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研究生: 周永都
Yang-Tu Chou
論文名稱: 陽明山國家公園內既有建物修繕管理之研究
The Research of Yangmingshan National Park Existing Old Construction Renovation and Management
指導教授: 杜功仁
Kung-Jen Tu
口試委員: 何明錦
Ming-Chin Ho
Simon huang
Wei-I Lee
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 92
中文關鍵詞: 國家公園景觀風貌既有建物修繕管理
外文關鍵詞: National Park, Landscape, Existing Old construction, Renovation Management
相關次數: 點閱:329下載:2
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  • 陽明山國家公園園區為大台北最富盛名旅遊點,獨特之火山地貌生態,兼具多元人文史蹟與地域特色建物形成之景觀風貌,列為台灣世界遺產潛力點之一。園區內現有建物近半數為國家公園成立前已既存,生命週期皆已進入老化破敗階段。惟園區嚴格限制或禁止開發,依規定多數既有建物無法進行新增改建及修建。居民僅能透過修繕程序改善其居住品質,恢復原功能以繼續使用。但因歷年無明確規範修繕方式,地域特色建物已逐漸變調,影響園區既有景觀風貌。

    Yangmingshan National Park is the most famous tourist spot in greater Taipei. With unique volcanic landscape and ecology, as well as landscape formed by diverse historical sites and geographical features, it was listed as one of Taiwan’s Potential World Heritage Sites. Since more than half of the existing buildings within the park exist prior to the establishment of the National Park, their life cycles have reached the aging and dilapidating stage. However, a lot of the existing old constructions cannot be repaired or reconstructed because the Park strictly restrict or prohibit development in accordance with regulations. Residents can only improve their quality of living through renovation to restore the original features and continue to use the building. Due to the lack of clear renovation norms over the years, the regional feature buildings have been gradually changed, affecting the existing park landscape.
    Based on the perspective of sustainable development, this thesis aims to analyze on the causes of existing old constructions and feasible suggestions were proposed by government office. The purposes of this study are:1. To explore the landscape features in the Park. 2. The existing old l constructions’ current status in the Park, as well as their impact on the landscape. 3. To explore the current renovation policy and the implementation on the existing old constructions. 4. Investigating the residents’ renovation and maintenance of existing old constructions. 5. Summarize the difficulties faced by the competent authorities while implementing renovation management of the existing old constructions and analyses on the causes of the problem and feasible suggestions were proposed after integration.
    The study monthods are: (1) literature review; (2) the residents and the public sector questionnaire survey; (3) applications on over the years and the field investigation. The results of this study are: 1. Compilation of special volcanic landscape in the Park and landscape features formed by rich cultural and historic characteristics. 2. Compilation of multiple types of styles of existing old constructions in the Park that have a positive significance on the landscape. 3 Since the Management Office is a special competent authority established under Building Act, it has no regulation to implement building management. Therefore, the administration standard of existing old construction renovation is unknown. 4. Compiled reasons that the residents renovate existing old constructions in the Park are: (1) deteriorated structure of the old buildings; (2) leaking buildings; (3) deteriorated appearance of the old buildings; (4) spatial functions that fail to meet demands; (5) enhancing economic efficiency. Approximately 73.2% of existing old construction renovation changed the original style and material. 5. The summarized unresolved dilemmas faced by Yangmingshan National Park currently while implementing renovation management of existing old constructions, one of the dilemmas is the construction management issues arising from National Park policy and the response strategies proposed to solve the dilemma are (1) By reviewing and revising the outdated policies and laws of the National Park, provide construction management in line with National Park feature building management law source; and (2) National Park system shall introduce a building management mechanism. The other dilemmas is difficulties faced by the administration while implementing renovation management, then the response strategies proposed to solve the dilemma are (1) the administration shall overall review and revise the outdated land management policies; (2) establish a legalized park construction management mechanism; (3) establish park construction management enforcement standards; (4) manage existing old construction renovation according to local conditions and classifications; (5) set counseling and reasonable subsidy mechanism for old building renovation.

    摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 誌 謝 III 目 錄 IV 圖 目 錄 VI 表 目 錄 VIII 第一章 緒 論 1 1.1研究背景 1 1.2 研究範圍 4 1.3研究目的 4 1.4研究方法 5 1.5研究流程 7 1.6用語定義 8 第二章 陽明山國家公園景觀風貌特色與既有建物現況 10 2.1陽明山國家公園成立的宗旨及土地使用管理概況 10 2.2陽明山國家公園園區景觀風貌具有之特色 13 2.3陽明山國家公園之既有建物現況 16 2.4園區既有建物現況所衍生應予正視的課題 31 2.5小 結 33 第三章 陽明山國家公園既有建物之修繕管理制度與現況 35 3.1陽明山國家公園管理處執行既有建物之修繕管理現況 35 3.2我國各主管建築機關既有建物修繕管理法令規定與執行現況 38 3.3陽明山國家公園管理處既有建物之修繕管理需面對的執法課題 48 3.4小 結 48 第四章 陽明山國家公園既有建物之居民修繕行為探討 50 4.1研究方法 50 4.2園區居民產生既有建物修繕需求原因探討 53 4.3園區居民歷年修繕行為之調查 58 4.4園區居民對公部門行政管理之建議 64 4.5小 結 67 第五章 陽明山國家公園既有建物修繕管理之策略探討 69 5.1研究方法 69 5.2國家公園政策層面所衍生建築管理之問題 72 5.3陽明山國家公園層面既有建物修繕管理之問題 76 5.4小 結 83 第六章 結論與建議 86 6.1結 論 86 6.2後續研究建議 88 參 考 文 獻 90 附 錄

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