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Author: 葉振業
Thesis Title: 傳統包裝水產業轉型之個案研究
A Case Study Of Traditional Package Of Aquatic Industry Transformation
Advisor: 欒斌
Pin Luarn
Committee: 吳宗成
Tzong-Chen Wu
Cheng-Kang Chen
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2009
Graduation Academic Year: 97
Language: 中文
Pages: 82
Keywords (in Chinese): 傳統產業食品業產業轉型企業轉型包裝礦泉水核心競爭力競爭優勢海洋深層水
Keywords (in other languages): Traditional industry, Food industry, Industrial transformation, Business transformation, Packaging of Mineral water, Core competence, Competitive advantage, Deep ocean water
Reference times: Clicks: 995Downloads: 5
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  • 近年來台灣的環境相當的困難。在外部環境方面,台灣加入WTO後所面臨的國際化衝擊,使得台灣傳統產業面臨嚴峻的挑戰;內部環境方面,因為環保意識的抬升、工資水準的提高,導致了企業經營成本提高。因此受到內外環境的變動,台灣的傳統產業紛紛面臨了大小不一的經營危機。希望本研究能夠針對台灣傳統產業的轉型做一更深入的了解,並能夠在如此艱困的環境中提供給產業界一些貢獻。



    In recent years, Taiwan's environment has been very difficult. In the external environment, Taiwan facing the shock of internationalization’s impact that results from the entry into the WTO of Taiwan.So Taiwan's traditional industries are facing a tough challenges. In the internal environment, as environmental awareness rising and the wage standards rising, the business’s operating costs was increased. Therefore subject to changes in internal and external environment, Taiwan's traditional industries have faced a large or small operational crisis. Hope that this research should be targeted at the transformation of traditional industries in Taiwan to do a more in-depth understanding, and can provide some contribution to the industry in such a difficult environment .
    In this study, the method is case analysis. The object of study is a company-Y in Taiwan for 20 years, the company’s product is packaging mineral water. Through the analysis of the packaging of mineral water’s market and the Y company’s operation , the study found that because of the characteristics of industrial competitiveness and the lack of water ,the manager of the Y company’s attention has been aroused, and thus to carry out the transformational actions. Therefore, according to Y company’s actions of the transformation and the structure which was extracted from the literature, we analyzed the reasons for its transformation, the decision-making for its transformation, the type for its transformation and the assessment of its transformation.
    Finally we hope that this study is able to help the industrial operators to do the right decision-making for transformation, and understanding all of the critical factors of successful industrial transformation and make them consistent. So that the enterprise may operate succeed in this turbulent environment.

    誌 謝 I 中 文 摘 要 II ABSTRACT III 目錄: IV 表目錄: V 圖目錄: VI 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 2 第三節 研究方法與研究限制 3 第二章 理論基礎與相關文獻探討 6 第一節 企業轉型的定義與轉型原因 6 第二節 企業轉型的策略 11 第三節 企業轉型的障礙與關鍵成功因素 21 第四節 企業轉型的整體策略架構 30 第五節 競爭優勢策略與核心競爭力 32 第六節 海洋深層水相關文獻 37 第三章 個案公司歷程 57 第一節 個案產業環境與市場概述: 57 第二節 個案公司發展沿革 62 第四章 個案分析與研究 66 第一節 公司企業轉型評估分析 66 第二節 個案公司企業轉型過程 70 第三節 個案公司企業轉型後經營效益評估 75 第五章 結論 79 參考文獻: 80 英文資料: 80 中文資料: 81 網站資料: 82

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    1. Webster,
    2. 京華堂實業股份有限公司,
    3. 光隆企業網站,
    4. 國統國際公司,
    5. 經濟部水資源局,
    6. 經濟部水利署,
    7. 財團法人食品工業發展研究所,
    8. 東方消費者行銷資料庫,

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