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研究生: 李梓含
Tzu-Han Lee
論文名稱: 一個用於不當構圖的自動影像構圖改善系統
An Automatic Image Composition Improvement System for Improperly Composed Images
指導教授: 范欽雄
Chin-Shyurng Fahn
口試委員: 施仁忠
Zen-Chung Shih
Jung-Tang Huang
Tai-Lin Chin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 63
中文關鍵詞: 攝影構圖霍夫轉換顯著圖特徵匹配美學校正
外文關鍵詞: photo composition, hough transform, saliency map, feature matching, aesthetic correction
相關次數: 點閱:422下載:0
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  • 構圖是攝影中非常重要的一部分,能夠影響我們對照片的看法。一個很好的 構圖可以讓我們專注於攝影師想要在攝影主題中傳達的內容。在本篇論文,我們 討論構圖的種類,有關影像美學校正的論文以及攝影構圖過程中可能存在的缺失。
    在我們的方法中,我們使用一些特徵來對影像的構圖進行分類,然後根據該 構圖類型的定義來校正影像。例如,我們使用有關線段的特徵來糾正不當的水平 構圖影像。因為我們了解影像的原始構圖,所以我們根據構圖定義修正影像時, 能避免使用無意義的特徵。
    我們的方法具有良好的校正效果,水平構圖影像校正的成功率為 87.39%, 垂直構圖影像校正成功率為 85.57%,對角線構圖影像成功校正率為 71.02%。對 於太陽構圖的校正,成功率為 76.31%。與其他直接進行美學校正的論文相比,我 們的方法更切合攝影師攝影時的拍攝情景,可以在攝影師欲傳達的構圖主題和攝 影美學間達到平衡。

    Composition is a very important part of photography, it affects our view of a photo. A good composition can let us focus on what the photographer wants to convey in the theme. In this thesis, we discuss the composition classification, the aesthetic correction of images and the possible defects in the composition of photography.
    In our method, we use some features to classify the composition of image, and then correct the image composition according to this composition type. For example, we used features about lines in correcting images with improper horizontal composition. Because of we know the composition of the image, we correct the image according to the definition of the image composition, and avoid using useless features.
    Our Method has a good effect of correction, the correction rate of horizontal composition correction is 87.39%, the correction rate of vertical composition correction is 85.57%, and the correction rate of diagonal line composition correction is 71.02%. For the sun-like composition correction, the correction rate is 76.31%.
    Compared with the other papers that deal directly with aesthetic correction, our method is more suitable for the photographer’s use, and it can balance the photo to enhance aesthetics and ideas of the photographer.

    中文摘要 1 Abstract 2 致謝 3 Table of Contents 3 List of Figures 8 List of Tables 10 Introduction 1 Overview 1 Motivation 1 System Description 2 Thesis organization 3 Related Works 4 Principal Types of Photographic Compositions 4 Sun-like Composition 4 Horizontal Composition 4 Vertical Composition 5 Symmetry Composition 5 Diagonal Line Composition 6 Rule of Thirds Composition 6 Vanishing Point Composition 7 Reviews of Photographic Compositions 7 Normal Improper Photographic Compositions 10 Preprocess for Correcting Improper Image Compositions 11 Classifying Photographic Composition 11 Features for Photographic Compositions 12 Decision Tree 13 Features for Horizontal Compositions, Vertical Composition and Diagonal Line Composition 15 Hough Transform for Extracting Lines 15 If we make the above transform to n points in same line, those n points in original image space will be transformed to n sine curves in - space, and those sine curves intersect in a point. It means when we find the curves of intersecting point in - space, we can determine the straight line in original image space. Slope for Grouping Lines 16 Grouping Lines for Correcting Horizontal Composition, Vertical Composition and Diagonal Line Composition 17 Features for Sun-like Composition 18 Salient Region for Extracting the Main Object 18 Binarization for Extracting the Main Object 19 Center and Area for Correcting Sun-like Composition 20 Correcting Improper Images 22 Correction of Horizontal Composition 22 Correction of Vertical Composition 23 Correction of Diagonal Line Composition 25 Correction of Sun-like composition 27 Experimental Results and Discussions 30 Experimental Setup 30 Results of Correction of Horizontal Composition 31 Results of Correction of Vertical Composition 35 Results of Correction of Diagonal Line Composition 38 Results of Correction of Sun-like Composition 42 Conclusions and Future Works 47 Conclusions 48 Future Works 48 References 49

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