簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 蘇健明
Chien-Ming - Su
論文名稱: 中小型室內設計公司面對的挑戰及轉機-以A公司為例
Challenges and Opportunities of Small and Medium Interior Design Enterprise- An Example of Company A
指導教授: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
Tain-Yi Luor
口試委員: 黃世禎
Sun-Jen Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 105
中文關鍵詞: 室內設計誘導式結構競爭策略商業模式核心能耐賽局與策略分析專案管理
外文關鍵詞: Induced structure, Competitive strategy, Business model, Core capability, Local and strategic analysis, Project Management
相關次數: 點閱:480下載:1
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本研究藉誘導式結構(Heuristic Structure)、商業模式(Business Model)、核心能耐(Core Competence)、SWOT Analysis、賽局與策略分析(Game Theory)為討論議題以哈佛個案研究方式進行。對於室內設計企業發展預期之貢獻為:

High-quality interior design can be the basis for determining the shortcomings and advantages of transformation and can highlight the characteristics of space to integrate into the needs of users. High-quality interior design has no geographical restrictions and is exported under Taiwan’s soft power.
However, the basic process of interior design has more than 20 stages and is cumbersome. Moreover, interior design involves the marketing, research and development, production, legal, human capital, and financial aspects and different attributes of space types. Thus, the interior designer course is relatively lengthy. The objectives of the interior design project and its management and outcomes play an important role in achieving the desired effect. More than eight market demands for the interior design microenterprise exist. Therefore, excellent human or systematic management of the performance of the enterprise should be ensured.
Company A is a small and medium-sized interior design company that is young, but is constantly growing and facing different challenges. In addition to having a number of certification qualifications and good results in domestic and international interior design competitions, Company A has been exposed to various types of media. Company A does not deliberately highlight or pursue a design style, but use the heuristic structure as the design concept model and as the basis for design development. The design and tone of a variety of demands have their own basis. Thus, creative self-expression could be methodically sequenced and is not just a concept out of the blue. Company A provides services and expertise for all types of residential, office, commercial space, standard star hotel, and club interior design projects, interior decoration projects, interior design project management services, and supervision and management services.
Company A participated for the first time in the South Korea S.S. company flagship store design competition. The amount of the prize was considerably large, which led to stiff competition among the participants from Company A itself. Company A employed the competitive strategy in business ethics and make trade-offs. Under the test of personnel loyalty, should Company A utilize the cooperation strategy to obtain resources for immediate benefits or to exploit the advantages of advanced knowledge under the constraints of norms to prevent follow-ups?
Company A should maintain the core concept of the enterprise to meet the challenges of the future to avoid the recurrence of similar circumstances. Company A should also adjust its business model of project management, automation, and customization to reduce project management costs and risks and to improve the overall competitiveness and production efficiency of the design industry.
In this study, the heuristic structure, business model, core competency, S.W.O.T. analysis, and game theory were used to discuss the topic of the Harvard Case Study. The expected contributions to the development of the interior design business are as follows:
1.Foster the use of small and medium-sized enterprise project management systems;
2.Enhance the performance of industrial management and technology upgrading, and reduce project risks and costs;
3.Ensure practical application and added value.

摘要 I ABSTRACT III 誌謝 V 目錄 VI 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 IX 第一章、 個案本文 1 1.1 台灣室內設計產業概況簡介 1 1.2 韓國S.S.公司旗艦店競圖事件 28 1.3 企業倫理與利益間的取捨-競爭策略的選擇 32 1.4 拂曉出擊前的夜間行進 33 1.5 個案未來挑戰與總結 44 第二章、 個案討論 46 2.1 個案總覽 46 2.2 教學目標與適用課程 59 2.3 學生課前討論問題 62 2.4 個案人物背景 63 2.5 個案分析 64 2.6 課程目標一:誘導式結構分析探討 65 2.7 課程目標二:商業模式的探討 74 2.8 課程目標三:核心能耐(Core Competence) 78 2.9 課程目標四:SWOT Analysis 81 2.10 課程目標五:賽局與策略分析探討 85 2.11 教學建議 89 2.12 板書規劃 95 參考文獻 96

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