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研究生: 林揚祐
Yang-You Lin
論文名稱: 以穿隧型場效應結構觸發之橫向溝渠式絕緣閘極雙極性電晶體
Lateral trench-type insulated-gate bipolar transistor triggered by using tunneling-field-effect structure
指導教授: 莊敏宏
Miin-Horng Juang
口試委員: 張勝良
Sheng-Lyang Jang
Shih-Hsiang Hsu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 97
中文關鍵詞: 橫向溝渠式絕緣閘極雙極性電晶體穿隧型場效應結構
外文關鍵詞: tunneling-field-effect, lateral trench-type
相關次數: 點閱:647下載:2
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The lateral insulated-gate bipolar transistor power device has been proposed that a smaller on-state voltage drop compared with metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor power device and tunneling-field-effect transistor power device. Because the P+-anode/N- drift junction of the device turn on, the large series resistance in the drift region can be effectively reduced. In this thesis, the results of different gate-positions of planar TFET-IGBT have been discussed, there is a trade-off between the electric field in P+-cathode/N- drift junction and N- drift region. Furthermore, planar TFET-IGBT with removal of P-well and ion implant to form n-pocket can significantly enhance the band-to-band tunneling near the P+-cathode/N- drift junction, and the on-current of the device would be obviously increased. Nevertheless, a large electric field in the depletion region of P+-cathode/N- drift junction would result in breakdown voltage degradation. Therefore, the optimization of the characteristics of planar TFET-IGBT requires a trade-off between forward current and reverse blocking voltage.
For improving the blocking voltage of the device, trench-type TFET-IGBT be studied with better breakdown characteristic. It is found that the usage of n-pocket can enhance the electric field of trench-type TFET-IGBT not only near the P+-cathode/N- drift junction but also in N- drift region. As a result, the on-state capability and blocking voltage characteristic of trench-type TFET-IGBT can be obviously improved compared with those of MOS-IGBT.

Abstract (Chinese) iii Abstract v Acknowledgement (Chinese) vi Contents vii Figure Captions viii Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1-1 Power MOSFET 1 1-2 MOS-IGBT 2 1-3 TFET 4 1-4 Motivation 6 1-5 Thesis organization 6 Chapter 2 Device Fabrication 7 2-1 Power MOSFET 8 2-2 MOS-IGBT 14 2-3 TFET 21 2-4 Planar TFET-IGBT with P-well 28 2-5 Trench-type TFET-IGBT without P-well 34 Chapter 3 Result and Discussion 40 3-1 The electrical characteristics of planar TFET-IGBT 40 3-1-1 The electrical characteristics of TFET-IGBT with P-well 41 3-1-2 The electrical characteristics of TFET-IGBT without P-well 48 3-1-3 The electrical characteristics of TFET-IGBT without P-well and with n-pocket 54 3-2 The electrical characterization of trench-type TFET-IGBT 60 3-2-1 The electrical characterization of TFET-IGBT without P-well 61 3-2-2 The electrical characterization of TFET-IGBT without P-well and with n-pocket 68 Chapter 4 Conclusions 78 Reference 79

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