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研究生: 尹以修
論文名稱: 結合模糊、DCOR與紮根理論於新產品開發流程重新設計之研究
A Fuzzy DCOR-based NPD process redesign approach with grounded theory
指導教授: 歐陽超
Ou-Yang Chao
口試委員: 陳正綱
Cheng-Kang Chen
Kung-Jeng Wang
Yuan-Chieh Cheng
Kuo-Chen Hung
Ou-Yang Chao
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 77
中文關鍵詞: 模糊理論設計鏈運作參考模式紮根理論設計架構矩陣
外文關鍵詞: Fuzzy Theory, Design Chain Operational Reference, Grounded Theory, Design Structure Matrix
相關次數: 點閱:567下載:0
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本模式係以DCOR(Design Chain Operations Reference-model)為設計參考基礎,初始利用語意和原研發流程(As-Is)作一比對,並為求得更精確的數據,將模糊理論的模糊集合(Fuzzy Sets)表達方式納入方法內,並研究一套合理的公式運算兩者語意比對的結果,透過Design Structure Matrix(DSM)之特性將研發流程做順序、平行與相容之排列處理,進而產生所建議的研發流程(To-Be),再透過實際的研發UAV(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)的案例,針對原研發流程(As-Is)與所建議的研發流程(To-Be)作一比較。

最後,本研究利用紮根理論(Grounded Theory)之資料收集及分析的方法,以驗證本研究的相關結果,確實可提供未來研發過程之標竿學習的參考模式。

This research proposes a benchmarking-based process redesign approach for a new product design chain. The proposed method compares the semantic similarities of the design activities in the As-Is process with the activities in the Design Chain Operations Reference-model (DCOR).

Fuzzy set theory is implemented in comparing semantic similarities to avoid subjective views. Then a Design Structure Matrix (DSM) is employed to streamline the redesign process and form a To-Be process.

Finally, Grounded Theory (GT) is used to evaluate the To-Be process according to five Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and to identify the pros and cons of the practice. The proposed approach has been implemented in the re-engineering of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) design process. The results show that the To-Be process is more effective than the As-Is process.

論文摘要 i ABSTRACT ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iii TABLE OF CONTENTS iv LIST OF TABLES vii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW AND PROBLEM DESCRIPTION 3 2.1 Design Chain Operation Reference 3 2.2 WordNet and Semantic Similarity 4 2.3 Fuzzy Set Theory 5 2.4 Design Structure Matrix 7 2.5 Grounded Theory 8 2.6 Problem Description 9 CHAPTER 3 THE PROPOSED APPROACH 10 3.1 Constructing Semantic Similarity Trees 11 3.2 Semantic Similarity Analysis by Fuzzy sets 12 3.2.1 Comparing semantic similarity between activities in DCOR and As-Is 12 3.2.2 Mapping semantic similarity of Input /Output data 17 3.2.3 Result of mapping 19 3.3 As-Is NPD process logic redesign 21 3.4 Redesigned NPD process adjustment 22 3.5 To-Be NPD process evaluation 24 CHAPTER 4 AN EMPIRICAL CASE 26 4.1 Adjusting to As-Is for semantic similarity with DCOR 27 4.2 Constructing Semantic similarity tree 30 4.3 Semantic similarity analysisby Fuzzy sets 30 4.4 As-Is NPD process logic redesign 30 4.5 Redesigned NPD process adjusting 31 4.6 To-Be UAV NPD process evaluation 34 CHAPTER5 DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH 39 5.1 Discussions 39 5.2 Conclusions 39 5.3 Suggestions for Future Research 40 REFERENCE 41 APPENDIX A.1 Input /Output data of DCOR NPD Process 47 APPENDIX A.2 Input /Output data of As-Is Process 49 APPENDIX B GT evaluation -- Questions and Content of Interview 51 APPENDIX C Analysis of interview results with Open, Axial and Selective Coding 61

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