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Author: 戴宏聲
Hung-Sheng Tai
Thesis Title: 夜視鏡使用性評估及對頸肩部負荷之影響
Usability Analysis of Night Vision Goggle and its Load on Neck and Shoulders Complex
Advisor: 李永輝
Yung-Hui Lee
Committee: 王孔政
Degree: 博士
Department: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2011
Graduation Academic Year: 99
Language: 中文
Pages: 56
Keywords (in Chinese): 肌電圖人因分析地面作業頭戴裝置夜視鏡
Keywords (in other languages): Electromyography, Ergonomic analysis, Simulated ground operations, Head-mounted system, Night vision goggle
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  • 本研究分三階段探討驗證夜視鏡使用性及對頸肩負荷之影響,第一階段「問卷」,針對舊型夜視鏡使用現況調查,以瞭解使用問題,有效回收452份問卷結果,有51.9%建議舒適性需進一步改善,在便利性有37.3%認為應急需改善及簡化穿戴程序。第二階段「設計」,依調查急需改善問題研製新型夜視鏡,構造簡化、操作便捷,減少穿戴程序3步驟,改進頭戴設計為力矩式頭環,夜視鏡重量分釋頭部四週使配戴舒適與便利性有所改善。第三階段為「評估驗證」計有29名受試者參與實驗,區分兩部分,第一部分為「穿戴使用性評估」,針對新、舊夜視鏡進行穿戴使用便利性、舒適性與穩固性實施主觀評量,結果新型穿戴時間40.8±18秒比舊型式105.7±44秒快了64.9秒,有較佳穿戴效率,且對新型式有較佳便利性與舒適性評價。第二部分是「頸肩負荷肌電圖」利用EMG量測配戴此二型夜視鏡,模擬地面作戰人員操作常用姿勢(立、坐、臥姿)的頸肩部負荷,以驗證「型式」與「姿勢」交互作用影響,結果新型式對頸部負荷較舊式有改善惟仍嫌偏高。就「姿勢」影響,坐、立、臥姿頸部肌群EMG平均值均超過20%MVC對頸部肌肉均造成影響。惟臥姿43.3%MVC高出立、坐姿甚多,主要是臥姿頸部角度「後頃」10度,與立、坐姿「前頃」30度及40度,方向、角度不同影響所致。就「型式」和「姿勢」對頸部肌群肌電值具交互影響「姿勢」的影響十分顯著,新、舊型式在立、臥姿時的頸部肌群肌電值無顯著影響。然在坐姿時肌電值有較大差異,顯然坐姿對頸部相對放鬆(較小的頸部伸展角度)可解釋頭戴夜視鏡應較適合坐姿操作如駕駛等。本研究結論,新型夜視鏡較舊型式的穿戴時間節省一半,且穿戴便利性及舒適性獲得較高正面評價。惟這種並未減少頸部肌群負荷,但對於坐姿時減少上頸部負荷提供相當貢獻。臥姿時頸部肌群受到較大工作負荷,所以應提供戰士於臥姿時使用手持式或步機槍夜視鏡,以減少頸部肌群工作負荷。若仍需配戴頭戴式夜視鏡執行臥姿動作,未來應研究減少夜視鏡重量及重置夜視鏡重心,以降低頭頸部壓力。未來研究仍需持續精進夜視鏡設計與探討追蹤長期穿戴夜視鏡之影響。

    The present study examines the usability and workload on neck-shoulder complex with three stages. The first stage is questionnaire survey to investigate the usability of the old model night vision goggles (NVG). The 51.9% of the 452 valid questionnaires suggested improving the comfort. The convenience survey result showed that 37.3% of users recommended improving and simplifying the mounting procedures. The design issue was significant in the second stage. It is recommended that new design NVG with simple configuration, easy to operate, decrease 3 steps on the mounting procedures, weight dispersion around the head, to improve the comfort and convenience. Twenty-nine male infantry soldiers participated in the final stage divided into two parts. The first part is to evaluate the usability with the subjective rating on the convenience, comfort, and stability using old and new model NVGs. The results showed that the mounting time of the new model was 40.8 ± 18 sec that was faster than that of the old model (105.7 ± 44 sec) by 64.9 sec. The second part is to simulate ground operation with standing, sitting, and prone postures to obtain the neck-shoulder workload by Electromyography (EMG) to identify the interaction effects of “model” and “posture”. EMG activities of the neck muscles are over 20 % MVC regardless the posture. Our results showed that a heavier workload was experienced while engaged in a prone posture (43.3 % MVC) than that of sitting or standing. The mean head backward angle in the prone posture was 10°, which was different for head forward angle in standing (30°) and sitting (40°) and could explain a particularly heavy workload in the prone position. The results also showed that the “posture” was the major determinant of neck muscles on EMG tracings. A heavy workload is experienced in neck muscles while wearing NVG in the prone position. These findings suggest that we should provide a rifle fitted with the NVG or hand-held model to decrease head-neck workload. We suggest that further reductions of NVG weight and relocation of the center of gravity of the NVGs to the center mass of the head could further reduce stress on the head-neck complex. Further research will still need to redesign NVG and examine the long-term effects for wearing NVG.

    摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究背景與動機 1 1.2.研究目的 2 1.3.研究架構 3 1.4.研究假設 4 1.5.研究範圍及限制 5 第二章 文獻回顧及探討 6 2.1夜視鏡的發展 6 2.2 國軍夜視鏡發展與使用 9 2.3夜視裝備人因設計考量因素 12 2.4 頭戴裝置對頸肩部的影響 13 2.5 小結 15 第三章 舊式夜視鏡的使用調查 17 3.1 受試者 17 3.2問卷設計與調查 17 3.3舊式夜視鏡簡介 18 3.4夜視鏡配帶程序和要領 20 3.5 穿戴夜視鏡現況 21 3.6夜視鏡使用及裝配時間 21 3.7穿戴夜視鏡對身體各部位舒適度影響 23 3.8小結 24 第四章 新式夜視鏡設計 26 4.1新設計的改善考量 26 4.2新式夜視鏡簡介 27 4.3新式夜視鏡諸元與性能 27 4.4新式夜視鏡構造 28 4.5新式夜視鏡的穿戴程序 29 4.6兩型式之夜視鏡的差異比較 29 4.6.1物理性能比較 29 4.6.2設計構造差異比較 30 4.6.3穿戴程序差異比較 31 4.7小結 31 第五章 使用性評估驗證 32 5.1實驗方法 32 5.1.1受試者 32 5.1.2實驗設計 32 5.1.3 穿戴時間 33 5.1.4主觀評比 33 5.1.5 肌電測量與分析 34 5.1.6肌電圖量測儀 35 5.1.7資料分析 35 5.2實驗結果 35 5.2.1主觀評比 35 5.2.2夜視鏡對頸肩負荷之影響 37 5.2.3姿勢對頸肩部負荷之影響 37 5.3 小結 39 第六章結論與建議 41 6.1結論 41 6.1.1 問卷 41 6.1.2 設計 42 6.1.3 使用性評估驗證 42 6.1.4 綜合結論 43 6.2未來研究建議 44 參考文獻 45 附錄A 問卷 51 附錄B 夜視鏡主觀評量操作實驗紀錄表 52 附錄C 實驗說明暨同意書 53 作者簡介 54 國立臺灣科技大學博碩士論文授權書 56

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