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研究生: 顏淑花
Shu-Hua Yen
論文名稱: 整合服務轉型為數位廣告技術服務之研究─以數位廣告行銷公司個案為例
Transformation from Integrated Marketing Services to a Technology-based Service - A Case Studying on a Digital Advertising Company’s
指導教授: 羅天一
Tain-Yi Luor
Hsi-Peng Lu
口試委員: 陳正綱
Cheng-Kang Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 41
中文關鍵詞: 領導特質數位廣告技術數位行銷整合企業轉型策略
外文關鍵詞: Leader’s Trait, Advertising Technology, Integrated Digital Marketing Services, Enterprise Transformation
相關次數: 點閱:387下載:0
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  • 數位媒體廣告投資效果可被監測、優化與衡量的結果,是未來數位行銷必然的需求!而監測、優化與衡量系統的技術發展帶動了數位廣告技術公司的興起,數位產業從整合行銷服務的品牌與客戶爭奪戰開始進入廣告技術研發與推廣的競爭。
    本個案重點是實例探討一個企業的首位專業經理人顏執行長如何將經營不善的數位廣告整合行銷服務公司(Digital Advertising Agency)轉型為數位廣告技術公司(Advertising Technology Company)的過程。從企業重整、技術商業化、整合外部技術協同研發、引進策略資金到擴展業務推廣, 顏執行長企圖以不同的企業服務型態和市場定位開創新局面。然而當企業重整、技術升級、資金到位、業務進單之後,技術部門卻漸漸出現效能低落,導致專案進度落後,無能負荷新業務量。
    所以顏執行長雖然在企業逆勢轉型過程中,曾從灰燼中找到一絲希望(技術),但卻又似乎無法讓此絲希望燃起熊熊之火!但顏執行長的領導特質值能否持續帶動公司的轉型後的經營? 其所採取的企業轉型策略是否奏效?亦或潛藏了甚麼問題和隱憂?

    The performance tracking, optimization and measurement of digital media investment will be the must-have key performance indicators of Digital Marketing. These marketing needs accelerated digital advertising technology company to grow, since then the industry’s battlefield was shifted from integrated digital services to advertising technology R&D.
    This case study is a real case to probe the CEO Yen, as the corporate first and new comer of top management, how she transformed a downtrend integrated digital service company into an in trend advertising technology company. By completing corporate restructuring、technology commercialization、external collaboration in R&D and strategic partner/investor recruitment and sales development, CEO Yen created a new marketing position and a great vision for the company. However, when those tasks have been achieved, the capability of R&D was in overall, caused the projects’ schedules behind and even could not take new business assignments.
    CEO Yen had found a glimmer hope (The performance-driven system) from the ashes, but it seems that it is only a spark couldn't be lighted up!! Questions need to be discussed are: if CEO Yen were able to lead the new transformed company to continue its operation? Does CEO Yen make her strategies successful for company transformation? Any issue or risks need to be concerned. This thesis is divided by two parts 1) Case content 2) Instructor’s manual. This thesis helps readers to learn and to understand how a leader’s trait and characteristics can influence the outcomes of company transformation and crucial strategies for corporate transformation.

    中文摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 V 表目錄 VI 第一章、緒論 1 1.1產業概述─數位行銷整合服務的興起 1 1.2個案企業整併轉型前,共同創辦人的兩家(A、B)公司概述 3 1.3轉型歷程─由A數位行銷整合服務公司到B數位廣告技術公司 7 第二章、教師手冊 17 2.1個案總覽 (Case Synopsis) 17 2.2問題與參考答案 20 2.3授課時間規劃 31 參考文獻 32

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