簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 宋流芳
Liu-fang Song
論文名稱: 學習型組織發展之探討
Exploring the Development of The Learning Organization
指導教授: 李國光
Gwo-guang Lee
口試委員: 周子銓
Tzu-chuan Chou
Cheng-kang Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 78
中文關鍵詞: 學習型組織行動研究變革管理轉換型領導
外文關鍵詞: Change Management, Action Research, Learning Organization, Transformation Leadership
相關次數: 點閱:510下載:19
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  • 所有組織或企業皆由人所組成,其運行和發展仿若一個生機體,因此,就如任何人事物一般,都在生命週期的結構中運行,也都會經歷誕生、成長、壯大、衰退等生命階段。如何長期保有創新動力,維持企業的競爭力,轉化衰退危機,甚至成為成長動機,是企業亟待發現並發展出的成長動能。

    Composed of people, all organizations and enterprises are operating and developing in a similar way as an organic mechanism, which experiences a life cycle that go through birth, growth, expansion and decay. However, every enterprise could avoid the decay by developing a sustainable growth strategy. The key element of the strategy is to stay innovative, which ensures enterprise’s competitiveness, prevents recession, and provides impetus for new growth.
    Considering the internal and external environment, to re-image a matured company and to inject innovative ideas it is imperative to make significant organizational changes. The major focus of this thesis is to explore how a company, through theory and practice, can transform itself into a Learning Organization, using the limited existing resources, and then applies successful experience from the headquarter to affiliated companies. This kind of organizational transformation will allow a historical company to move out of stagnant development into a new forward looking business model. Using the Action Research method, the study is divided into three phases according to time periods and goals.
    The case study company Cheng-Sheng Broadcasting Corporation, CSBC, headquartered in Taipei, is a company that has been operating for 64 years with affiliate stations in Taichung, Yunlin, Chiayi, Kaohsiung, Yilan, Taitung. Back at the time when TV media was at initial stage, CSBC played a key role in the development of Taiwan's pop music. It was the singing contest and singing classes organized by CSBC from the 1950s to 1960s that turned singers such as Yan, Yang; Su-Rong, Yao; Jing-Xian, Wu; Li-Jun, Deng; Lou-Xia, Ji; Lan-Fen, Qiu, and Hui-Lian, Wang into household names. However, with the rise of television and the surging of radio stations since 1994, as well as the domination of Internet and other new media, the case study company was met with unprecedented challenge brought up by stagnant business growth and fierce competition.
    The study concludes that the structure of the learning organization is centered on the fifth discipline and is supported by the change management and the transformational leadership. The paper also learns that the factors of leader, execution plan and timetable all together play a key part in pushing forward the learning organization. Another finding is that learning organizations do practice fifth discipline, change management and the transformational leadership.
    A meaningful learning can endow the life meaning to the members of the organization. Constructing the learning organization is a continuous course. An ending of a phase is followed by an outset of a new page. In response to different scenarios, this research not only provides diverse innovative approaches to sustaining learning organization operation, but also can be a reference for other enterprises to promote learning organization. However, given the difference between companies, it’s important that individual evaluation be made accordingly before unfolding the process. An adjusted transformation process towards learning organization can be adopted as a role model before it can be implemented in order of priority.

    摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 IV 目 錄 V 表目錄 VII 圖目錄 VIII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究背景 1 1.2研究動機 2 1.3研究目的 2 第二章 文獻探討 3 2.1學習型組織 3 2.1.1學習型組織之定義 3 2.1.2學習型組織關鍵之五項修練 5 2.2變革管理 8 2.2.1變革管理之內涵 8 2.2.2變革管理之過程 10 2.3轉換型領導 13 2.3.1轉換型領導之意義 13 2.3.2轉換型領導之構成要素 15 2.4章節結語 18 第三章 研究設計 19 3.1行動研究法 19 3.1.1行動研究意涵 19 3.1.2行動研究分析 21 3.2研究架構 22 3.2.1行動研究階段劃分 23 3.2.2行動研究探究重點 23 3.2.3本行動研究架構 24 3.3章節結語 31 第四章 個案分析與研究結果 32 4.1個案背景介紹 32 4.2個案行動研究分析 33 4.3完善的學習型組織發展架構 63 4.4章節結語 71 第五章 結論與建議 72 5.1研究結論 72 5.2研究限制 74 5.3後續研究建議 74 參考文獻 75

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