Author: |
陳晨涓 Chen-chuan Chen |
Thesis Title: |
品牌合併擴大展店規模。以王品集團「藝奇新日本料理」為例 Brand Integration Expands Market Scale:the case study of WOWPRIME CORP.’s ikki New Japanese Cuisine |
Advisor: |
Pin Luarn |
Committee: |
Tzong-chen Wu 葉瑞徽 Ruey-huei Yeh |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
管理學院 - 管理研究所 Graduate Institute of Management |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2014 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 102 |
Language: | 中文 |
Pages: | 58 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 品牌 、行銷管理 、傳播宣傳 、網路行銷 |
Keywords (in other languages): | Keywords: brand management, marketing management, promotion, web promotion |
Reference times: | Clicks: 837 Downloads: 3 |
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"Many industries discuss and create their own brand. Every business wants a positive image in order to attract consumers. In my experience branding is not just organizing promotional campaigns and activities or writing marketing proposals but is the whole process from overall consideration of brand positioning to strategic planning and implementation.
Brands are easily affected by external factors. Brand strategy needs constant adjusting in the face of timing, environment or other variables factors, to establish and maintain a solid brand which rapidly responds a changing market.
The fifth brand of Wowprime corp., ikki was founded in 2005, serving Japanese food. These Japanese restaurants were the most competitive f&b operations in Taiwan. The first store, ikki Creative Kaiseki Cuisine, operated well and made substantial profits within these five years. However, with its set meal unit price of NT$1,280, the store couldn’t expand its business as originally planned.
In 2007, ikki Creative Kaiseki Cuisine made its first adjustment by opening a lower priced restaurant, but it closed in just a year. In 2009, it has just complete the second transformation and rebranded itself as ikki New Japanese Cuisine with a set meal price of NT$680 per package.
This paper discussed how the ikki group strengthened its brand image and expended store numbers after the second restructuring. It also covered what should the original store- ikki Creative Kaiseki Cuisine must be closed? And how develop ikki New Japanese Cuisine marketing strategy that will cover expansion?
This paper related issues are brand management, marketing management, Promotional communication and integrated marketing theory, product strategy, pricing policies and web promotion.
Keywords: brand management, marketing management, promotion, web promotion"
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