簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 陳守傑
Shou-Jye Chen
論文名稱: 夾縫求生:良福保全在寡佔市場尋求服務創新利基
Survive in fissure: Liang Fu Security Ltd. among the oligopolistic markets to look for the niche of service Innovation.
指導教授: 葉明義
Ming-Yih Yeh
口試委員: 周子銓
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 70
中文關鍵詞: 藍海策略溝通與協調理論向上管理危機管理領導管理創新管理
外文關鍵詞: Blue ocean strategy, communication and coordination, management, crisis management, lead management, innovation management
相關次數: 點閱:546下載:5
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  • 民國66年,國產實業集團與日本最大的保全集團SECOM合資成立「中興保全股份有限公司」。由於當時臺灣尚未有同性質的行業,中興保全就此成為台灣第一家保全公司,3年後,新光保全也想瓜分市場龐大的商機,也與日本「綜合警備保障」技術合作,成為台灣的第二家保全公司,35年後的今天,台灣的保全產業已成長至700餘家,服務的類型包含「駐衛警保全」、「系統保全」、「運鈔保全」與「人身保全」,其中「系統保全」業者,有中興、新光二大系統保全龍頭經營近40年,全國市佔率超過80%,剩下的20%則由其他近100家的系統保全業者來瓜分,市場競爭的狀況可用慘烈來表達,可是卻仍有企業仍想「以小博大」、從一片紅海中找到藍天,並藉由服務的創新,找到跟消費者安全有密切關係的服務價值,進而也找到企業生存與發展的契機。

    Gold sun Group is a consortium in Taiwan, joint venture with Japan's largest security group, SECOM and establish the " Chung Hsing security CO.,LTD " in 1977. At that time there have no similar Enterprise in Taiwan. That company became the first security company in Taiwan. There years after the “ Shinkong Security CO.,LTD” also cooperate with " Sohgo Security Services CO., LTD " in Japan. It became of second security company in Taiwan. Thirty years after of today, Taiwan’s security company has growth to more than 700 companies ,The industry service of type contains "security guard", and "security system ", and " Cash transport security " and " The bodyguards ", which operation " security system "company including " Chung Hsing security CO.,LTD " and“ Shinkong Security CO.,LTD” leading business near 40 years, The marketing share over 80%, left of 20% market share by other 100 security company, So the situation about competition of market are Very tragic, but still has some enterprise wants to against and challenges to the big Enterprise , and found the blue strategy, and through service of innovation, found with consumers security has close relationship of service value.
    This case is discussion a security company which operation more than 20 years, one of the career sector have high Profits annually, But the another career sector continuous losses more than ten years, But what kind of power and idea, to let the operators still insisted not gave up, The General Manager(Zhang Bo-yao ) being a leader of the sector why can bear from Board of pressure, and stand other sector of cold statements, and He still can insisted to seeks service innovation, And also support by the Board of Directors and acquire trust and authorization and support any kind sources from the CEO, Let "on of security value can through innovation service of concept to achieved", this is General Manager Responsible for the sector most need priority solution of work, but It’s incoming of also has internal colleagues against change of challenge, innovation process by suffered of technology, and funds ,human resources of gap, are need all be solution,
    Via the innovation concept of insisted, and commitment to the chief of boards, and reached career sector target of determination and let the customer find the real security service value, Besides through participate Government big project and implementation, let company and the Government of resources to also note service innovation concept and implementation in information system of development, and let project and enterprise marketing strategy can combined together, then resolve a wave of internal led crisis, and resources lack, and innovation footsteps blocked, problem, After ten years hard of the business, The business goal almost achieved, but there have another big challenge wait in ahead, this kind of " Face to the business difficulties still persist in Innovation " of spirit, and use the innovation to found Enterprise business direction, even challenge to the leading industry who have gap for the service process and innovation of insisted, whether also can change organization internal of fully effect energy, whether can let enterprise continued thrive, and has continued of competitiveness, will is he must overcome of another problem

    目 錄 摘 要II ABSTRACTIII 誌 謝V 目 錄1 表目錄3 圖目錄4 引言5 壹、保全產業概況6 一、台灣「保全產業」的興起6 (一)社會治安惡化、安全防治需求增加6 (二)保全產業定義與服務模式8 二、保全產業現況與發展11 貳、良福保全公司概況描述14 一、公司成立的願景與核心理念14 二、公司經營策略及理念14 三、公司營運概況及財務狀況16 參、個案本文20 一、化解外行領導內行的危機21 (一)對外拚搏,先要穩定內部21 (二)團結對外,必須在專業上超越22 二、找到生存下去的關鍵,堅持今日不做明日要後悔的態度22 (一)尋找新的服務元素,創造服務新價值23 (二)內部雜音四起,阻礙服務創新之路26 三、大膽的服務創新,導入新產品與服務內容26 (一)為了達成服務創新目標,尋求異業結盟,利用科技大膽創新27 (二)同業齊聲笑看曇花,等待服務創新的衝動消失27 (三)堅持的態度,成為支持下去持續運營的力量28 四、持續服務創新的腳步,透過資源導入逆勢再起28 (一)積極參與國家型計畫,驗證服務創新能量29 (二)獲得資方肯定,創新成為必須成功的責任30 五、初嚐服務創新成果,相信明天會更好32 (一)因服務創新成果與顯現的發展趨勢,讓同業協議聯盟32 (二)服務創新內容帶動異業尋求合作33 六、尾聲34 肆、個案討論37 一、個案總覽37 (一)教學目標38 (二)課前準備40 (三)適用課程與對象40 (四)教學總覽40 (五)問題與參考答案41 二、教學建議63 三、板書64 (一)教學個案板書1:外行領導內行的危機64 (二)教學個案板書2:紅海與藍海策略比較64 (三)教學個案板書3:服務創新構面內涵65 (四)教學個案板書4:領導的行為理論65 伍、參考文獻66 一、中文部分66 二、英文部分67 三、參考網站70

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