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研究生: 周儷潔
Li-Chieh Chou
論文名稱: 卷積長短期記憶與雙向遞迴神經網路結合自注意力機制之深度強化學習於影片摘要
Convolutional LSTM based Bidirectional RNN with Self-attention for deep reinforcement learning in Video Summarization
指導教授: 蘇順豐
Shun-Feng Su
口試委員: 郭重顯
Chung-Hsien Kuo
Wei-Yen Wang
Sheng-Luen Chung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 51
中文關鍵詞: 影片摘要雙向遞迴神經網路卷積長短期記憶網路自注意力機制深度強化學習
外文關鍵詞: video summarization, bi-directional recurrent neural network, convolutional LSTM, self-attention, deep reinforcement learning
相關次數: 點閱:668下載:16
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  • 在本研究中,我們提出了將預訓練卷積神經網路(pretrained CNN network)從GoogLeNet替換成RexNeXt-50 [1], 並將雙向遞迴神經網絡(BRNN) [2]與卷積長短期記憶網路(ConvLSTM) [3]做結合。除此之外,再加入自注意力機制[4]的架構去改善系統的表現。影片摘要的任務是保留原始影片的內容、掌握影片的關鍵,輸出貼近觀眾想法的影片摘要。實現方法使用不需要標記基準真相(ground-truth)的深度強化學習(DRL)來進行訓練。除此之外,我們還分別添加了兩種損失函數,正規化損失函數以及重建損失函數,這樣的做法有助於提高穩定性和性能。我們提出的方法在 SumMe [5]數據集上獲得了 53.1% 的準確度。本研究提供了一個影片摘要的方法來獲得更具信息性和代表性的影片摘要結果。

    In this study, an architecture which replaces GoogLeNet in baseline approach by ResNeXt-50 [1] as the CNN pre-trained network as our model and combines the
    Bi-directional Recurrent Neural Network [2] with Convolutional Long Short-Term
    Memory (ConvLSTM) [3] in the system is proposed for video summarization. In addition, self-attention mechanisms [4] are added to improve the system performance. The video summarization task is to summarize close to the audience's thoughts, to preserve the content of the original videos, and to grasp the key points of the video summary. The implemented method is to consider Deep Reinforcement Learning for training, which does not require labeled data. In addition, two kinds of loss functions, regularization loss and reconstruction loss are considered in our approach and with those loss functions, it helps in improving the stability and performance in video summarization. The proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance of 53.1% on the SumMe dataset [5]. It can be found that this study can indeed provide more informative and representative video summaries for video summarization.

    中文摘要 i Abstract ii 致謝 iii Contents iv List of Figures vii List of Tables ix Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Motivation 3 1.3 Contributions 4 1.4 Thesis Organization 5 Chapter 2 Related Work 6 2.1 Video Summarization 6 2.2 Baseline Approach 8 2.2.1 Convolutional Neural Network 11 2.2.2 Recurrent Neural Network 11 2.2.3 Loss Function 12 Chapter 3 Methodology 14 3.1 Network Architecture 16 3.1.1 CNN pre-trained network 16 3.1.2 BRNN 17 3.1.3 Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory 18 3.1.4 Self-attention 20 3.2 Deep Reinforcement Learning 21 3.2.1 Policy Gradient Methods 22 3.2.2 Reward Function 23 3.2.3 Optimization 25 3.3 Video Summary 25 Chapter 4 Experiments 27 4.1 Dataset 27 4.2 Evaluation Metrics and Protocol 28 4.3 Implementation Details 28 4.4 Comparison with State-of-the-arts 30 4.4.1 Quantitative Evaluation 30 4.4.2 Qualitative Evaluation 36 Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Work 41 5.1 Conclusions 41 5.2 Future Work 41 References 43

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