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研究生: Sebastian Gebhardt
Sebastian Gebhardt
論文名稱: 迷你電動車:都市交通之永續藍圖? 以 UTAUT2 模型分析中、德兩國之消費者接受度
THE MINI-EV: A BLUEPRINT FOR SUSTAINABLE URBAN MOBILITY? A Consumer Acceptance Analysis between Germany and China based on the UTAUT2.
指導教授: 葉峻賓
Chun-Ping Yeh
口試委員: 劉顯仲
John S. Liu
Yi-Chi Hsiao
Yi-Chi Hsiao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 科技管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Technology Management
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 94
中文關鍵詞: UTAUT2Technology Acceptance ModelMobilityConsumer acceptanceSustainable technology acceptanceMini-EVElectric car
外文關鍵詞: UTAUT2, Technology Acceptance Model, Mobility, Consumer acceptance, Sustainable technology acceptance, Mini-EV, Electric car
相關次數: 點閱:610下載:18
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The question of how we can transfer our mobility solutions towards more eco-friendly technologies is eminent and of increased importance to reach global emission goals. This work emphasizes on the recent market success of small and light electric vehicles (Mini-EVs) in mainland China, which are designed to fulfil the basic needs on urban mobility. As a similar diffusion of this type of vehicle is yet to be shown in developed countries despite increasing effort in broader electrification of mobility, this work investigates the question whether this class of vehicles is applicable to the consumer needs of a developed country - in this specific case Germany - in the shade of the necessities of future sustainable individual mobility, especially in the urban area. Withing a selected framework of the UTAUT2, this type of vehicle is introduced to German customers to test their perception. The UTAUT2 is therefore extended by the constructs of Willingness to Scale, Environmental concern, Perceived Population Density, Micro mobility Experience and Safety Concerns and applied to test several hypotheses concerning the consumer perception of Mini-EVs. With the main goal of finding differences between consumer perception within a developed and a developing mobility infrastructure, two surveys, identical in content but translated to each language, have therefore been distributed in Germany (N=212) and China (N=195). Results show, that a willingness to scale down one’s mean of personal transport is significantly influencing the adoption intention of Mini EVs in Germany, next to the Environmental concern, as a main added exogenous factor to the UTAUT2. Safety concerns however seem to be of less importance in Germany, but proof to be of major concern in China. Based on the results of the study, managerial applications and policy implications are formulated.

Abstract I List of Figures V List of Tables VII 1. Introduction 1 2. Background information and research motivation 4 2.1. Nomenclature used in this work 4 2.2. Modal share and CO2 emissions of transport sector within Europe 5 2.3. The three pillars of sustainability 6 2.4. CO2 emission laws and the question of access to mobility 7 2.5. Trends in German and Chinese sociodemographics influencing mobility needs 8 2.6. EV mobility market in Germany vs. China 10 2.7. The challenges of future personal mobility in the German automotive sector and the question of space distribution 12 2.8. Small and lightweight cars only for developing markets? 13 2.9. Do Chinese style Mini-EVs hit a sweet spot? 15 2.10. Research Goal 17 3. Literature review and theoretical background 19 3.1. The Technology Acceptance Model and the UTAUT 19 3.1.1. The Theory of Reasoned Action and the Theory of Planned Behavior as origin of the TAM and the UTAUT 19 3.1.2. From TRA and TPB to TAM and UTAUT/UTAUT2 21 3.2. TRA, TPB, TAM/UTAUT(2) and exemplary use in personal and public mobility behavior 24 3.3. Sustainability in technology acceptance and diffusion literature 24 3.4. Constraints and limitations of discussed behavior models 25 3.5. Structural equation modelling 27 4. Quantitative Mini-EV acceptance model 32 4.1. Hypothesis formulation 32 4.1.1. Constructs of UTAUT/UTAUT2 32 4.1.2. Selected literature constructs and extensions 34 4.1.3. New constructs 36 4.1.4. Research model as Structural Equation Model 38 4.2. Questions, constructs and scale of measurement 39 4.3. Survey structure 41 4.4. Survey versions and distribution 43 4.4.1. German version 44 4.4.2. Chinese version 45 4.5. Descriptive statistics and result comparison 47 4.5.1. Sociodemographic Background of German and Chinese sample groups 47 4.5.2. Visualization of Likert Scale results by GantT charts 50 4.6. Structural Equation Modeling 55 4.6.1. Model 1: German sample 55 4.6.2. Model 2: China Sample 61 4.6.3. Model 3: Multigroup-Analysis as additional testing model 66 4.7. Hypothesis acceptance and rejection 70 5. Discussion, Application and Implications 74 5.1. Scientific contribution and managerial application 74 5.2. Policy implications 75 5.3. Limitations and suggestions for further research 76 6. Conclusion and outlook 78 References IV Appendix XIII

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