DISCUSSION 61 5.1. Overall Results 61 5.2. Theoretical & Practical Implications 64 5.3. Discussion 65 6. FURTHER WORK 67 7. CONCLUSION 69 8. REFERENCES 73 9. APPENDIX 79

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