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研究生: 蘇怡誠
Yi-Cherng Su
論文名稱: 指控點選輸入裝置之改善設計與使用肌群疲勞測試
Redesign and EMG Evaluation of a Finger-Operated Pointing Input Device
指導教授: 李永輝
Yung-Hui Lee
口試委員: 鄭金典
Jin-Dean Cheng
Min-Yang Eric Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 112
中文關鍵詞: 點選輸入裝置指環手指操作人因設計肌電圖
外文關鍵詞: pointing input device, ring, finger-operate, ergonomic design, EMG
相關次數: 點閱:446下載:2
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本研究延續實驗室過去發展無空間障礙點選裝置之設計概念,改良設計一款使用自然姿勢的指控點選裝置FPD(Finger-operate Pointing input Device)。研究採兩階段實驗評估其實用性,共計19名受試者參與本實驗。
第一階段以Fitts' Law程式驗證操作績效,以滑鼠之操作績效為100%AP,FPD於點選、拖曳操作之平均績效分別達45.73%AP及39.32%AP,均高於主觀可接受操作績效30%AP。相較於前期研究,FPD的操作績效亦明顯獲得提昇。

Followed the concepts of using natural postures in the operations of a finger-operated pointing input device (FPD) that was developed earlier in this laboratory, the study redesigned and verified the performance and muscle loading on the hand. Two experiments were conducted and nineteen subjects were recruited for the studies.
Fitts’ law tests were used for performance comparisons in the first experiment. Operational efficiencies were normalized according to the efficiency of using MICROSOFT mouse. The result showed that the pointing and dragging operational efficiency of FPD was 45.73% and 39.32% of that of the mouse, respectively. They were improvements when compared with that of the previously developed FPD.
Comparisons of muscle loading on hand, using Logitech TrackMan and FPD, while playing Microsoft computer game “solitaire,” was conduced in the second experiment. The result showed that the number of times that fatigue occurred at Abductor pollicis longus using FPD was 10%, and was 40% for Opponens pollicis 40%. When using Logitech TrackMan Whell, they were 60% and 70%, respectively. On the contrary, fatigue occurred at the Adductor pollicis for 70% of FPD users’ and there were 10% while using Logitech TrackMan Whell. Subjectively comparing showed that whole appraisal for FPD is of the same level as that of the Logitech TrackMan Whell.
We attributed manly to the unfamiliarity of the users for lower performance and higher loading on the hand while using FPD. Improvement of pointing feedback and increase exercise time were suggested for the improvement of task performance.

目錄 摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 表目錄 VII 圖目錄 VIII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究目的 4 1.3 研究限制 5 1.4 研究架構 6 第二章 文獻探討 8 2.1 未來居家生活需求探討 8 2.2 點選裝置的演進及發展 11 2.2.1 點選裝置的市場現況 12 2.2.2 點選裝置的人因設計 14 2.3 長期使用及不當姿勢所造成之傷害 21 2.4 Fitts’ Law之應用和研究 24 2.5 EMG之應用和研究 27 2.5.1 輸入裝置之肌肉活動評估 27 2.5.2 肌肉疲勞之肌電訊號指標 30 2.6 小結 34 第三章 研究方法 36 3.1 設計概念之形成 36 3.2 FPD之發展概念 38 3.3 實驗設計與規劃 42 3.3.1 受試者募集 42 3.3.2 實驗變項 43 3.4 實驗儀器與設備 45 3.5 實驗程序 47 3.6 資料蒐集與分析 52 第四章 實驗結果分析 54 4.1 Fitts’ Law 實驗 54 4.1.1 作業時間與作業困難度之迴歸分析 54 4.1.2 主觀評比 57 4.2 EMG實驗 59 4.2.1 最大自主收縮(MVC)表現 59 4.2.2 肌電訊號時域(Time domain)分析 60 4.2.3 肌電訊號頻域(Frequency domain)分析 62 4.2.4 肌肉負荷程度分析 64 4.2.5 頻率與振幅合併分析(Joint Analysis of Spectra and Amplitude, JASA) 65 4.2.6 主觀評比 69 第五章 討論 71 5.1 滑鼠評估 71 5.2 羅技火星軌跡球評估 73 5.3 FPD評估 75 5.3.1 硬體設計與操作肌群對操作績效及疲勞的影響 75 5.3.2 裝置操作熟悉程度與疲勞的關係 78 5.3.3 其他個人主觀因素 81 第六章 結論與建議 82 6.1 結論 82 6.2 建議 84 參考文獻 86 附錄A 受試者同意書 95 附錄B 基本資料填寫 96 附錄C 主觀評比量表(Fitts’ Law) 97 附錄D 主觀評比量表(EMG) 98

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