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Author: 林靜怡
Ching-I Lin
Thesis Title: 公司治理主管角色如何扮演?-以家族企業為例
How to Play the Role of Corporate Governance Officer ? Case Studies of Family Business
Advisor: 張琬喻
Woan-Yuh Jang
Committee: 謝劍平
J. C. Shieh
Chun-Nan Chen
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 財務金融研究所
Graduate Institute of Finance
Thesis Publication Year: 2023
Graduation Academic Year: 111
Language: 中文
Pages: 83
Keywords (in Chinese): 家族企業公司治理主管公司秘書代理問題
Keywords (in other languages): Family Business, Corporate Governance Officer, Company Secretary, Agency Problem
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  • 台灣中小企業多由家族企業起家,為台灣造就了經濟奇蹟,因此有人形容「台灣錢淹腳目」來描述「資金」像「水」一樣。對企業而言,穩定的現金流就像一股活水是賴以生存要件之一。四千年前,大禹用「引導水流」方式治理水患,治理企業問題就像治理水患一樣,藉由公司治理主管的智慧引導企業進行公司治理將成為顯學。
    (一) 建立外部監督機制,降低代理問題。
    (二) 提高公司治理主管之職責及監督力道。
    (三) 提供公司治理專業人員之培育機構。
    (四) 提升從業人員取得公司治理證照。

    Most of Small-Medium sized enterprise was started by family business in Taiwan, and they created an economic miracle for Taiwan as well. Therefore, some people said ”The Money are upto Taiwaness Ankles or Taiwaness’s Money floods at Ankles” for describing “Capital” as “ Water”. For Enterprise, stabling cash flow is like a circulating water, which is survival elements.
    Four Thousnad years ago, Dayu used the way of “guilding the flow of water” to manage the floods. So that, govering the enterprise issue is the same as managing the floods. It will be remarkable learning of guiding enterprise for Governance with wisdom by Corporate Officer.
    “Captail Market” is like “Deep Pond”, confluent different tributary of Capital. Common Law, Securities and Exchange Act and Financial Regulations…etc, are the Naturely Breakwater of the Capital Market, which could defend the order of capital market and protect investors in the market. Through governance, the Capital Market will be more robust. The Corporate Governance are continually processing, when the external environment is changing, the organization have to transform and development, which there are difference governance policies as well.
    “Corporate Governance” are the same as “Dayu’s manage the water”. It’s guides enterprises to disclose information, information transparency could make investor trust enterprise as well. The investing and financing strategy are like “Digging Trenches and Constructing Canals”, which storaging water before droughts came and guiding water during havery rains, that the enterprise have to transform and extend antennae to another industry for Sustainability Development. Dayu take accountablity of success or failure in governing water during managing the wate period, when he passed by his home at three times, but never go into the house. So that the “accountability” is an attitude during Corporate Goverance Officer conducting on his/her duties.
    In Today, Corporate Governance officer’s title are difference in countries and orgaizations, but their duty is quitly the same as conducting Board of Directors and Shareholders meeting. For example, Corporate Governance officer should assist Board of Director conducting duty, ensure company comply law and regulations, and custody the registration documents and legal documents. He/She must conduct the business strategy which decided by board of directors, and disclosure the correct information, so that the external investors could more understand the company.
    How should the Corporate Governance Officer guide the family business conduct Corporate Goverance? This paper was used the case study method of qualitative research to analysis Corporate Goverance Officer in Taiwan, which Summarized how to play the role of Corporate Goverance officer in family business, what difference between concurrently and regular, and which expectation from Taiwan Authority. Based on the research results, there are four suggestions for Corporate Governance Officers and Authority:
    1. Establish an external monitoring mechanism to reduce agency problems.
    2. Improve the responsibilities and supervision of Corporate Governance Officer.
    3. Provide Institutions of Corporate Governance for training professionals.
    4. Raised parctitioners to obtain Certificates of Corporate Governance.
    Keywords: Family Business, Corporate Governance Officer, Company Secretay, Agency Problem.

    摘要 I ABSTRACT II 謝誌 IV 目錄 V 表目錄 VII 圖目錄 錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節. 研究背景與動機 1 第二節. 研究目的 2 第三節. 研究重要性與貢獻 3 第四節. 研究流程 5 第貳章 文獻探討 7 第一節. 家族企業之特色 7 第二節. 公司治理主管(CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OFFICE) 14 第參章 各國公司治理主管(CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OFFICER) 19 第一節. 英國公司秘書(COMPANY SECRETARY) 19 第二節. 香港公司秘書 22 第三節. 新加坡公司秘書(COMPANY SECRETARY) 24 第四節. 印度公司秘書(COMPANY SECRETARY) 26 第五節. 美國公司公司秘書(CORPORATE SECRETARY) 29 第六節. 中國大陸董事會秘書(BOARD SECRETARY) 31 第七節. 台灣公司治理主管 33 第八節. 小結 35 第肆章 研究設計 41 第一節. 研究方法 41 第二節. 資料收集及檢核方式 41 第三節. 建立研究過程 42 第四節. 樣本選取之有效度 43 第伍章 訪談結果 45 第一節. 公司治理主管在董事會中扮演之角色 45 第二節. 公司治理主管對政府的期待 51 第三節. 公司治理主管設置採專任或兼任之差異 54 第四節. 實務上台灣與國外公司治理主管之差異 56 第陸章 研究結論與建議 59 第一節. 研究結論 59 第二節. 研究建議 61 第三節. 研究限制及後續研究建議 64 參考文獻 66 參考書目 66 中文文獻 66 英文文獻 67 網路資訊 68 附錄 訪談大綱 72

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