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研究生: 吳安妤
An-Yu Wu
論文名稱: 改質鋯金屬有機骨架應用於光催化降解四環黴素
Modified Zirconium-based Metal Organic Frameworks for Photocatalytic Tetracycline Degradation
指導教授: 胡哲嘉
Che-Chia Hu
Min-Hsin Yeh
口試委員: 胡哲嘉
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 63
中文關鍵詞: 可見光鋯金屬有機框架非金屬摻雜共摻雜抗生素降解光觸媒
外文關鍵詞: Visible light, Zirconium Metal Organic Frames, Non-Metal Doping, Co-doping, Antibiotic degradation, Photocatalyst
相關次數: 點閱:115下載:0
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  • 由於人口迅速地增長,飲用水的需求增加,水資源的汙染成為社會關注的一項
    環黴素(Tetracycline, TCs)有著高親水性和低揮發性的特點,導致其容易持續存
    框架-MOF-808 作為觸媒材料,然而這項材料的缺點是光吸收的波長範圍有限,
    能透過改質的方式改善其缺陷。本研究選用非金屬摻雜的方式對 MOF-808 進行
    力。接著,我們以共摻雜的方式改質 MOF-808,將多巴胺黑色素膠體球以及對
    胺基苯甲酸共同摻雜入 MOF-808 中,並尋找最佳比例,成功結合了兩項摻雜物
    的優勢,並使光催化降解四環黴素之效率提升至 95 %。

    Due to the rapid population growth, the demand for drinking water has increased, and water resource pollution has become a major societal concern. In recent years, with the rapid development of the pharmaceutical, industrial, and medical sectors, the use of antibiotics has surged, making them a primary factor in water pollution. Among numerous antibiotics, tetracycline (TCs) is particularly problematic due to its high hydrophilicity and low volatility, which allow it to persist in aquatic environments and cause severe water pollution. Consequently, addressing tetracycline contaminants in water has garnered significant attention.
    This study explores the use of an environmentally friendly and low-cost photocatalytic degradation method combined with adsorption techniques to treat antibiotic contamination in water. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have recently gained prominence as catalysts due to their unique structures and large surface areas, which confer excellent adsorption capabilities. In this research, MOF-808, a zirconium-based MOF with high water stability, was selected as the catalyst material. However, a limitation of MOF-808 is its restricted light absorption range, which somewhat limits its application in photocatalysis. Given the tunable nature of MOF structures, modifications can be made to overcome this limitation.
    This study employed non-metal doping to modify MOF-808, comparing two dopants: p-aminobenzoic acid and dopamine melanin colloidal spheres, to determine the optimal doping ratio for effective visible light absorption. According to experimental results and instrumental analysis, dopamine melanin colloidal spheres and p-aminobenzoic acid were identified as enhancing visible light absorption and adsorption capacity,
    respectively. Subsequently, a co-doping approach was used to modify MOF-808, incorporating both dopamine melanin colloidal spheres and p-aminobenzoic acid to find the optimal ratio. This approach successfully combined the advantages of both dopants, enhancing the photocatalytic degradation efficiency of tetracycline to 95%.

    摘要 ​I Abstract​ II 致謝​ III 目錄​ IV 圖目錄​ V 表目錄 ​VII 第一章 緒論 ​1 第二章 文獻回顧​ 3 2-1 水質中的汙染物​ 3 2-1-1 抗生素特性介紹​ 5 2-1-2 常見的四環黴素處理方法​ 6 2-2 光觸媒​ 9 2-3 有機金屬框架特性​ 12 2.3.1 鋯基金屬有機框架介紹 ​14 2.3.2 材料改質​ 15 第三章 實驗方法與檢測儀器 ​17 3.1 實驗藥品及儀器 ​17 3.1.1 實驗藥品 ​17 3.1.2 實驗儀器​ 18 3.2 實驗步驟 ​19 3.2.1 鋯金屬有機框架製備 ​19 3.2.2光催化降解四環黴素​ 20 3.2.3電化學分析實驗​ 21 3.3 儀器分析原理​ 22 第四章 結果與討論 ​26 4.1 晶相結構分析 ​26 4.2 化學結構分析 ​27 4.3 表面結構分析​ 29 4.4 光學性質分析​ 32 4.5 電化學性質分析​ 34 4.6 吸附實驗​ 37 4.7 光催化降解實驗​ 38 4.8 回收測試 ​42 第五章 結論​ 44 參考文獻​ 45 附錄​ 51

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