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研究生: 黃莉婷
Li-Ting Huang
論文名稱: 筆記型電腦產業之供應鏈策略聯盟模式-以某外商硬碟供應商在中國大陸導入VMI為例
Strategic Alliances in Notebook PC Supply Chain ─A Case Study of A Hard Disk Drive Supplier Implementing VMI in China
指導教授: 王孔政
Kung-Jeng Wang
口試委員: 林樹強
Shu-chiang Lin
Yun-huei Lee
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理學院MBA
School of Management International (MBA)
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 56
中文關鍵詞: 筆記型電腦產業硬碟產業供應鏈策略聯盟供應商管理存貨第三方物流業者
外文關鍵詞: Notebook PC Industry, Hard Disk Drive Industry, Supply Chain, Strategic Alliance, Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI), Third Party Logistics (3PLs)
相關次數: 點閱:822下載:19
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近年來各國企業為撙節成本、提升客戶滿意度而進行了許多供應鏈上的策略聯盟。各供應鏈夥伴以非財務的合約關係,分享各自所擁有的資源及特殊能力,進而創造競爭優勢。本個案研究的主角是國際上一知名筆記型電腦硬碟供應商,在2002年初期隨著台灣筆電代工廠商西進大陸服務客戶。登陸之初由於屢屢出現交貨延遲及庫存數量不準確等等之問題,致使客戶抱怨連連。本研究旨在探討個案公司如何籍由與供應鏈上其它夥伴進行策略聯盟的方式,有效解決顧客抱怨並提升顧客滿意度。透過個案研究,我們也將進一步探討一些與供應商管理存貨(Vendor-Managed Inventory) 與第三方物流業者(Third Party Logistics Providers)相關的重要議題,以及構成一個有效力之供應鏈策略聯盟的主要因素。本研究採取個案研究及個案議題分析的方式進行,研究內容結合了筆者自身參與筆記型電腦產業供應鏈的實務操作經驗及其他知名學者的著作及理論。本研究期能作為一公司評估供應鏈策略聯盟之可行性時的參考依據。

Companies from different nations choose to form supply chain strategic alliances for the needs of reducing cost or for enhancing customer service rate. Supply chain partners develop a contractual-relationship to share their unique resources and capabilities for creating strategic competitive advantage. The protagonist of this case study is a well-known Japanese conglomerate supplying notebook PC hard disk drives. After moving to China along with the Taiwanese notebook PC ODMs in 2002, the case company suffered a lot of customer complaints about delayed shipment and low inventory accuracy. This research aims to understand how the case company resolved customer complaints and enhanced customer service rate through forming effective supply chain strategic alliance with other supply chain partners. Through case study, we will also explore some important issues concerning VMI and 3PLs and the major elements that constitute an effective supply chain strategic alliance. This research is conducted through case study and case issue analysis and the contents of this research are combinations of the author’s past working experience in notebook PC industry plus theories from some well-known scholars. We hope this research could help other companies when evaluating the possibilities of forming supply chain strategic alliance.

摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III Table of contents IV List of tables VII List of figures VIII Chapter 1: Introduction 1 1.1 Research background 1 1.2 Research objective 1 1.3 Research method and process 1 Chapter 2: Literature Review 3 2.1 Strategic alliances 3 2.1.1 Types of strategic alliance 4 2.2 Strategic alliances in supply chain management 4 2.2.1 Third party logistics (3PL) 5 2.2.2 Distributor integration 6 2.2.3 Retailer-supplier partnerships (RSP) 6 VMI and the expected benefits 8 Enablers for successful VMI implementation 9 Chapter 3: Notebook PC Industry and Hard Disk Drive Industry 11 3.1 Background of the notebook PC industry 11 3.2 Trend of the notebook PC industry 11 3.3 Future of the notebook PC industry 13 3.4 Background of the hard disk drive industry 14 3.5 Trend of the hard disk drive industry 16 3.6 Future of the hard disk drive industry 17 Chapter 4: Case Study 19 4.1 The westward expansion of Taiwanese notebook PC ODM 19 4.2 Company background 25 4.3 Case background 28 Chapter 5: Case Issue Analysis and Conclusion 43 5.1 Case issue analysis 43 5.1.1 Case issue 1 43 5.1.2 Case issue 2 44 5.1.3 Case issue 3 46 5.1.4 Case issue 4 46 5.1.5 Case issue 5 47 5.2 Conclusion 49 References 52

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