Author: |
Thesis Title: |
金融控股公司法前後之銀行效率暨金融海嘯前後之金融控股公司效率比較分析-應用資料包絡分析法 A Comparative Analysis of Banks’ Efficiency with Financial Holding Company Act and FHCs’ Efficiency with Financial Crisis-An Application of the DEA |
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Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
管理學院 - 企業管理系 Department of Business Administration |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2016 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 104 |
Language: | 中文 |
Pages: | 59 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 資料包絡分析法 、金融控股公司法 、金融海嘯 |
Keywords (in other languages): | Data Envelopment Analysis, Financial Holding Company Act, Financial Crisis |
Reference times: | Clicks: 701 Downloads: 0 |
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本研究應用資料包絡分析法對本國銀行和金融控股公司進行效率評估,透過效率值分析、Mann-Whitney U 檢定及 Tobit 迴歸分析金融控股公司法前後本國銀行效率之實證結果顯示:(1)非金控銀行之技術效率值高於金控銀行,顯示銀行加入金控在經營上並未具有優勢。(2) 金控銀行於金控法實施後之技術效率值低於實施前,顯示出實施金控法對金控銀行提升技術效率是沒有幫助的。(3)金控法實施前,分行家數與技術效率、純技術效率皆有顯著的正向關係,但在金控法實施後則與純技術效率值呈顯著負相關;而不論金控法前後,政府持股比率皆與純技術效率值呈顯著負相關。
In this study, the main purpose is to explore relative efficiency of banks and financial holding companies (FHCs) in Taiwan. We use efficiency analysis, Mann-Whitney U test and Tobit regression to compare the efficiency of domestic banks before and after the Financial Holding Company Act. Empirical results show:(1) Non-Financial Holding Banks’ efficiency were higher than Financial Holding Banks, indicating that banks join the FHCs did not have an advantage. (2) Financial Holding Banks’ technical efficiency was lower than after the implementation of the Financial Holding Act, showing the implementation of the Act to enhance efficiency is not helpful. (3) Before the Act, Number of branches and efficiency had significant positive relationship, but after the Act, there were significantly negatively correlated; regardless before and after the Act, ratio of government ownership and pure technical efficiency was significantly negatively correlated.
The empirical results of FHCs’ efficiency before and after the financial crisis: (1) After the financial crisis, marketability efficiency is lower than before the financial crisis (2) In view of profitability efficiency, big FHCs were more efficient than smaller ones, but in marketability efficiency, investors favored smaller FHCs; FHCs with the main body of insurance had the highest profitability efficiency, but FHCs with the main body of securities had the lowest marketability efficiency. (3) BIS and profitability efficiency had significant positive correlation, but it had significant negative relationship with marketability efficiency; Debt/Equity Ratio and profitability efficiency had significant positive relationship, but was significantly negatively correlated with the marketability efficiency.
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