簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 陳世平
Shih-Ping Chen
論文名稱: 機器設備維修5E質量模型發展:根本原因與紮根理論的應用
Developing a 5E Quality Model for Equipment Maintenance on RCA and Grounded Theory
指導教授: 詹朝基
Chao-Chi Chan
口試委員: 劉漢榆
Yong-Lin Kuo
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 自動化及控制研究所
Graduate Institute of Automation and Control
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 120
中文關鍵詞: 設備維修系統思維根本原因分析紮根理論陰陽五行模型
外文關鍵詞: Equipment Maintenance, Systems Thinking, Root Cause Analysis, Grounded Theory, Yin-Yang Five Elements Model
相關次數: 點閱:310下載:6
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透過系統思維是破除「見樹不見林」的觀點,全面性考量問題關鍵因素因果關係。本研究案例藉由根本原因分析(root cause analysis)方法,分析個案的設備維修報告與相關資料,再利用紮根理論編碼程序,配合質性研究資料分析軟體(NVivo 8),初步歸納問題核心。並依陰陽五行模型,簡化成五大範疇及內隱、外顯二面向,形成5x2模型。以實際案例的多寡,搭配雷達圖計算範疇間彼此量化關係,建立「5E質量模型」。

As the basis to continuously improve equipment production, an analysis of case-study data concerning problems during equipment utilization is viewed as the fundamental tenet in total quality management. It also serves as one of the key strategies towards a more profitable equipment production.

Our study was started from the concepts of systems thinking, namely, a problem-solving process to understand how things influence one another within a whole and to identify the determining factors in a complex situation. This approach effectively eliminates the problem of “can't see the forest for the trees”. In this study, the method of root cause analysis can be used to synthesize data and related information from equipment-maintenance cases. Next, the grounded theory is applied with the qualitative data analysis software (N Vivo 8) to make coding to identify the preliminary root causes of the problems. And a Yin-Yang Five Elements Model (5E Model) is introduced to simplify five major categories first. And we continue to discover and review their intrinsic and explicit characteristics as the Yin-Yang base to build up the 5x2 core model. Finally, 5E Quality Model is achieved in term of quantity of the equipment-maintenance cases, accompanied by the quantitative relationship of a radar map calculation.

In this thesis, we analyzed equipment malfunction case-study data in 2009 associated with the utilization in Taiwan of equipment from overseas equipment vendor. Our study constructed a real 5E Quality Model that consists of five major core categories: manufacturing, assembly, setting, application, and design. It provides both qualitative and quantitative judgment and interpretation of root causes. Therefore, the model would help equipment vendor to discover deeply the origin faults and hidden causes of problems in their equipment production process. Our study concluded that it is possible to eliminate the hidden sources of those problems during the initial design and production stages based on the systems thinking methodology and our proposed 5E Model.

摘要I AbstractII 誌謝III 目 錄IV 圖 目 錄VII 表 目 錄X 第一章緒論1 1.1研究背景與動機1 1.2研究主題與目的1 1.3研究範圍2 1.4論文架構4 第二章文獻探討6 2.1系統思維及陰陽五行模型的概念7 2.1.1系統思維7 2.1.2陰陽五行模型12 2.2根本原因分析14 2.2.1運用根本原因分析提升用藥安全案例16 2.2.2以根本原因分析探討消防分隊救護反應時間的延遲案例18 2.3質性研究資料分析與紮根理論研究方法20 2.3.1編碼21 2.4相關研究工具25 2.4.1彙整研究素材的Personal Brain軟體25 2.4.2質性研究資料分析軟體NVivo 8簡介28 2.5小結32 第三章系統思維的應用架構34 3.1研究背景34 3.2構想與核心概念35 3.3研究環境假設38 3.3.1機器設備問題檢修流程39 3.3.2徹底從源頭排除機器設備問題40 3.4研究目的與效益42 3.5研究步驟43 3.6研究方法46 3.7系統思維46 3.8陰陽五行學說的概念48 3.9根本原因分析RCA51 3.10紮根理論研究方法52 3.11建模程序54 3.12小結55 第四章個案分析與5E質量模型建置58 4.1個案簡述58 4.2案例分析工具59 4.3案例分析與實作流程59 4.3.1資料收集與調整59 4.3.2歸納核心範疇61 4.3.3建立5x2模型62 4.3.4建立5E質量模型62 4.4資料收集與調整63 4.5歸納核心範疇66 4.6建立5x2模型77 4.7建立5E質量模型80 4.8小結82 第五章案例檢討84 5.1本研究案例5E質量模型解析84 5.2案例的驗證89 5.3案例5E質量模型檢討93 5.4小結95 第六章結論與未來展望97 6.1結論97 6.2未來展望97 參考文獻99 附錄A 以Personal Brain 建立新Brain及輸入設備問題相關資料101 附錄B 使用NVivo 8 軟體開啟新的「 機台問題發生主因」專案104

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