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研究生: 湯治平
Chih-ping Tang
論文名稱: 跨領域電子商務對實體百貨影響-以H卡對S百貨為例
The Influence of E – Commerce on Department Stores’ Business — Take the Case of H Card to S Department Store
指導教授: 欒斌
Pin Luarn
口試委員: 吳宗成
Tzong-chen Wu
Ruey-huei Yeh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 67
中文關鍵詞: 電子商務百貨
外文關鍵詞: E – Commerce, Department Store
相關次數: 點閱:370下載:1
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  • 在金融海嘯過後消費者注重聰明消費方式,折扣戰成為百貨零售體系主要促銷方式。但是在折扣戰下所產生的銷售成本提高,百貨業必須尋找新興促銷方式以達到提高夜激烈潤目的。近年來「忠誠度方案」逐漸受到重視。企業為贏得消費者的注意與青睞,許多零售業業者紛紛推出「消費滿額集點」方案,但在這快速發展的經濟時代,單打獨鬥的行銷方式已不符合經濟效益。本研究將以企業集團所發行的「H卡」使用意願為主要研究目標。同時在實體百貨零售業下,結合H卡所創造的藍海時期。H卡有別於一般會員集點卡其可集點的店家及所可兌換的商品折扣有限。「這種聯合忠誠度集點卡」不僅可讓顧客更快速的累積點數,出門購物也不再需要攜帶多張會員卡。對於參與聯合忠誠度集點卡的廠商亦可分攤品牌、行銷成本更可共享顧客資料,建立顧客群以利於行銷活動的擬定與執行,提高異業結合的銷售機會。


    After financial tsunami, customers have smarter consuming manners, so the discount campaign becomes the major promotion strategy in the retailing business. However, discount results in the increasing of selling cost, retailers’ must seek for new promotion method to increase profits. In recently years, “the Loyal Method” is getting more attentions. Rather than one single method, many retailers are promoting “Purchase Stamp Collection”, and try to apply multi-promotion-methods in this rapid transforming era.
    This thesis aims at the customers’ willingness on using “H Card”, issued by one business group, and how this business group creates its “Blue Sea” among counterparts through the application H Card.
    The thesis analyzes the role of H Card and how it affects on the on-line shopping and the expansion of S department store. According to the research, under the prospects of discount campaign and on-line shopping, managers of department stores should value its selling achievement on the index of customer loyalty, and realize that the platform of electronic business is the weapon to retailers and department stores. This thesis also analyzes this innovative strategy brings positive results, especially in the stage of store expansion, the usage of H Card could collect the data of customers, and this information helps to settle the choice of goods at initial period, the adjustment of selling direction in the middle period, mange the customers at the mature period, and refer the suggestions of future management and investments.

    第一章 緒論1 第一節 研究動機1 第二節 研究目的2 第三節 研究方法7 第四節 研究範圍與限制8 第二章 文獻探討10 第一節 認同行銷概述10 第二節 品牌與策略行銷聯盟13 第三節 消費者之自我概念15 第四節 認同卡或集點卡概述16 第三章 研究架構19 第一節 台灣百貨零售業消費行為分析19 第二節 H卡對S百貨影響22 第三節 百貨零售消費者重視度分析24 第四節 跨領域電子商務平台的快速興起26 第五節 H卡的形象推廣26 第六節 H卡的兩岸擴展計畫31 第四章 集點卡的藍海策略35 第一節 S百貨天母店與H卡的擴展計畫35 第二節 天母店的業績設定與H卡的分析價值37 第三節 H卡的百貨全省效應與商圈變化分析40 第四節 S百貨與H卡的品牌結合41 第五節 現有實體百貨因應對策48 第五章 結論與建議53 第一節 結論53 第二節 建議54 參考文獻 ......................................................... 56 中文參考文獻 ..................................................56 英文參考文獻 ..................................................58

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