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研究生: 陳維偉
論文名稱: 大量個人化客製之技術策略藍圖: 以個人電腦產業為例
Personal Customized Mass Production Technology Roadmap: A Case Study of Personal Computer
指導教授: 鄭正元
Jeng-Ywan Jeng
Chiung-Ju Liang
口試委員: 鄭正元
Jeng-Ywan Jeng
Chiung-Ju Liang
Kung-Jeng Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 高階科技研發碩士學位學程
Executive Master of Research and Development
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 76
中文關鍵詞: 大量客製個人化標誌技術策略藍圖
外文關鍵詞: Personal Customized, logo, Technology Roadmap
相關次數: 點閱:480下載:6
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近年來個人電腦產業已進入成熟衰退期,Wintel軟硬體成熟到已無太大價值創新,並且受到 Apple iPhone/iPad 及Android智慧手機強勢產品及便利服務影響,加上科技趨勢走向從硬體導向轉向軟體與數據導向,造成台灣電腦系統設計組裝業出貨量與毛利每年持續衰退。

本研究以個人電腦產業為背景,藉由盤點個人電腦設計組裝廠商W公司賴以生存的核心競爭力,並整理分析未來科技趨勢、社會發展趨勢、產品現況缺口,結合這四面向,發想預估個人電腦未來市場需求趨勢將從”品牌商的品牌、輕薄短小、雷射雕刻的個人化客製” 轉換為 ”個別公司與學校的品牌、個人化與個性化外觀、奢華地彰顯個人獨一無二”後,聚焦在”大量個人化客製”為本論文個案研究方向。選定以個人電腦機殼logo標誌與外觀的大量個人化客製作為本研究個案。


本研究規劃W公司在商用logo與電競電腦未來十年的市場/產品/技術/資源的技術策略藍圖(Technology roadmap),探討整體提供給終端消費者的服務價值與商業模式,而非僅僅是機殼單一產品。例如與供應商強強連結、3D/AR模擬評估、付費購買機殼 3D model、DIY、顧客滿意、智慧財產保護等等,並探討可能困難點,預估收益及成本。希望提高產品及服務的價值與利潤,提供個人電腦設計組裝廠商W公司未來發展參考。並嘗試以此個案,融合EMRD所學,歸納整理一套策略方法論。

As personal computer steps into mature and even declining stage, the shipment and gross margin are suffering from continuous erosion. Wintel based hardware and software are too mature to provide astonishing value-added innovations. Pre-eminent products i.e. Apple’s and Android smart phones/pad coupled with technology trends moving from hardware orientation to software and data orientation drive this situation even worse.

This research is based on the PC industry. Through examining the core competences of W company, a PC design and manufacturer, along with analyzing future technology and social development trends and locate product marketing gap, this serach expect the market trend will shift from “brands of the branders, light and thin appearances, customized laser sculpture” to “brands of individual groups (i.e. schools, corporations), personal and characteristic appearances, manifest its luxurious uniqueness”. “Personal Customized Mass Production” of PC case logo and appearance is the main issue throughout this research.

There are several techniques discussed in this thesis containing aluminum plate, screening printing, laser sculpture, and 3D printing, which could be potential solutions for mass personal customizing case logo and appearance designs. Adopting by W company, which currently has module customized mass producion capability, could ship the individual personal PC to end-users. In this research, a mockup sample is experimented to disclose the possible difficulties of personal customized mass production and to simulate future usage scenarios. Compare to current PC with logo of the branders, appearance with individual company or school logo demonstrates associative perception as a team/group. For gaming box PC players, in particular, a unique form factor case with customezed script and graphic image demonstrates their distinctness and individuality.

This research also try to scheme out the business client and gaming PC ten-year technology roadmap on the market, product, technique and resources domain for W company develop overall valued services and business models provided to customers, in stead of a single product -the case; including win-win linked with strategy suppliers, 3D/AR evaluation, on-the-pay housing 3D model, DIY, customer satisfacation, and even intellectual property management and protection. Meanwhile, this research attempt to probe possible difficulties and predict costs with benefits in the hope to come up with approach to improve values and profitability of products and services to W company as its future development. Ultimately, a thorough strategic methodology is developed.

第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 2 第三節 研究流程 3 第二章 文獻探討 5 第一節 “競爭優勢與創新策略”課程重點 5 第二節 “研發策略管理” technology roadmapping 8 第三章 個人電腦產業概況及科技與社會趨勢 14 第一節 個人電腦市場概況 14 第二節 科技發展趨勢 19 第三節 社會發展趨勢 27 第四章 大量個人化客製個案 33 第一節 盤點W公司核心競爭力 33 第二節 W公司客製化現況 35 第三節 個人電腦市場現況 36 第四節 個人電腦未來發展趨勢 41 第五節 標誌Logo及外觀相關產品技術研究 45 第六節 實施例與情境圖 56 第五章 個案技術策略藍圖 61 第一節 商用客製Logo技術策略藍圖(Technology Roadmap) 61 第二節 電競電腦外殼技術策略藍圖(Technology Roadmap) 63 第三節 預估困難點 67 第四節 預估收益 68 第五節 預估成本 68 第六章 結論與建議 70 第一節 研究結論 70 第二節 研究建議 73 參考文獻 75

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