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研究生: 黃哲宗
Che-Tsung Huang
論文名稱: 應用系統動態學建立水患風險評估模式之研究
System Dynamics Models for Risk Assessment of Flood Disaster
指導教授: 呂守陞
Sou-Sen Leu
口試委員: 陳伸賢
Shen-Hsien Chen
Jin-Far Shen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 124
中文關鍵詞: 系統動態學水患風險管理
外文關鍵詞: Flood Disaster, System Dynamics, Risk Management
相關次數: 點閱:824下載:6
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研 究 生:黃哲宗
關鍵字:系統動態學, 風險管理, 水患


System Dynamics Models for
Risk Assessment of Flood Disaster

Thesis Advisor : Leu, Sou-Sen
Graduate Student : Huang, Che-Tsung
Key Words:System Dynamics, Risk Management, Flood Disaster

Whoever live beside the river have to face the Risk of Flood Disaster, because the scale of typhoon or rainstorm is difficult to measure and forecast accurately, as well as it is difficult to know arising when and where. The purpose of flood control works is to prevent the people from the flood disaster or to reduce losing of asset for the flood. Someone depends on the construction of flood control works has to understand the risk would be taken, that is related with whole flood control system and complex environment in river basin. In general, the flood control works could not be completed immediately. The construction would be considered according to the project budget, the engineering technique, the natural resources and the confinement of community. The developer should consider the objective of investment to select which components would be a beneficial and appropriate result, to separate the project from several phases and to decide the phased priority. When the flood control works are accomplished, no matter artificial or natural waterway structures are needed to do time maintenance and reinforcement, because it was exposed in nature that would be easy to clog and damage by the force of natural and man-made.
The main objective of this study is to create models for risk assessment of flood disaster in System Dynamics. That would be considered of the changing time and the relation of components within whole flood control system. The factor of natural and man-made, the safety of structure, the dynamic condition, etc. would be influenced on the system. Furthermore, every change of the system components would be influenced on each other. How to apply the System Dynamics and the Risk Management methods to model the risk assessment of flood disaster would be discuss in this thesis. The model would be supported who wants to solve the flood problem, like the flood control system is necessary to add new structure or just to maintain and reinforce existing facilities or to extend old equipment, etc. If the decision maker could understand the flood condition by quantification in model, the flood policy would be selected in valid.

摘要 Ⅰ Abstract Ⅱ 誌謝 Ⅲ 目錄 i 圖目錄 iv 表目錄 vi 一、緒論 1 1.1研究動機與目的 1 1.2研究範圍與環境背景 3 1.3研究方法與步驟 6 二、文獻回顧 8 2.1風險管理 8 2.2系統動態學 10 2.3模擬電腦軟體 18 2.4我國及美英日水患風險管理現況 21 三、整體防洪系統與水患風險因子辨識 23 3.1整體防洪系統架構 23 3.1.1河道水路子系統 25 3.1.2防洪設施子系統 27 3.1.3土地使用子系統 29 3.2水患成因 31 3.2.1大自然的威脅 32 3.2.2人的不當行為 34 3.3水患風險因子辨識 39 四、水患風險因果循環圖 42 4.1與水爭地因果循環圖 44 4.2逕流量增加因果循環圖 45 4.3水路容量不足因果循環圖 47 4.4水患風險因果循環圖 49 4.5水患風險因果循環圖的應用 50 五、水患風險評估模型建立 52 5.1區域防洪單元系統 52 5.2需求者分析 54 5.3造模與分析 55 5.4頻率分析子模式 62 5.5逕流量分析子模式 68 5.6水路容量分析子模式 73 5.7水患風險評估模式 77 5.8模式之敏感度分析方法 81 5.9模式之效度與測試 86 六、案例分析-五堵百福社區水患風險評估 89 6.1區域防洪單元系統劃定 91 6.2分析所需資料蒐集 94 6.3頻率分析子模式應用 97 6.4逕流量及水路容量分析子模式應用 103 6.5本案例敏感度分析 107 6.6水患風險程度分析 113 七、結論與建議 114 7.1研究之回顧 114 7.2結論 115 7.3後續展望與建議 117 參考文獻 120

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