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Author: 賴俊佑
Chin - Yu Lai
Thesis Title: LTE之動態可調式節能機制設計
Design of Dynamic and Adjustable Power Saving Mechanisms for LTE
Advisor: 馮輝文
Huei Wen Ferng
Committee: 鄭傑
Jay Cheng
Jia Chin Lin
Ben Jang
Ray Guang Cheng 
Degree: 碩士
Department: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
Thesis Publication Year: 2014
Graduation Academic Year: 102
Language: 中文
Pages: 56
Keywords (in Chinese): 長程演進節能非連續接收動態
Keywords (in other languages): LTE, Power Saving, DRX, Dynamic
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  • 在長程演進技術 (LTE)非連續接收模式 (Discontinuous Reception, DRX)節能機制中,睡眠區間是固定的兩種長度,這將造成行動用戶裝置 (User Equipment, UE)於進入較省電之節能模式時延遲 (Delay)大,而進入延遲較短之節能模式時能源消耗 (Power consumption)高。為了改善這種現象,本論文提出了兩類動態可調式非連續接收模式 (Dynamic and Adjustable DRX, DADRX),以提供用戶多種彈性睡眠區間,以根據行動用戶裝置能源消耗與延遲做出彈性的選擇。透過兩種不同的調整方式使行動用戶裝置在偏向省電狀態時可縮短其延遲,或讓行動用戶裝置在偏向低延遲時減少其能源耗損,不但給予行動用戶裝置更多種休眠區間的選擇,且同時兼顧延遲及能源耗損。透過分析及模擬比較,本論文所提之兩類DADRX機制將比原始DRX機制更能兼顧能源耗損及延遲間的平衡,以提供運作彈性。

    The two fixed sleep periods in the DRX (Discontinuous Reception) scheme of LTE bring huge delay if the UE (User Equipment) enters the power saving mode with low power consumption or more power consumption if the UE enters the power saving mode with low delay. To provide flexibility on this tradeoff, two kinds of dynamic and adjustable discontinuous reception (DADRX) schemes, which offer various sleep periods to UEs, and flexibility on the tradeoff between power consumption and delay, is proposed in this thesis. With such two kinds of DADRX, delay can be reduced when the UE is in the power saving mode with low power consumption or power consumption can be lowered when it is in the power consumption mode with low delay. Therefore, more selective sleep periods as well as better tradeoff between dealy and power consumption are offered simultaneously to better fit the needs of users. Via both analytic and simulation approaches, better balance between power consumption and delay and flexibility can be achieved by two kinds of DADRX as compared to the original DRX scheme in LTE.

    中文摘要 i 英文摘要 ii 目錄 iii 表格目錄 v 圖形目錄 vi 1 緒論 1 1.1 LTE系統..................................1 1.2 DRX省電機制...............................2 2 相關文獻回顧 6 3 動態可調式節能機制 9 3.1 動態可調式節能機制概念.......................9 3.1.1 動態可調式睡眠狀態.......................9 3.1.2 動態節能...............................9 3.2 行動用戶裝置能源消耗模型.....................10 3.2.1 行動用戶裝置能源消耗與RRC信令負擔..........10 3.2.2 RRC信令負擔相關計算......................11 3.2.3 廣化(Generalized)行動用戶裝置能源消耗模型..12 3.3 動態可調式節能機制..........................13 3.3.1 DADRX-m...............................14 3.3.2 P-DADRX...............................15 4 節能機制分析 20 4.1 各種節能機制分析............................20 4.1.1 LTE DRX數學分析.........................20 4.1.2 CDA-DRX之分析..........................20 4.2 DADRX-m之數學分析..........................21 4.3 P-DADRX之數學分析..........................23 5 數值結果與討論 26 5.1 環境與參數設定..............................26 5.2 結果與討論.................................26 5.2.1 I Counter與D Counter之設定討論...........27 5.2.2 DADRX-m之討論...........................29 5.2.3 P-DADRX之qz,k值設定.....................31 5.2.4 P-DADRX之討論...........................34 5.2.5 DRX各機制之比較與討論.....................36 6 總結與未來展望 40 參考文獻 41 誌謝 45 表格目錄 1.1 DRX參數與其說明.............................4 5.1 DADRX-3與LTE DRX之相對效能表現...............31 5.2 P-DADRX(ρ=0.7)與LTE DRX之相對效能表現........36 圖形目錄 1.1 LTE架構。..................................2 1.2 LTE之DRX機制圖示。..........................3 1.3 DRX流程圖。................................5 3.1 DADRX睡眠狀態及其轉移.......................10 3.2 LTE UE能源耗損模型.........................11 3.3 DRX之RRC信令圖示(以週期遞減為例)。............11 3.4 廣化之能源消耗模型。.........................13 3.5 DADRX-m機制之睡眠階級。......................14 3.6 P-DADRX機制之狀態轉移機率。..................15 5.1 12個DADRX睡眠狀態及其轉移。..................27 5.2 不同σ及ε設定下之延遲。.......................27 5.3 不同σ及ε設定下之功率耗損因子。................28 5.4 不同σ及ε設定下之睡眠比例。....................28 5.5 DADRX-m於不同m值設定下的延遲表現。............29 5.6 DADRX-m於不同m值設定下的功率耗損因子表現。......30 5.7 DADRX-m於不同m值設定下的能源消耗表現(毫瓦特)。..30 5.8 DADRX-m於不同m值設定下的睡眠比例。............32 5.9 不同ρ與τ設定下之延遲。.......................32 5.10 不同ρ與τ設定下之能源消耗因子。.................33 5.11 不同ρ與τ設定下之睡眠比例。....................33 5.12 P-DADRX於不同ρ值設定下的延遲表現。............34 5.13 P-DADRX於不同ρ值設定下的功率耗損因子表現。......35 5.14 P-DADRX於不同ρ值設定下的能源消耗表現(毫瓦特)。..35 5.15 P-DADRX於不同ρ值設定下的睡眠比例。............36 5.16 各種不同節能機制於延遲方面之比較。.............37 5.17 各種不同節能機制於功率耗損因子方面之比較。.......38 5.18 各種不同節能機制於能源消耗方面之比較。..........38 5.19 各種不同節能機制於睡眠比例方面之比較。..........39

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