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研究生: 左浩儒
Hao-Ru Tso
論文名稱: 立地式電風扇之數值與實驗整合研究
Numerical and Experimental Study of Stand Fan
指導教授: 林顯群
Sheam-Chyun Lin
口試委員: 陳呈芳
Shiuh-Jer Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 176
中文關鍵詞: 立地式電風扇氣動特性量測噪音量測
外文關鍵詞: stand fan, aerodynamic characteristics measurement, noise measurement
相關次數: 點閱:405下載:2
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  • 電風扇在家庭中是一項不可或缺的電器產品,隨著科技進步與技術上的蓬勃發展,人們對於生活品質要求也有所提升,對於家電產品性能也特別重視;另因工業過度發展,使得溫室效應造成全球暖化,因此人們更加注重節能減碳,另外對於節能也可減少成本開銷。電風扇發展至今,鮮少有針對立地式電風扇之性能及氣流特性進行分析研究,市面上大都使用相似外型來進行販售,僅以改變馬達性能來達到節能之效用,另外對於扇葉保護罩僅以安全性為主要訴求,較少對於氣流場走勢及變化進行探討;因此,本研究將透過數值模擬方式進行流場分析,利用有系統的參數化設計來進行研究,並將最適化設計製作出實體化模型,利用模型來進行實驗量測,希望能用數值模擬來探討各設計參數之影響效益以及實驗與數值結果之可靠度。
    氣動特性量測系根據能源之星(ENERGY STAR)吊扇量測規範及國家標準CNS 2061立地電扇量測標準,將兩者整合並建立一測試方式,測試得到之實驗數據與數值模擬相互比較後,顯示出不論是競品與最適化電風扇,得到實驗值與模擬值之性能趨勢結果一致,兩者的數值差異在10~14%之可接受範圍內,證實數值模擬方法具有一定的準確度。在性能之實驗測試上,最適化電風扇與競品電風扇之性能比較,結果顯示本設計電風扇在氣動特性表現上優於競品電風扇,其最大流量提升54%且氣流場分佈也較均勻廣闊,整體流場速度對於人體之影響也感到較為舒適。綜合上述之研究成果顯示,本文所研究之立地式電風扇已達到提升性能之目標,因此其設計流程、測試方式及相關參數應用可供後續業界作為研究開發參考。

    For meeting people’s requirements on life quality, the high-performance stand fan has become an essential appliance in every family. On the other hand, energy saving can not only solve the problem of environment protection, but also can reduce the cost of energy consumption. However, the aerodynamic performance and flow characteristic of stand fan are rarely investigated and analyzed in a systematical manner. Therefore, this research intends to investigate the physical mechanism of the flow pattern and identify the design parameters of stand fan by combining the numerical and experimental tools.
    First of all, a commercial 14-inch stand fan is chosen to analyze its construction and performance for serving as the reference fan. The stand fan can be divided into the rotor and the protective cover. Clearly, the impeller blade has a great influence on the fan performance so that the fan impeller is the first design target. In this work, CFD software Fluent is used to evaluate and observe the corresponding influences on flow pattern and aerodynamic performance caused by the design parameters such as the setting, twist, and inclining angles. Then, the protective fan cover is studied and improved to integrate with the designed rotor for a superior fan performance. The protective cover is modified by imposing the appropriate distance, shape and the rib angle in order to improve the fan’s flow field and performance. Finally, the optimal fan mockup is made via CNC technology for measuring the acoustic and aerodynamic performances, which are used to validate the accuracy and reliability of the numerical simulation.
    After comparing experimental results with the numerical simulation, it is shown the experimental results are in agreement with the numerical simulation within the deviation range of 10~14%. Moreover, the test results show that the designed stand fan is better than the reference fan with a significant 54% increase on flow rate and a more uniform velocity distribution for the comfortable feeling for human body. In summary, this research successfully establishes a reliable and systematic scheme to design the stand fan. Also, the corresponding performance influences caused by those important parameters are analyzed and summed up for serving as the design reference for the stand fan.

    摘 要I AbstractIII 致 謝V 目 錄VI 圖索引X 表索引XIV 符號索引XVI 第一章緒論1 1.1前言1 1.2風扇的種類6 1.3傳統式電風扇10 1.4文獻回顧13 1.4.1軸流風扇設計13 1.4.2數值方法15 1.5研究動機與流程規劃17 1.5.1研究動機17 1.5.2研究流程規劃20 第二章數值與實驗方法24 2.1統御方程式與紊流模式24 2.1.1統御方程式26 2.1.2紊流模式理論27 2.2數值計算方式29 2.2.1數值模擬基本流程31 2.2.2求解流程33 2.2.3離散化方程式35 2.2.4上風差分法37 2.2.5速度與壓力耦合38 2.3邊界條件設定與收斂判定法則39 2.4實驗方法42 第三章扇葉參數設計與模擬分析49 3.1扇葉單體數值模型之建立50 3.1.1模型建立50 3.1.2網格建立55 3.2軸流式扇葉設計流程59 3.2.1三維葉片設計62 3.2.2三維輪轂設計65 3.3扇葉單體設計參數69 3.3.1扇葉安裝角69 3.3.2扇葉扭轉角82 3.3.3扇葉傾角85 3.4參數設計最佳成品與競品之數值結果比較92 第四章扇葉保護罩整合設計與模擬分析95 4.1電風扇競品之模擬分析96 4.1.1模型建立96 4.1.2網格建立98 4.1.3電風扇競品之數值模擬分析結果103 4.2保護罩之出口端間距及邊框厚度113 4.3外框肋條設計120 4.3.1肋條外型變化之模擬分析結果122 4.3.2梯形肋條角度變化之數值模擬結果分析126 4.4保護罩之出口角度134 第五章實驗量測與結果分析138 5.1電風扇性能與噪音實驗設備139 5.1.1電風扇性能測試設備及儀器139 5.1.2電風扇噪音測試設備及儀器142 5.2實驗結果分析144 5.2.1競品電風扇與最適化電風扇性能量測與結果分析150 5.2.2噪音量測結果分析161 第六章結論與建議165 6.1結論165 6.2建議171 參考文獻174

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