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Author: 陳皆成
Jie-Cherng Chen
Thesis Title: 影響軟體可維護性之軟體發展問題因素與專案屬性之研究
A study of software development problem factors and project attributes affecting software maintainability
Advisor: 黃世禎
Sun-Jen Huang
Committee: 李國光
Gwo-Guang Lee
Yuan-Cheng Lai
Wen-Kui Chang
Degree: 博士
Department: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2009
Graduation Academic Year: 97
Language: 英文
Pages: 72
Keywords (in Chinese): 軟體委外軟體流程改善軟體可維護性軟體發展問題因素多重角色衝突
Keywords (in other languages): Outsourcing, Software Process Improvement, Software Maintainability, Software Development Problem Factors, Inter-Role Conflict
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  • 在整個軟體發展生命週期裡,主要包含了兩個重要的階段:「軟體發展階段」與「軟體維護階段」,而軟體維護階段被公認是在整個軟體生命週期中最耗費成本的階段。然而,有許多問題因素是發生在軟體發展階段,它們最終會影響軟體的可維護性,並造成軟體難以維護。因此,瞭解影響軟體可維護性之軟體發展問題因素與專案屬性,不僅有助於降低軟體專案的失敗率,而且有助於確保軟體的可維護性。

    There are two major phases in the software life cycle: the software development phase and the software maintenance phase. Software maintenance has been recognized as the most costly and difficult phase in the software life cycle. Many problem factors in the software development phase may affect the maintainability of the delivered software systems. Therefore, understanding software development problem factors and project attributes can help in not only reducing the incidence of project failure but can also ensure software maintainability.
    This study focuses on those software development problem factors which may possibly affect software maintainability. The influence of three project attributes (i.e., software process improvement (SPI), sourcing type, and inter-role conflict) on software development problems and the associated software maintainability was also examined. Twenty-five problem factors were classified into five dimensions; a questionnaire was designed and 137 software projects were surveyed. A k-means cluster analysis was performed to classify the projects into three groups of low, medium and high maintainability projects. Regression and ANOVA analyses were conducted to examine the relationships among project attributes, software development problems and the associated software maintainability.
    The results reveal the facts that (1) for projects which have a higher level of severity of problem factors, the influence on software maintainability becomes more obvious; (2) SPI can help reduce the level of severity of the documentation quality and process management problems, and is only likely to enhance software maintainability to a medium level; (3) the outsourced projects have significantly higher levels of severity on the process management problems than the insourced projects; and (4) the inter-role conflict can indirectly affect software maintainability via documentation quality and programming quality problems. Finally, the top 10 list of higher-severity software development problem factors was identified, and the management implications were also discussed in this study.

    摘 要 I Abstract III Acknowledgement V Table of Contents VII List of Figures IX List of Tables X 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Background and Motivation 1 1.2 Research Scope 2 1.3 Outline of the Dissertation 3 2. Survey on Related Work 5 2.1 Software Product Quality 5 2.1.1 Software Maintainability 5 2.2 Software Development Problems 5 2.2.1 Documentation Quality Problems 6 2.2.2 Programming Quality Problems 7 2.2.3 System Requirements Problems 7 2.2.4 Personnel Resources Problems 8 2.2.5 Process Management Problems 8 2.3 Project Attributes 11 2.3.1 Software Process Improvement 11 2.3.2 Sourcing Type 11 2.3.3 Inter-Role Conflict 12 3. Questionnaire Development and Data Collection 13 3.1 Content Validity 13 3.2 Pilot Test 14 3.3 Data Collection 14 4. Analyses of Software Development Problems and Software Maintainability 20 4.1 Research Questions 20 4.2 Patterns in Problem Dimensions across Different Levels of Software Maintainability 21 4.3 A List of the Top 10 Higher-Severity Problem Factors 28 4.4 Comparing the Problem Factors between Two Phases 28 4.5 Discussion and Implications 29 5. Analyses of Project Attributes and Software Maintainability 31 5.1 Research Questions 31 5.2 The Relationship between Project Demographics and Software Maintainability 32 5.3 Impact of SPI on Problem Dimensions 35 5.4 Impact of Sourcing Type on Problem Dimensions 36 5.5 The Relationship between Project Size and Inter-Role Conflict 37 5.6 The Relationship between Inter-Role Conflict and Software Maintainability 39 5.7 Discussion and Implications 44 6. Conclusions and Future Work 47 6.1 Summary 47 6.2 Limitations 49 6.3 Future Work 50 Bibliography 52 Appendix A. Questionnaire for Content Validity 58 Appendix B. Questionnaire for Pilot Test 60 Appendix C. Questionnaire for Data Collection 64 Curriculum Vitae 70 Publication List 71

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