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研究生: 黄雷
論文名稱: X建材公司营销策略优化研究
Research on the Optimization of Marketing Strategy of X Building Materials Company
指導教授: 張光第
Guang-Di Chang
口試委員: 欒斌
Pin Luarn
Nai-Wei Lo
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 新加坡管理碩士在職專班
Executive Master of Management-Singapore
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 57
中文關鍵詞: 行销策略建材行业优化
外文關鍵詞: Marketing, Strategy, Optimization
相關次數: 點閱:470下載:0
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With the growth of Chinese economy and the increasingly requirements for environmental protection,the national environmental protection policy requirements are becoming more and more stringent, the clean production and environmental protection upgrading of traditional industries in China are also continuously strengthened, and the development of green building materials is accelerated. On the one hand, the central government has continuously issued policies related to prefabricated buildings to promote the development of prefabricated buildings, and the state's strong support for prefabricated buildings has brought development opportunities for green new building exterior wall materials. On the other hand, with the rapid development of Chinese economy, the living material conditions are getting better and better, people's aesthetic level is improving, and the appearance of urban buildings is improving day by day. More and more architects pay more attention to the decorative effect of building exterior walls, and green new building exterior wall materials are increasingly favored by architects. At present, there are more and more enterprises producing green new building exterior wall decoration materials, and the level of marketing ability of enterprises affects the competitiveness of enterprises in the market. Strengthening marketing management and optimizing marketing methods can improve the market competitiveness of enterprises and increase their market share, thus enabling enterprises to develop continuously. Therefore, for building materials enterprises, how to do a good job in marketing management in the increasingly fierce market competition, to obtain more business, to promote the increase of sales, increase the growth of economic benefits, which is an important subject that the enterprises face.
On the basis of theoretical research on marketing, this paper takes the marketing strategy of X Building Materials Company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of a Fortune 500 building materials enterprise in China, as the research object. X Building Materials Company is a modern production enterprise that produces and sells green new building exterior wall materials (fiber reinforced cement exterior wall panels). Combining with the development status and marketing situation of X Building Materials Company, this paper analyzes and studies the marketing strategy status and existing problems of fiber reinforced cement exterior wall panels in detail from the aspects of market positioning, product strategy, price strategy, channel strategy, promotion strategy, personnel strategy, visible display strategy and service process management strategy through in-depth interview research and consulting and analyzing the internal data of the company. With the help of Porter's Five Forces Analysis Model and SWOT Analysis, this paper analyzes the marketing competitive environment faced by X Building Materials Company, analyzes the optimization of marketing strategy by using STP theory and 7Ps marketing theory, and puts forward safeguard measures for the implementation of marketing strategy optimization.
It is hoped that by studying the marketing strategy of X Building Materials Company the enterprise will have a more optimized marketing strategy, thus improving the market competitiveness of the enterprise, increasing the market share of its products and maximizing the company's benefits. At the same time, it is hoped that it can provide reference for other exterior wall materials manufacturers, and make them have more advantages in the competition.
Keywords: Marketing,Strategy,Optimization

目錄 摘要 I Abstract III 致謝 V 目錄 VI 圖目錄 IX 表目錄 X 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 選題背景 1 第二節 研究目的 2 第三節 研究的實踐意義和應用價值 3 第二章 文獻探討 5 國內外研究現狀 5 一、國外研究現狀 5 二、國內研究現狀 6 研究的理論基礎 8 STP理論 8 7Ps行銷理論 8 波特五力模型 9 第三章 研究設計 10 第一節、焦點問題的確定 10 第二節、研究方法 10 文獻資料法 10 案例分析法 11 深度訪談研究法 11 第三節、研究框架 11 第四章 X建材公司案例描述及分析 13 市場定位現狀及存在問題 13 產品策略現狀及存在問題 13 產品飾面效果差,產品款式花紋較少 14 產品研發力度不足 14 產品分類有待改善 15 價格策略現狀及存在問題 15 品質價格比不高 16 市場價格混亂 16 管道策略現狀及存在問題 16 缺乏對經銷商的管理與維護 18 銷售管道較窄 18 促銷策略現狀及存在問題 19 人員策略現狀及存在問題 21 有形展示策略現狀及存在問題 23 產品標準樣品以及包裝 23 展廳 24 環境與生產設備 24 產品標準樣品包裝簡陋 25 展廳環境混亂 25 應用案例管理不足 25 服務過程管理策略現狀及存在問題 25 專案報備流程 26 售前技術支援服務過程策略 26 訂單服務過程策略 26 售後服務過程策略 28 報備專案管理不完善 28 未建立完善的客戶管理體系 28 X建材公司行銷競爭環境分析 28 行業內企業的競爭分析 28 購買者的議價能力分析 30 潛在進入者的競爭分析 31 替代品的威脅分析 31 供應商的威脅分析 32 SWOT分析 33 優勢分析 33 劣勢分析 35 機會分析 36 威脅分析 38 X建材公司SWOT分析總結 38 SO戰略 38 WO戰略 39 ST戰略 39 WT戰略 39 X建材公司行銷策略優化分析 39 市場細分與目標市場優化 40 目標市場優化 41 產品策略與價格策略優化 42 價格策略優化 45 管道策略與促銷策略優化 45 管道策略優化 45 人員策略與有形展示策略優化 48 服務過程管理策略優化 50 X建材公司行銷策略優化實施保障措施 51 集團公司領導支持 51 人力資源保障 52 管理制度保障 53 技術保障 54 結論 56 參考文獻 57


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