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研究生: 賴彥宇
Yen-Yu Lai
論文名稱: 中高樓層建築大樓非韌性RC配筋柱之擴柱補強
Retrofit of nonductile reinforced concrete columns of mid-rise buildings using reinforced concrete jacketing
指導教授: 邱建國
Chien-Kuo Chiu
Yu-Chen Ou
口試委員: 邱建國
Chien-Kuo Chiu
Yu-Chen Ou
Fu-Pei Hsiao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 123
中文關鍵詞: 鋼筋混凝土耐震中高樓層建築補強RC擴柱
外文關鍵詞: Reinforced concrete, seismic, mid-rise buildings, column, RC jacketing
相關次數: 點閱:363下載:1
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The 2016 Meinong Earthquake of Kaohsiung caused severe damage to many reinforced concrete (RC) buildings. From the many damaged buildings, it can be seen that several are buildings that were built 20 years ago and have seven or more floors but are less than 50 meters in height. The columns of this type of buildings usually have non-ductile reinforcement details, such as low amounts of transverse reinforcement, which caused poor concrete confinement and insufficient shear strength. Moreover, the columns of this type of buildings are usually subject to high axial compression. Due to these reasons, the columns of several buildings of this type showed brittle collapsed during the 2016 Meinong Earthquake, leading to collapse of stories or even the entire building and causing severe casualty. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the seismic behavior and retrofit methods for the columns of this type of buildings.
This research aims to develop RC jacketing methods for retrofit of mid-rise nonductile RC building columns. This reseach will first collect the design data of the lower-story columns of real mid-rise buildings that were built around 20 years ago. The material properties, reinforcement details and amounts of axial load will be examined. Based on the design data, column specimens to represent origal columns of the buildings will be designed. Then, retrofit methods using RC jacketing will be developed and retrofitted column specimens designed. Finally, this research will conduct double-curvature cyclic tests on original columns and retrofitted columns to investigate the effectiveness of the proposed RC jacketing methods.
Literature review has been completed and a test database of columns retrofitted with reinforced concrete jacket has been established. Based on the results of the literature review and the design data of the lower-story columns of real mid-rise buildings that were built around 20 years ago, seven large-scale column specimens have been designed and constructed. The construction has verified the constructability of the proposed retrofit scheme. Testing of the column specimens is currently in progress.The three specimens had been finished the test.

摘 要 I ABSTRACT III 誌 謝 V 目 次 VII 表 次 XI 圖 次 XIII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究目的 2 1.3 研究內容 2 第二章 文獻回顧 3 2.1 簡介 3 2.2 國內外之文獻回顧 3 2.2.1 Toshio Hayashi et al. (1980) 現有鋼筋混凝土建築之補強方法 [1]........................ 3 2.2.2 M. Rodriguez and R. Park (1994) RC柱擴柱補強之反覆載重測試 [2].............. 4 2.2.3 Fukuyama et al. (2000) 損壞的RC柱之補強方法研究 [3] 6 2.2.4 Bousias et al. (2006) 擴柱補強柱或FRP補強柱使用搭接對耐震性能之影響 [4] 8 2.2.5 K.G. Vandoros, S.E. Dritsos (2006) RC擴柱補強細節之有效性 [5]................ 10 2.2.6 Bousias et al. (2007) RC柱構件擴柱補強之耐震行為研究 [6]...................... 12 2.2.7 Julio et al. (2008) RC擴柱補強之介面處理方式對耐震行為影響 [7]................... 14 2.2.8 邱聰智等 (2008) 典型校舍耐震補強設計與驗證 [16] 16 2.2.9 邱耀正等 (2008) 校舍建築RC擴柱補強現地試驗與分析 [17]............................... 22 2.2.10 張順益等 (2010) 既有RC建築物修復補強工法之性能試驗研究 [18]...................... 27 2.2.11 文獻試驗資料庫 32 第三章 試驗規劃 37 3.1 試體設計 37 3.2 試體補強流程 43 3.3 試體製作 47 3.3.1 鋼筋進場 47 3.3.2 底板定平及尺寸放樣 47 3.3.3 下基礎施工 47 3.3.4 黏貼應變計 50 3.3.5 所有柱身及部分上基礎(S1-O、S2-M、T1-O及T2-M)之施工............................... 52 3.3.6 待補強試體(S3-JCD、S4-JC及T3-JCD)之植筋補強施工 56 3.3.7 待補強試體(S3-JCD、S4-JC及T3-JCD)之柱身及其上基礎施工................................. 61 3.4 試驗測試方法與儀器裝設 64 第四章 試驗結果 75 4.1 材料試驗 75 4.1.1 混凝土抗壓試驗 75 4.1.2 鋼筋拉伸試驗 77 4.2 各試體試驗結果觀察 79 4.2.1 試體S1-O 79 4.2.2 試體S2-M 81 4.2.3 試體S3-JCD 83 第五章 結論 87 參考文獻 89 附錄A 鋼筋拉伸試驗結果 93

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