Author: |
曾嘉誼 Chia-yi Tseng |
Thesis Title: |
外商筆記型電腦品牌在台灣之行銷策略個案研究 A Study on The Foreign Company's Marketing Strategy in Taiwan Market- Notebook Computer as an Example |
Advisor: |
Pin Luarn |
Committee: |
Tzong-chen Wu 葉瑞徽 Ruey-huei Yeh |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
管理學院 - 管理研究所 Graduate Institute of Management |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2011 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 99 |
Language: | 中文 |
Pages: | 86 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 行銷策略 、筆記型電腦產業 、品牌 |
Keywords (in other languages): | Marketing strategy, Notebook computer, Brand. |
Reference times: | Clicks: 571 Downloads: 1 |
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根據資策會情報研究所(MIC)指出,筆記型電腦產業一直以來都是我國重要的產業之一,從2005年開始台灣筆記型電腦的產量已經連續5年以上居世界之冠,而在這期間,漸漸也發展了台灣品牌的筆記型電腦,在國際間亦逐漸佔有一席之地。 台廠筆記型電腦製造供應鏈進入大陸設廠降低成本,讓筆記型電腦生產成本快速降低,促使許多品牌大廠被迫推出低價商品,搶攻市場,使得筆記型電腦市場低價化趨勢盛起,競爭也更加的白熱化。
Owing to its prevailing expansion in recent years, computer had not only dominated the consumer market, but also a wild variety of fields. Personal Computer especially came into our daily life affecting communication, information exchange, and even household appliances. As computer technology enhances functionality and mobility, it became lighter, thinner, and smaller in size. Therefore, notebook computer’s recent technological enhancement has gradually bridged the gap between desktop computers, let alone its light-weighted portable feature. In this sense, notebook computer surpassed desktop computers on the market growth rate, an imminent sign of taking over the desktop market.
According to the survey from Institute for Information Industry Information (MIC), notebook computer industry has been one of the prosperous industries in Taiwan. From the year of 2005, the output volume of notebook computers in Taiwan has led the global market for 5 consecutive years. During this period of time, there are several Taiwan notebook manufactures gradually established their brand image on the international platform. These notebook computer giants relocated their production line to Mainland China in order to significantly reduce cost, forcing other players in the market launched cost-effective products to counter fierce price war.
Although notebook computer industry has entered the stage of maturity with gross margin decreased, demands in the China market is somehow on the rise. In that regard, foreign vendors have set their foot on the Taiwan market as a stepping stone because of its geographical advantage toward China domestic market. Looking into the Taiwan war zone, Acer and Asus had taken over the market share by 50%, the rest of foreign vendors like HP, Sony, Apple, and DELL still plow its way to firmly secure its position in the competition. Analyzing their marketing strategy is academically worthwhile.
This study will address the issue by conducting quantitative interviews to analyze the marketing strategy of foreign vendors. In addition to secondary data collection, the study will also hold in-depth interviews with marketing professionals, in an attempt to explore the implementation of their marketing strategy. Therefore, utilize the testing results as a reference to gain the notebook computers` long-term competitive advantage.
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11.H公司官方網站 http://www8.H公司.com/tw/zh/home.html
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