Author: |
王維川 Wei-chuan Wang |
Thesis Title: |
mPower-行動式輸變電管理及維護系統 mPower – Mobile Application for Electrical System Management and Maintenance |
Advisor: |
Chuan-Kai Yang |
Committee: |
Yuan-Cheng Lai 羅乃維 Nai-wei Lo |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
管理學院 - 資訊管理系 Department of Information Management |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2012 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 100 |
Language: | 中文 |
Pages: | 55 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 地理資訊系統 、輸變電系統 、手持裝置 |
Keywords (in other languages): | GIS, Electrical System, Handheld device |
Reference times: | Clicks: 320 Downloads: 0 |
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自從平板電腦推出以來,智慧型手持裝置如雨後春筍般,每一個電腦及手機廠家都推出產品,消費者也趨之若鶩。課堂上調查EMBA學長姐持有智慧型手機者幾乎接近八成,我們可以在公共場所或捷運上看到幾乎人手一台,已經形成流行趨勢。智慧型手持裝置在各廠家競爭下越來越便宜、功能也越來越強。數以萬計的應用程式在市場上提供下載,其中很多還是免費使用,相信不久在各行各業的應用都可以看到他的蹤跡。公司建置的電網及維護部門分散各地,若能應用智慧型手持裝置附加GIS(Geographic Information System)地理資訊系統融入輸變電管理及維護,將可以達到快速、行動的功能。就像電子公事包及工具箱一樣,輸變電這種需要快速行動、快速反應的事業有了它的協助必然如虎添翼。本文以知識管理的方法整理出輸變電事業的各類管理、維護知識,配合GIS融入智慧型手持裝置,提供輸變電系統管理階層及現場維護人員新的行動方案。
The popularity of tablet PCs and smart phones has drastically changed our lives. Nowadays almost everyone on MRT has a smart phone and many of them would like to play with the applications on it. One can choose more than ten thousands of applications from the App market to suit his/her need. In particular, from Taipower’s perspective, as electrical line towers and substations spread everywhere, and such an organization needs to rapidly respond to emergent situations, it would be nice to make use of a handheld device, treated as an electron suitcase, to combine the functionalities of GIS, electrical system management and maintenance in one application. This thesis is to develop such an application using the popular android system, and it can be deployed on any android-based mobile device.
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